Cyrus told Mocavi, "How long do you have to stay here. Bayi [ .81ZW.COM"

Cyrus just passed the most tense noon in his life, why? Autumn is the harvest season. After a fruitful and hard work in the morning, Cyrus is like an ordinary man, expecting to return home after a hard time, there is a table with his love prepared by his lover, staring at him with a loving lunch But, nothing, he saw his fiancee and a wanted criminal joking together. For lunch, even the minimum love is ...

"She is not a wanted criminal." This was the explanation given by Brill after being pulled aside by Cyrus, "It's my friend."

"Your friend? Where did you make this kind of friend?"

"What kind of friend? I said, she is not a wanted criminal." Brill dropped Cyrus and ignored it.

Can't ignore it, and then, it's the rhythm of a little racket running away from home again.

So Cyrus stayed alert when he was cooking, paying attention to the conversation between his fiancée and the wanted criminal. It was a very disturbing conversation, by the way. Two women were exchanging strange ways of doing things: when someone throws strange eyes What to do when you are crying, crying, so that everyone can retreat, or indifferently pretending not to see it, or, smiling at each other, to the point of shame. Yes, madman's way of doing things.

All the rest of Cyrus's mind is trying to get closer to the phone. Ceres wanted to call the police.

But this little wish was realized at lunch, because Mocavi even took the fork away (Mocavi did not eat human lunch), staring at Ceres all the way, "You are waiting The phone? A good man. If you do n’t concentrate on eating, you will have no energy, no energy, no physical energy, no physical energy, and your life will not be good. Right, Brill. "

Brill smiled.

Ceres's face was crushed by a rainbow, and his tolerance was limited. "How long will you stay here."

"I don't know." Mocavi looked at Brill. "Bub ..." This is the nickname Mocavi gave Brill unauthorized. "How long do you say I will stay here?"

"One afternoon." Brill looked good. "Afternoon Cyrus is going to work, you accompany me."

"No!" Cyrus stared at Brill. "I'm not going out this afternoon! I will be with you at home!"

"No, you go to work in the afternoon, and I don't want you to accompany you." Brear waved her hand very simply.

"I want to accompany!" Cyrus insisted for a moment, just to stare at Mocavi. Individuals should be conscious and should not continue to disturb the host's men and women.

It's a pity that Mokawi is not an ordinary person. "Good job, go to work in the afternoon. I have a lot of things to talk with Bubu ~"

Cyrus got up from the chair and did something quite stupid but inexplicably reasonable.

He walked to the bedroom with a short toppling sound, and came out with a small revolver in his hand, then lifted Brill with one hand, pointed at Mocavi, and moved to the phone, "Don't move, I will shoot "" Forcibly squeezed Brill behind him, picked up the handset, clipped it to his shoulder, and started dialing.

Mokawi and Brill stared at each other, blinking, and Brill spoke, "Stop it, Serris, I said, she is not a wanted criminal."

"Then she can talk to the police!" Ceres sullenly, wondering what kind of mood she had actually remained calm, waiting for the dial of the phone to slowly roll back.

The good mood on Brill ’s face was gone. Without any precautions, Cyrus directly pulled off the phone line and looked at the face that Cyrus could not understand. "You do n’t believe me. I said She is my friend, not a wanted criminal. "

"Brill!" Cyrus did not forget to continue to point the small revolver at Mocavi. "How do you ..."

Mocavi moved at this time, very humanized, slowly stood up, left the table, leaving her motionless lunch, "Bubu, I think I should go, we will talk next time."

"Don't go." Brier's eyes crossed the Sires that was in front of him, and his tone was a little impatient. "Just use your Tortodo's eyes to erase his memory and let him work. Go, we continue to talk. "

Ceres had a brief confusion.

"Not now." Mocavi shook his head with a smile. "Oh, I talked to you all morning. I feel very good now. It's fine." Zac said, Mocavi's ability is unstable, one for a while. The man is the entire thirteen clan, a waste of nothing for a while, "There is no Torrido feeling ..." This was interrupted by Mocavi's description of his comfortable mood.

"Why, what do you mean? Erase my memory, are you talking about me?"

Briar did not speak, ignoring Cyrus's frowning question.

Mokawi waved his hand, "I'm gone, we will talk next time, or, you know where to find me ~"

"Well, okay." Brielle nodded.

"Wait a minute, you ..." Mocavi had already walked out of the door, no matter what Cyrus and Brielle said, it was no longer about her.

Mokawi, still hung as a wanted criminal, did not waste any time on the road--

"Then, do you want me to investigate it for you, do you?" Zac was behind the desk and confirmed to Fisher.


"Okay, I'll help you." Zac said this suddenly stood up and glanced at the window behind him.

Mokawi walked briskly into Benjamin's warehouse. Hey, out of nowhere, Zac pursed his lips and sat back at his desk.

Fischer didn't seem to notice Zac's inexplicable behavior. He raised his eyebrows, "You agreed?"

"Well, I promised." Zac adjusted his mood. "But, I promised to help you investigate, so do n’t trust me. You also said, this kind of thing is not suitable for anyone to feel, even if I am a gray professional. Pay attention. If this is an entrustment, Grande will have a position. At that time, in the professional circle, even if it is for intelligence acquisition, my behavior will become inconvenient. "

"Yes, yes!" Fischer nodded. "My idea is that I don't want anyone to know that I am doing this business! So I hesitated for a long time." For this reason, Fischer came to the West Side to have a personal relationship. Grand for business.

Fischer also considered so comprehensive, and Zac was relieved that the commission would definitely have a result, no matter how good or bad, help, huh, huh, this is help, the result is good or bad, all help.

Fischer propped up the armrest of the chair and stood up again. "It's not a commission. Although I can't pay Grande directly, you can rest assured that I know what you want." Fischer stretched out his right hand and squinted. Looking down, "Anthony." Was not too meaningful, and it was very straightforward, "Don't worry, Quinn's position in the mayor's campaign has always been very clear, and Smith, these two happen to be with you Grande. The relationship is the most trusted. So, I think Anthony should be what your Grande wants. "

Zac smiled, "Oh, our little funeral home, what do you think of the mayor's campaign." Naturally, it was hypocritical, holding Fisher's hand, "but only Benjamin's veteran, I have always been more grateful for the mayor ’s policy care. "

Remember Susan's end, mentioned in Grande, Ethela is fighting for the Fisher family, very good, a help that can't even be entrusted, can let Ethera completely give up.

Fisher shook his grip vigorously. "Then I will send some materials in the afternoon." A little more serious, "These materials must not be known to outsiders."

"Don't worry." Zac nodded seriously, and gave away the gift politely.

Only went downstairs, and the car that saw Fischer left, and there was already a person standing behind him. Bumi, who came out of the basement, "Dora is still with Louise below."

"How's it going?" Zack asked.

"It's almost the same. Louise's mood is already normal. This time, she really wiped out a republican alien. For the past few days, she and Mo, her feelings of suffering and loss have come to an end, and should return to normal soon."

Zac nodded. "That's fine."

"What about you?" Asked Bumi.

"Very well, he asked me to help investigate the missing illegal workers in Port Massa. In exchange, he campaigned for Mayor Anthony in the mayor's campaign." Zac smiled. The smile at this time may be different from the one just now. Tell the truth.

"He doesn't know what's going on at all, right?" Bumi shook his head, to Fisher, well, not to regret, but simply worthless.

"He doesn't need to know." Zach glanced at Bumi, and his sincere smile was a little serious. "But this matter is not easy to deal with. At least now, when I confirm that I will take over, I still don't know what to do. do."

"We need more information, at least to find out whether Mayor Anthony's concerns are true." Bumi said something we didn't know, it didn't matter.

"He will let people send information in the afternoon, but I wonder if Fisher will tell me the details of each node of this labor chain so confidently." Zac looked at Bumi seriously, "And, I still don't want to Minxin people face. "Be clear, now talking about illegal labor, so please do n’t think of Morrelin, a five yuan store or Spira, you ca n’t use cheap labor, then, Minxin people here, only It could be a feast, Oz Kozier, "It's too much effort, and it's very easy to make mistakes." Zack doesn't want to admit it, but he must admit it. Mind reading and enchanting pupil have the same place, but they are completely different, neither side is easy to guard against, "I need you."

Bumi bent the corner of his mouth and took a picture of Zac. "You still use it. As before, you are in the bright place, we are in the dark place. Together, we are invincible."

Zac waved his hand with a smile, and walked to the backyard. "I still remind you that our invincibility is a century ago. I may be rusty." Just knowing that Zac pointed to Benjamin's warehouse, indicating that Bumi didn't need to follow.

Bumi is very alert and lifts his chin and stays on the back porch. He does n’t want to see Mocavi, but Zac must go to see it because Benjamin ’s warehouse is where Mocavi and Benjamin are discussing Zac. , Still a bad discussion-

Mocavi is complaining that he is still a wanted criminal, and he needs to be prompted why Mocavi is a wanted criminal because of Zac. Zach pushed out of the boat along Coosen's water in order to let Nofiler find himself in Button, and made the wanted order.

As he walked into the warehouse, Mokawi was still complaining, "Although that little revolver is not threatened at all, it feels bad to be pointed at by the weapon, and Bubu is embarrassed."

To make matters worse, Benjamin didn't maintain Zac. He was concerned that Zac was speechless. "I can't see that Cyrus can do this kind of thing. The impression is that he is a very honest guy."

The focus of Zac ’s speechless, naturally, is normal communication for Mocavi, "Yeah, and he is not currently filling the bomb, then the left wheel is taken out from under the pillow is full of bombs."

What this means is that Cyrus put a loaded gun under the pillow, which is more than Coosen's wife hiding the gun in the kitchen ... more ... I don't know how to express it.

"Is it helpful to put a gun on the bed?" Hearing from you, Brill seems to like to mention this matter. "

"Well, emotionally help, gun,‘ gun ’, is n’t this a common metaphor for men, it ’s a loaded gun ~”

This topic has jumped to the point where Zac is confused. "Benjamin." Zac looked at the two men with helpless faces. "Can I talk to Mokawi."

Benjamin's expression with a good thing interrupted, "This is my warehouse."

Zac rubbed his lips and gave Benjamin a ‘Are you serious? right now? ’S eyes.

Benjamin waved his hand and got up and left, leaving Mokawi.

"Little Zac, do you want to chat with me?" Mocavi looked at Zac just as well.

"Well, I want to talk." Zach's eyes twitched. From Monday, he was trying hard to delay this must happen. Obviously, it has not been delayed, "Mocavi, please be reasonable, you can't blame me for letting You became a wanted criminal. I did n’t even know that you were still in the Federation. "

"I can't?" Mokawi looked at him curiously, tilting his head. "I know that Torrido has no respect for me and the entire clan of Mokawi, but I can't even complain?"

It must be negated altogether, "How come there is no respect." Zac also made a salute now, "We are just not good at communicating with you."

"Okay, I can understand." Mokawi waved his hand generously. "But I still have to complain. You make it hard for me to draw my attention, hehe, a descendant candidate."

Zac does n’t want to comment on the meaning of this sentence. Mokawi ca n’t take the topic away. Once he takes off, Zac feels powerless to pull it back. “The matter of the wanted order is being processed. Something bothers me, I promise. "

"Oh?" Mocavi raised his eyebrows, looking very interested. "What to do?"

"If you haven't been here only for Benjamin these days ..." Zac almost shook his head, adjusted his emotions, and re-started, "You don't have to worry about it, just leave it to us."

"Oh, I like this statement, just give it to you, huh. Well, you can go, call Benjamin back ~"

Zac ... (to be continued.)

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