Hell has no sky

I don't know how many times I looked up. The golden disc on the top of my head almost enveloped the world, almost. Bayi Chinese Network W く w く W く.く 8√1 ★ z ★ W√. At the boundary where CoM looks far away, the bright red line that looks like the setting sun is the disk boundary, the boundary of the six places it covers, and the boundary of the world, more precisely, the boundary of hell.

The dark black figure who raised his head lowered his head and continued to walk on the dark red 6 ground. The ability to traverse entities at will is not available here. If you want to be punished by a fire of punishment, please feel free to embed it in the red ground of the ground, and feel the so-called endless burning.

Perhaps I am going to be more specific. The six places where the dark black figure walks are creeping, like a flame, because these six places are flames, and the dark black walks on the fire.

Where is he heading? The golden disc covered the sky, and the dark red flame blocked the ground, and there was only a bright red line pointed by the pole. He didn't seem to care in that direction.

His destination? After all, there is no need to describe a person walking on the flames, um, something—black and shadowy. So no matter what he is, it ’s better to show something that deserves our attention sooner ...

The dark figure stood for a while, and he met another dark black.

"Wait, I haven't seen you ..."

The dark ink we initially saw was probably a very bad guy, rude, and had a tendency to take action.

Short and fast, I don't know how much time has passed since I walked alone. The first guy who talked to him was ... well, torn? Then it was crumpled? Then squeezed out into a silver ball? Mentioned above the open head like a mouth? Finally, swallowed?

The black shadow we paid attention to is very satisfied ... how can we see it, well, he is undoubtedly darker than before, and a little bigger, just like our bloated belly after overeating.

Walking, continue.

Uh, if there is no progress here, maybe we should turn our eyes away and stop wasting time here. We should pay attention to more important things at this time point, such as ... wait, what time is it now?

In this **** place, all the things we are familiar with, the 'unfair competition' funeral home, the 27th road with the same owl back, the Liszt building with the same landmark, the city's birthplace of Massa ... None exist, only Gold, dark red, black ink, bright red on the horizon ... no newspaper, no TV, no time reminder ...


Accompanied by the vibration of the ‘6 places’, the creeping flames exploded, as if the tide was set off, submerging the shadows we were watching.

It seems that there is a fixed rhythm of Kala and Kara, which is gradually clearing from the depth of the flame, as if every time it rings, it is rising and approaching.


A blazing wave bursts in the flames that are constantly rising, like a wave, and our shadow stands on the tip of the wave.

He looked up.


The golden disk that covered everything above blocked the first 'Kara' echo from the ground and from the depths of the flame. A faint ripple appeared on the disc, echoing the flaming wolf rolling below, a circle of golden lines, swaying from the middle and sliding to the far end of the aim.

Then came the second ‘Kara’, the third, the fourth ...

Kara! ‘Kara’!

If we can still hold our gaze in this loud, slamming sound wave, and the tumbling fire wave like a raging wave, and watch the dark black sound swaying on the tip of the wave, we will show him, breathing deeply.

What is he preparing?

Kara! ‘Kara’!

The bright red line at the extreme point was distorted when the golden texture of the first circle arrived. This represents the world, oh, this world, hell, the bright red on the border, stained with golden discs. The twisted, tangled is disconnected from where it should be, leaving a touch of gray, climbing up the golden edge—


The crimson scale appeared on the edge of the golden disc. This is just the first one, the golden wave of the second circle has arrived, the bright red line continues to break where it should be, and climbs up the disc, I. The third circle, the distance, the symbol that represents a special meaning, as if it is something we are familiar with, II. The fourth circle, is the scale? III. Fifth lap ...

Kara! ‘Kara’!

The loud noise in the depths of the flames has begun to resonate with its echoes. Our black shadow is still jumping at the top of the fire wave. Dark black ribbons are dancing around the body, trying to catch what .


When the last bright red at the extreme point climbed the golden disc, xI.

Something appeared in the tumbling fire wave—

Dark black ... No, it was occupied by the dense dark black figure. If something that spanned the whole space, howling away the raging flames and crashing into the upper disc!

Our shadows hold back this huge, rising thing.

"Go away!" Of course, he squeezed out some unlucky guy.

But unfortunately, on the huge crowds of countless dark figures, we can never see this guy who has wasted us for so long.

The roar, the hum of the roar, the things that rise up underground collide with the things that have always been in the air, and merge. There were no expected movements, only the whisper like a whisper, which calmed down all the vibrations on the golden disk ... Now the vague statement of the golden disk can no longer be used. This is a huge clock dial with a bad taste.

Yes, when you see the golden dial, bright red time scale, and black charcoal-like hands, you can also question the designer's taste.


The world has changed, there is no red, no gold.

Blue sky, bright sun, gray concrete street, incomplete buildings, rushed pedestrians.

"Hunters are in this city!" Ghost knows where the voice is, "They killed our companions! Let them pay the price! Destroy them !!!"


the next day

Seth was very dissatisfied with his container, but he could not complain that he did not dare to do anything extra until he took out the contact mark of the demon collar in this city.

This meant that he even had to execute some commands he hated. Just like now-

He and his partner ... yes, he has a partner, which is one of the reasons why he dare not do much. They need to sneak into the autopsy facility to investigate the cause of the previous demon's death.

The purpose is this, but of course, they are actually investigating the cause of death of the container, the demon possessed by humans. The demon leader in this city hopes to use this to obtain hunter intelligence.

"Uh, this looks clear enough." Seth's partner looked at the body of the white cloth that had been lifted in the dark. "This guy died of a cut throat." He was still commenting, "A very clean cut throat. "

"Destroy the container, drive out the demon, and then carry out the siege." Seth was looking elsewhere, such as looking for a coroner's report or something, anyway, he didn't want to get together with his partner, the guy made Seth uncomfortable, "It's a hunter Commonly used methods. Do you have any other insights? "

"No." This partner lifted the white cloth completely away, staring at the middle of the body, literally, um, the middle of the body, with extremely high eyebrows, "Ah! Now I feel sad, what a good body, dead "" He said, squeezing his lower body, very dissatisfied.

Having said that, Seth doesn't like this partner. However, Seth also understood the fact that he could not beat each other. This partner is a senior demon.


The sixth day

Seth is still dissatisfied with his container, but this dissatisfaction has been compressed to a minimum, he has worse things to face-

His partner, the senior demon, refreshed Seth's lower cognition of, er, all thinking, ** life.

"Kill them directly." Seth looked at his partner-this picture is more complicated to describe. Seth looked at four people, two men and two women. They were connected by the dark lines between their bare skin. Together. These black lines are controlling the movements of these four bodies.

Don't ask me what these four bodies are doing, I can't write it.

"Hah!" A woman bent into a weird posture, and then the man above her, "Do you want to join! As the saying goes, the more ..." The man behind the man, "The happier!" The woman above the man, "I don't recommend you one more!"

Seth looked away. "No more."

"Haha!" There is no need to tell who is talking, it doesn't matter, it is the senior demon who is controlling and enjoying everything, "Don't be so old-fashioned! You are one step away! When you are advanced to advanced, you will be Now, this is the door to the new world! You will fall in love with this feeling! I am, feel, everything !! "

The door to this new world is still closed.

Seth pursed his lips, his eyes began to swell black, "I would rather not advance! I want to contact the leader now, do you have any information."

"Now ?!" The four of them were breathing together and their movements were fierce. "Bad timing !!"

Dark black eyes turned sideways. "Come on!" Seth could only say so.

When four bodies climb into an irrepressible state at the same time.

"Just stop at this moment forever !!"

The thin black line connecting the four people suddenly tightened, and the bright red dots were pulled out by the black ink wrapped around them, and gathered towards one. Of course, a senior demon chose the strongest body, an Indian man.

"Don't come close to me." Seth stopped this radiant body from approaching, "Just stand there and say!"

"Oh!" The Yinan, who is already a senior demon, blinked and smiled, "You are too old-fashioned, so old-fashioned, what does **** do in this world, **** is more suitable for you ~"

Seth ignored it, and the dark black in his eyes shone brightly.

The report began.

"We are one step late, 'Colt' is not in the hands of this team of hunters, but, I have the arrangements for them to take turns to control the 'Colt'. Assign me a few more people." Seth's partner shook with satisfaction The lower body of 'self', the In'an, almost bends to the corner of the mouth of the ear, "I know the exact time, place, and way," Cort "will return to" I "~"


tenth day

Seth's dissatisfaction with the container has reached the top. Because, now, he is in a woman ’s body, and it is even more uncomfortable that his partner is still casually evaluating some parts of Seth ’s body beside him-

"It's too soft!" The senior demon said with the Yin'an body. "If you understand what I mean." The hand rubbed the air in front of his chest.

Seth decided to endure. Because he is not alone, there are other demons who are partnered to comment on body parts. They are playing the identity of these containers, meeting other team hunters, and handing over 'Colt'.

According to the hunter ’s plan, the time that each group of hunter squads hold 'Cort' is very short. 'Cort', which is almost an artifact, keeps shifting in different groups and exerts the greatest effect. Make the aliens unable to track.

But today, now, if Seth does n’t do anything, the hunter ’s good plan is over, and ‘Colt’ will be hijacked by them.

"Shut up!" Seth said to the demon higher than himself. "They are here!"

In the night, the figures of several people appeared, disappeared, appeared, disappeared under the street lamp ... until they stood in front of Seth.

"Do it yourself." The In'an, the other person, took out the dagger calmly.

The people on the side of Seth also took out the dagger and prepared to cut it to his arm. The dagger was silver. This was the easiest way for hunters to prove that they were not aliens.

"What about 'Colt'?" Seth's partner.

The other's Yin'an still looked at the dagger that was about to stick to his skin calmly, "You first."

"Okay." Seth's partner smiled. "I'll ..." The blade began to touch the skin ...

"Trap!" Seth's eyes were instantly shrouded in darkness before his partner did anything! "They know we are demons!"

Quiet for a moment.

The opponent ’s weapon, the Indian hunter, has just been unveiled. The conventional hunter ’s weapon has no ‘colt’. But it doesn't matter. Seth was the one who had acted before everyone, and the dagger in his hand was not in the waist of his partner.

"What are you doing?" While the eyes were black, the senior demon was questioning.

"Take away your imprint of soul! I guess I am going to advance!" Seth replied, and, "Don't look at it! Consume him! He is a senior demon!"


Let us return to the scenes and characters we are familiar with.

Constantine: "You said that a demon, in front of the hunters in the middle, advanced, there is no rule of punishment, snatched a senior demon's soul mark, and then advanced in front of them?" The repeated expression is Hope to confirm.

Zach ’s assist came. He came here to assist the fallen angel. "Constantine, do we need to confirm, that is Seth, we have to find him ..." Waving, the real assist is below-" Uh, not us, Jessica is in the middle. "

Jessica was satisfied, "He is hard to find, especially now that I have become a senior, I must ..."

"I'm going!" (To be continued)

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