The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 24: Vampire Wizard

It wasn't until the time for the Southern District to wash and sleep that Grandry arrived at the last visitor today ...

No, not a visitor, no visitor came with his suitcase. Eight √ one Chinese network W √ www. 81ZW. Com

"So!" Sam's expectant face about to start a new life. "Where do I sleep?" His sight was clearly drifting towards Benjamin's warehouse. It seemed that he had already done his homework, even where Alpha of Patton slept. Got it, "My ..." looked back at Zac, and became a little strange, "Master? Master Vampire? Alpha Vampire Edition ..."

Zac looked at the wizard with a complicated mood. "Zac is enough. Don't repeat the meaningless names."

"Okay, Zac." Sam started turning over his luggage, flipping out a finger-length puppet among some of Zac's seemingly incomprehensible objects (voodoo props), and handed it to Zac.

Zac doesn't want to pick it up, it's a species instinct-as a vampire, don't just touch what the Wizard Anan handed you. This is the same as not drinking red liquid, "What is this."

"Uh, a little insurance." Sam raised an eyebrow. "You don't know this?"

"Should I know." Zac stared at the puppet stretched out in front of him, pouting.

"It's, uh, Alpha controls the wizard's stuff. If the wizard wants to rebel or run away, uh." Sam turned his head and "crushed it."

Zac frowned, he really didn't know there was such a so-called insurance between the werewolf and the wolf pack wizard.

It ’s not Zack ’s ignorance, it ’s something like this that is clearly a secret of a wolf pack, and it ’s impossible to show it casually. Do n’t expect Benjamin to tell Zac this kind of thing. Benjamin has no wizards. Zac also knows very clearly that his interracial friend hates the concept of wolves and wizards. He does n’t usually mention it at all, so he wo n’t be told that Kind of thing.

Now Zac is not even expecting such a secret, he is in front of himself. You can even see the tiny puppet's arm swaying in the air under the shaking that Sam can. Zac is still not ready to take it, "I don't need this insurance."

Sam raised an eyebrow and didn't take back the puppet in his hand. "I am very grateful for your trust, but only when you accept it will I feel true trust."

Zac twitched his mouth, even if it was a twisted attitude, Zac could understand the meaning of this sentence-I gave you my life, you can trust me without fear. Any effort and trust that does not reach this level is not a manifestation of Sam ’s lifestyle. Bo Qi's Mu En's extreme opposite.

Zach held out two fingers, picked up the puppet in Sam ’s hand, and said, "Where do I put this thing, hey." Inexplicably took someone's life, whether it was from Zac to the witch The personal rejection of surgery, or the empathy of the same living body, Zack was not very comfortable, and in his mood, "I do n’t want one day you suddenly broke your arm, the result is that the Great Dane stepped on this thing."

Sam looked at Zac's completely disgusted and not daring gestures. The expression on his face did not know whether it was funny or helpless. "Oh, personally, I hope you keep it close to you ..."

"It's not possible. I'm not interested in carrying such a thing with me." Zac directly refused. "Other suggestions."

"Say some truth, my Zack ..."

Uh, Zac should let Sam call his master, my Zac? None of Louise ever called it.

"... Don't you think I should recommend it no matter where you put it. I should have no idea where you put this thing." Sam replied sincerely.

Zac's mouth was crooked and crooked, and the other hand pulled out the handkerchief, yes, Zac had this kind of thing on his body, wrapped the puppet, stuffed it into his pocket, temporarily.

"Second floor, second room on the right." Matthew's room is also the reason why Matthew Grande lives on both sides of the house. Grande without a room (Maya) occasionally has a room.

"Okay." Not a disappointment. He should have the consciousness that it was impossible to get in touch with Alpha Benjamin on the first day, but as long as he has become a vampire, he has a status and settles here again. Isn't it a matter of time?

Zac didn't accompany him, and looked at Sam as he entered the room and went upstairs. He pulled out the puppet wrapped in a handkerchief and pointed it at the gap in the floor of the back porch. Yes, those rainy days were filled with mud by Lola. Gap, let go. Make sure that the puppet is buried in a pile of debris that the ghost knows how to get into the cracks in the floor-branches, soil, pizza boxes, plastic bags or something. I can't see it. Zach looked at the handkerchief in his hand. Skimmed and stuffed it back in his pocket.

Zac still had to wait for someone. After Mo went to the fallen angel—Mary Church in the morning, he never came back and did not contact. Zac was prepared to wait until the lights of the last farm household facing the west and far away turned off, and Mo had not returned, so he called to ask about the situation.

Zac did not go to the port of Massa with Dora and Bumi tonight. Is n’t it necessary to wait for Sam? In addition, according to the information given by Fisher, there is no cargo ship with laborers entering the port, so only the work of investigating aliens is checked. No need to go. Another point is helpless. Spella took the wizard and Dora and they went together, saying that it was a tacit understanding between allies. Zac didn't want to go and find it boring.

"Who lived in my room before?" Sam came down again and asked behind Zac.

"That's not your room, it's Matthew's." Zac corrected it. "You can just sleep there. When Matthew is in, you want to let."

"Matthew." Sam raised an eyebrow. "He's a werewolf, a young wolf, and a young wolf of Alpha."

Zac didn't respond, looking at the western lights.

"Sibera told something. She said that Matthew was an accident. It was made by Alpha in advance during the full moon cycle ..."

Zac waved his hand, how should the vampire communicate with the wizard who gave his life to himself, and our Zac is also groping, is this not the responsibility that the pioneers must shoulder, "If you want to somehow The topic got Benjamin. "Zac pointed to Benjamin's warehouse." I suggest you go straight to save more time. I'm Torrido. "Zac glanced at Sam," I can talk to you all night , From the philosophy of encountering life in life. "About Matthew is an accident," but it does not touch Benjamin at all, I hope you want to be clear. "

Sam's expression was a bit helpless, a little curious, and a little self-deprecating. "That ..." was still tentative, "I, passed?" Facing the direction of the warehouse.

Zac raised his hand, meaning to be casual, "Remind you where Mocavi is." Just like reminding John. With some inexplicable emotion, Zac didn't want to see the wizard he had just obtained for a while, and he returned in that gesture like John in the afternoon.

Sam, who was just about to step up, stepped back again, pursing his lips, "Mocavi? Really?"

Not bad. Uh, Zac does n’t know where his good mood came from, okay, at least his wizard is not as arrogant as John, which is worth it.

"You look confused." Zac glanced at Sam.

"Well, confused." Sam shook his head, and Zac couldn't understand the complicated expression.

Sam stayed silent for a while and smiled at Zac. "Now, I don't need to hide from you now. I still don't quite understand why Alpha would be with you, the vampire, and Torrido."

Zac turned his head, "Can you understand you now me, vampire, wizard of Torrido."

Sam raised his eyebrows, "I can." Of course, he didn't understand what he did, which was ridiculous. What Zach was talking about, he said-"Oh, but, I am afraid that others are Can't understand. "

Yes, that's what it means. Zach is telling Sam, ‘you do n’t have to understand me and Benjamin, you are not me or Benjamin. ’

Sam nodded his head, thanking Zac for his confusion, and then continued, "I personally prefer to think that your friendship with Alpha is a pure exception. I don't expect Alpha to get along well with other vampires."

Zac thought for a moment, and first declared something good, "No alpha, alpha, his name is Benjamin. I, Zac, him, Benjamin. Change your name."


Then, "Barton's vampire, Gangaro, has the history of the origin of the werewolf, Rimer, because of me. You just knew more about Nofeller than me. It was a good start by coincidence." Zac is summing up the relationship between Benjamin's Alpha and the vampire, "Mokawi, you are confused, I am more confused than you." Zac is embarrassed to call this confused honestly jealous, "but, just as I said, If you do n’t understand, there ’s no way, the fact is there. ”

Sam listened with no expression, "Zac, do you know the relationship between the central werewolf and the vampire?"

"I don't know." "I don't care" was swallowed back.

"It's terrible, terrible. It's countless times worse than when the Secret Alliance was." No expression is needed, and the content is serious.

Zac pouted, and gave a speculation in the logical direction, "And is it one side?"

"Yes." Sam nodded. "The wolf pack was suppressed by the secret alliance for four centuries. The departure of the secret alliance directly led to the rise of the werewolf. The vampires were hunted and killed. If not the central hunter, they also began to rise. This situation will be worse. "

Zac waved his hand and said what he had swallowed back. "I don't care. The vampires in the middle are now only those aliens who don't even care about the previous alliance. Their birth is a mistake. There are werewolves to clean, I don't have Any comments. "Remember Zach ’s work before becoming a colonizer, to clear out the aliens, so there is nothing false in this statement.

Sam opened his mouth and closed it. It seems that the break-in of this epoch-making era is mutual, and he is also groping for his "master" mentality.

The last lamp in the west went out. From the south side of Grande to the west, the street lamp of Highway 27 came out and fell into darkness. Zac turned to prepare to go to the office to call.

"I ..." Sam would be misunderstood, thinking that Zac was an aversion to the topic, and he would not be able to put his communication with Zac in such a place on the first day of coming to Grande, right? ,"me……"

I spent a long time.

Zac frowned, feeling Sam's psychology, and pursed his lips, "I'm going to make a phone call." Zac also did not get used to this behavior of proactively explaining the trend. There is a sense of inexplicability that you should inform but feel in your heart.

"Oh." Sam also tilted his mouth, and the embarrassment was asked by the two of them.

Zac turned the corner of his mouth and went to the showroom, ready to use the counter phone. When I go upstairs to the office, do I have to tell what's on the phone again? After all, this is your own wizard, you should tell me what you are doing, right, but, uh, why should you tell ... This kind of feeling everyone feels for themselves, it is not easy to describe.

Simply, Zac called the place where the other party could hear, worry-free. Zac has begun to feel that there is a wizard, and it is more convenient than something else! For example, the illusion man, even if it is bound to the earth, like Ryan, at least does not need to tell anything at all, he is everywhere anyway, he knows everything about Grande.

Just picking up the receiver, a little light shook in front of Zac. "The ink is back." Danny's voice. See, the above point is proved.

Zac put down the phone, glanced down at Sam who was thinking about the topic, pursed his lips, and didn't want to bother looking at the backyard entrance.

After waiting for a while, Mo's feet floated into the backyard without touching the ground, moving, even, and slowly.

"You are waiting for me." The pan was still floating, and Mo only glanced at Zac, saying something to say hello. Don't care about the way she came back. Anyway, people in the Southern District are basically asleep now, and no one is expected to see it. Hope no one sees ...

"How is it going?" Zack asked directly.

"Oh, okay, I basically helped the demons to do their job, obtained the soul marks in those souls, and obtained the intelligence." Mo stopped in the middle of Grand's backyard (Ryan's Soulgrass Seed) , I do n’t know how to use it, and mentioned that I was about to sink into the ground-Ryan at the bottom of her skirt, thrown into the sky.

Zac waited for the next article, but did not wait, helpless, "Then, intelligence?"

"At the devil." Mo waved his hands, crossed his legs in the air, and then closed his eyes, "The fallen angel is finishing, and will come to you tomorrow, I am now, too full, I need to digest ... I ..." She turned into a silver moonlight and solidified in the middle of Grande's backyard.

"Mo." Zac screamed at the silver moonlight that connected the world, "Mo." Screamed again, frowned, "Mo?" A corner of his mouth was pulled, "Mo!" Zac's call to continue to climb his emotions failed. carry on--

"What's that." A calm and abnormal tone. "Please tell me what that is." Sam stared at the moonlight. Remember Max's excitement when he first picked up Mo, Sam was not excited.

Zac was quiet for a while, and finally glanced at the moonlight and turned to Sam. Please understand Zac's current tone, "You don't know? Oh, you don't know without family knowledge. That's the republican ghost, the first time See, oh, yes, take a look. "Zac patted his wizard and returned to the house. (To be continued.)

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