The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 25: Interesting topic

As a funeral home for the funeral, Grande has a job to confirm the identity of the guests. Bayi Chinese website www √. ★ 81√zW√. CoM but Grande ’s work attitude, everyone knows, so Zac basically just stood by the door of the church, next to the son of the deceased, and looked at the other party. If he felt that the other party had signs of emotional breakdown, he took over and sent the guests away. Enter the main hall.

There are more people coming than expected. In addition to relatives and friends, there are many unrelated people, such as journalists.

Zac asked relatives where the reporters came from. The relatives did not know that they did not publicize the deceased person as an organ donor. After all, this is the last thing that the deceased person left to them and needs protection. ** , No one will destroy.

Zac once intentionally avoided such a situation, and now it is no longer necessary-"please give respect to the deceased and relatives and friends of the deceased, thank you." Probably, maybe, maybe, I left myself in those cameras for four centuries After seeing the images of the sun, the unrelated persons were kept outside the church.

To be honest, Zac is not going to come today. Louise and Matthew can already cope with this kind of work. Zac was going to wait for the fallen angels in Grande to send information. But this was going to be cancelled by a call early in the morning, it was Jessica, "I heard that you have a funeral today, and I happen to have some news from the central part, maybe or not Seth, if I plan to let me People chase this clue, I hope Constantine knows what I have done to him. "It's really straightforward," So, I'm going to tell him what he told you before, do you want to come, help me by the side Just a moment. "

It was Zac who clearly asked for "narrative" to assist her.

After all, it's not a bad thing, Zac agreed.

It's worth mentioning that I don't know if I should bring my own wizard—at least in Zac's perception, Alpha does what he does with his wizard. Isn't it true that the foreign Alpha even dragged the train down like Muen. Zac, groping for new things, asked, "Sam, are you going to church." Added a sentence, "If you want to find opportunities to contact Benjamin, I have no opinion."

Sam ’s answer made Zack feel like an idiot— “I ’m not going anymore. I want to talk to Mo. I ’m showing her, very, very, very interesting.” Under the watch of the Great Dane, “I mean It's a republican ghost. "

Right, idiot, Zac was completely wrong in guessing about Sam's behavior. Zac underestimated the wizard's curiosity about foreign countries.

Oh yeah, in addition, yesterday clearly opened up to look for Maya who Zak asked to show respect to the deceased, but the result did not come today. Early in the morning, they were brought together by Lola and they were taken away with Alice, ‘girl thing’. It ’s worth Zach ’s attention that today is really a ‘girl thing’, and Kyle did n’t follow. Guess what? Go find old classmates and get together.

Zac stood behind the church and listened to Constantine's congratulations. He was not interested. He listened too many times anyway. Do not disturb anyone to bypass the seat and walk towards the back of the church against the wall, where Jessica waited. Before she and Constantine talk about Seth, Zac gets the information she needs.

"You're poking me." Jessica sat in a chair in the backyard promenade, squatting Mike behind her.

"Yes." Mike stretched his finger and poked Jessica's vest.

"Don't poke me, Mike." Jessica didn't look back, calmly ordering.

"Okay." Mike didn't stop.

Zack can't understand this scene, and he doesn't want to understand it. Mike's relationship with the fallen angel has always been strange, hasn't he?

"You spent the night sorting out the intelligence." Because Mike blinked at Zac, he responded in the same way, and then sat next to Jessica. "I hope it's worth the intelligence."

"You're going to be disappointed." Jessica is still very direct, Xiaocha took the road, "Mike, poke Zack." Then back to the right road, "You honestly wait ..."

This right path was interrupted. Mike's fork, "No, Zack has no broken wings, nothing to poke."

The three of them were quiet inexplicably.

Well, even so, Mike's picture of Jessica is still difficult to understand, why, poke? Among the countless actions of expressing concern, the poke should be the most inappropriate one.

Zac pursed his lips and looked sideways at Mike behind him, "Are you angry that Grand has lost Crowley's wings in order to be able to trust you?" Yes, Zac used 'Clau' Li's old name, contextual relationship, is convenient for expression. Why Crowley became Jessica, in addition to Angel Crowley's' return ', the fallen angel gave up the name given by the Holy Lord, not because the fallen angel lost his wings and must be permanently stationed' Jessica 'Is this in the container?

Mike didn't speak, but Jessica's movement stopped. I bowed my head and didn't know what I was thinking. I stood up and turned away.

After being quiet for a while, Jessica actually laughed. "I knew that it would be easy to kill him, so I wouldn't let him poke for so long. It is you." It was a relaxed tone.

Isn't it deliberate, Zac doesn't care much now, and waved his hand, let this thing pass, "What did you just say." The meaning returned to the right path.

"Hehe." Jessica smiled, "I said, you waited so honestly, without urging me, I guess, you should already know, right, you have run into a guy you can't do."

Papa at midnight.

Zack did not deny it, but directly recounted the facts, "Maya has seen the body, and after discussing with Yuehua, they came to a conclusion, and then I dissected it a bit and verified it." This is after the fork just now. Zac needs to express that the Grand and the demon have been treated completely honestly. Regardless of whether Mike is paying attention to this side, Zack needs such a gesture.

Taken by Jessica, "The Soul Mark as a record of human existence, and the last moment left is that the heart disappears."

Zac nodded, "I have my guess, Papa at midnight, I don't know who else can make such a death. What about you?" Hope it still needs to be, in case, there is another Papa At midnight, this kind of "unreasonable" existence, huh, huh, and hope not ~

"Apart from Papa at midnight, you have no other guesses?" Jessica raised her eyebrows. "It almost made me feel sad for my faith. Hey!" There was nothing sincere about this.

Zac Second understood Crowley's meaning, she was talking about the Lord. Worthy of being a fallen angel, in the church, dare to express this kind of thinking!

Zac pouted, "Although we are vampires and fallen angels, not the spoiled party in our subordinate beliefs. But ..." Zac was a little helpless, maybe he should not let fallen angels be so honest, Zac somewhat accepted No, "There is no need to defame the existence of the top. There is no reason, if the soul disappears, I may agree with you."

"Napapa had reason to take those people's hearts at midnight?" Jessica shrugged. "Even if it was the Dead Man's Covenant, in my memory, I just left a mark on the heart. Papa had no midnight at all. Reasons to take the whole heart, leaving useless corpses. "Pause for a moment, shake his head, and add," And the earth-bound spirit that has nowhere to go. "

The meaning of this supplement is actually very sad. The laborers nestled in the cargo ship floated on the sea. Even if they died, their souls had no place to be nostalgic, and they could only grab their dead bodies at the end. Eventually, he entered the Port of Massa and was cut off by a **** dog in a foreign country and the world ’s last connection was dragged into hell.

The soul was dragged away, and the body was deliberately sunk to the bottom of the sea. Zac, as the person who completed the latter, resonated a little with Jessica ’s supplement, but he did n’t really care. “We ca n’t discuss this first. Any other information worth talking about. "

"One thing." Jessica nodded. "The Soul Mark also shows a little, when and where you died."

Zac raised an eyebrow. The deaths that Maya saw did not provide these two points. The reason is very realistic. The death picture with a fixed perspective is black, chaotic, and almost suffocating-like cargo in a container. Maya could not see anything referring to time and place.

What can see these, separated from the soul of the body in the container. After death, the earth-bound spirit can see it.

"Xxx" Jessica reported a latitude and longitude, which is about two kilometers away from the port of Massa. "The time is uncertain, but it is all at night." The ships with illegal workers enter the port at night, and Fisher deliberately arranged Yes, this has already been mentioned, "This is not important, the key is this position. The people on the different cargo ships acquired by Mexico all died in this position."

Zach also suddenly crossed. "About ink, what did she do yesterday?" After all, it was the first time Zac had seen solidified into moonlight.

Jessica pouted, "I think, I can say this-she is indeed an alien soul and more like a demon than we thought."

Mo came back yesterday and said that she needed digestion, right.

Zac frowned, and he never asked what mok existed in this world. According to Zac ’s common sense, the illusionist needs the ** of others, the shadowman needs a sense of presence, the cherubim needs faith, the devil needs the imprint of the soul ... the soul aliens need something to stay in this world that does not belong to them .

Mo only said a little bit, she said the sun was too hot, she needed the moon. After Zac didn't understand it at all, he refused to continue to understand. Now, Zac can't say that he regretted not asking, because Mo has been in Grande for so long. Last night was the first time she expressed her need to digest. But there is definitely a new understanding of ghosts.

Just confirm, "Those souls?"

"In Mexico's belly." Jessica gave Zac a confirmation.

Confirmed, that's enough, Zac can't do anything, "Continue, that place, I hope you have sent someone to see it."

"Yes, I did." Jessica shook her head. "But there was nothing, just, the ocean." He glanced at Zac. "There are no workers who should be in Hong Kong the night before, nor are there those who are always working Soul, nothing. "

Zac frowned, "128 people, it's impossible to disappear plainly." Remember, 128, is the number of laborers that should be carried on that ship, but we all already know that these 128 goods are missing.

"But that's the fact. There's nothing there. For the sake of comprehensiveness, I have expanded my search. I still haven't." Jessica shook her head. "If you don't believe me, you can ask the Kraken to search in a wider location."

"I believe in you." Show your attitude first, and then seriously, "But the search does need to continue, the information given by the crew is the last day of the inspection, and it is no longer visible. Then, the search scope should be traced back to the last time they checked. The time and location of the goods. "Zack nodded." You are right, in such a range, only Sirens can go. "

Jessica was already indifferent, "I have done what I can do, my advice, you should start thinking about how you are going to finish this thing. Papa at midnight, or Lord, hum, Do you have the ability to confront? "

Zac slackened a little, at least he did n’t put the Lord out, "Is it face-to-face, no, but, you can count them, from history to now, how many times have they really face-to-face with whom. So, There will be a way, even if you make a roundabout, there will be a result. Otherwise, let Fisher hold 128 missing workers and start to doubt life. "

Yes. If it was the first, the vampires deliberately hid several corpses, it does n’t matter, anyway, Zac seems to be a normal loss of freight, even if Fischer had to have a result, Zac can get him out. But now, 128 people are missing at sea, and the whole batch is gone. This is no longer an explanation for normal freight losses.

Jessica did n’t seem to agree with Zac ’s words and shook her head. “If I were you, I had ignored the truth and started to act on the crew. The big deal ended up being a small, unbelievable presence. Chess piece, clean up the endgame for 'It', maybe there will be some gains in the future. "

Zac raised his eyebrows, and actually hitting the bottom of his heart does not exclude this statement, "Well, you make sense. But ..." Sure enough, there is still a "but", "But if I want to be used as a chess piece, I am even more I hope to know who is using me, I will feel more at ease, right. "At least not like now, I do n’t know anything.

"What about the Lord?" Jessica smiled.

Zac actually thought seriously, because Jessica asked the Lord, Zac spent a day yesterday thinking about what to do if it was really Papa at midnight, Bai thought, the fallen angel asked another, "I, I will probably ask first, why ... no." Zach shook his head. "The thirteen clan did not initially ask why they were going to colonize. It was purely driven by the benefits of being able to" walk ", so." Ke confirmed, "I will ask for benefits, just like the ability to travel in the past, to me, to the benefit of vampires ..."

"What are you talking about? Ha ha." Father Constantine came, and the previous ceremony required his prayer part-with the pure hope of mankind, promising what a wonderful part the future created by the Lord for the dead has ended. Too. So he came over and smiled, "What is an interesting topic, add me."

What a great time, where this topic stops, it should be more than fun for the priest ... (to be continued.)

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