A variety of noisy noises began to be heard in the direction of the church, and it should never be the case in a sober and even sad farewell ceremony. Bayi √ Chinese website WWW √. ★ 8√1√z く W.く C く oM

Zac frowned, Master Grande, should go ahead and see the situation, but—

"Uh." Jessica came out in Constantine and said ‘I ’m going (to find Seth in the middle)! Afterwards, the three fell into silence at the same time, the first voice, and then, "It's a good time, when I need you most, you have to go away?" Of course, it was Zac.

Can you understand? Jessica ’s purpose is to thank Constantine for her efforts to find Seth. She is about to say how difficult it is to find a senior demon hunter in the middle. Let Constantine thank you. , Definitely not for Constantine to say 'I'm going! "Such words!

Zack's assists were completely in the wrong direction.

Zac hadn't been able to respond. Constantine looked at the direction of the church and said to Zac, "Go, you can't persuade me here. I've made a decision." Turning to Jessica, "Don't be in an unexpected way, you know, the only reason I joined your camp is Seth."

This has been explained before, in order to make Seth's embarrassing identity safe in Barton, Constantine joined the fallen angel. Otherwise, think about it, Constantine, the demon hunter, has been a neighbor next to Grande for nearly ten years. He did n’t say anything to Zac and his identity. What made Constantine suddenly admit Everything about yourself, really enter the mess of Barton? Seth.

"He is right." Zac said, if Constantine would make an unexpected decision because of something, it could only be Seth. Zac waved his hands and didn't need to stay here. "I'll go to church to see." The noise there was even louder, mixed with the voices of Louise and Matthew trying to maintain order.

"A reporter broke in." This was the demon reminding Zac who was still walking there in the hallway.

Zac frowned, "Is there an intermediate demon here?" Asked. Low-level demons possess death, but mid-level ones don't, so Zac wants to confirm who he can use, and then get information-for example, where did the reporters come from?

"I am." The demon floating beside Zac rolled his black ink.

Zac glanced at the other side, "No, you are not." Frowning, the other side is clearly a low-level demon, and it seems that Mike is still weak.

"I am." He advanced, just in front of Zac, the dark black like a thick fog rolled over Zac's side, and the bright red spots began to flash, crackled, and appeared, gathered, and gathered in the black fog. To the center, completely hidden in the deep black, "You are watching."

Zach raised his eyebrows and kept going. "You, advanced." It was the statement, "Just next to me." A complex emotional statement. Usually, how far Zac will go in an instant, and the punishment of the demon ’s advanced law in this world is not a joke. Remember the undead Dylan, which is no longer in use, burned an underground workshop in Smith!

So Zac ’s complex emotions, in addition to this abnormal feeling, there are also parts-this is the first time he, as a vampire imprisoned by the Lord ’s faith for the first time in the world, sees the demon advanced so clearly with his own eyes.

"I'm one of Constantine's experimental subjects." The demon explained to Zac, "I could have advanced to higher-order like Briz." I was a little disappointed in the tone, "But, G Laurie ... "He used the old title, it should be the point in time to explain things," I don't want Barton to have too many high-level demons. "This shows that the fallen angel realized early on that the number of demons in Patton is the largest. The goal is too big, not a good thing, "So, I only reached the middle level."

Zac turned away and pursed his lips, which could explain a lot of things, right? At least, if Jessica is willing now, she can use the cheating upgrade method contributed by Constantine, in an instant, put All the demons of Barton become high-level demons, and the picture is quite wonderful, for Barton, or for the entire east outside Barton ...

And, Constantine ’s experiment has obviously been completely successful and has handed the results to Jessica. Then, at this time, he will leave Button and go to the middle ...

Zac looked back and looked at it, frowning. It's easy to think of fallen angels in the wrong direction now, but ... Zach shook his head and solved the church thing first.

"How many intermediate demons are there?" Zac continued to ask.

"It's all except Mike." The very simple answer.

Zac frowned again. Never mind, "Reporter." Zac is letting the demon take over others. "Find out why they ran here. Don't do unnecessary things." But don't really possess yourself, Control anyone.

"Okay." The black ink around him flew to the church first with black mist.

Zac slowed down slightly. Even though Zach is a guy who likes realistic satire most of the time, but in front of the church, statue of the Son and altar, to witness a bunch of ordinary people being forced by demons, this picture is good enough, don't need to see it with your own eyes.

The demons are extremely fast.

A moment later, he returned to Zac who was standing behind the door waiting for movement. "It's a hospital ..."

The devil's method of obtaining information directly from the soul mark is truly stronger than all tricks. "It seems that because of the donation of an organ of this deceased, a serial transplant operation has been opened, which is very large in the entire Federation ..."

"Consecutive transplantation?" Zack asked himself what he didn't understand.

"The news from the reporter is that six patients need different organ transplants, but six people, uh, and their relatives, are adaptors to each other. Six people are about to die, but they are able to save the other five Because, once a patient obtains an organ, he can donate some of his healthy organs to the next patient, and then the next patient who gets the transplant can continue, donate his healthy organ, save another one ... and finally return To the person who first donated, get the organs he needed from the fifth person. "The demon was silent for a while." Did you understand. "

Zac also silenced, "No. But, it means that someone needs to donate his organs before he can start this circle of six people dying right." Yes, the point is here, you can save The person who is not the one who can save you needs to pass through several people in order to get a return. But if there is selfishness in the middle, then die together. So this is the test of who most believes in people's hearts and is willing to do the first thing.

"Right. The dead person lying there is one of the six. The one who started, but he is still dead, donated and transplanted with all his heart, his body can't bear it." The black mist on the demon rolled After a while, "but the good news is that the other five are alive. So, it seems to the hospital that this is a success."

"So the hospital leaked the news this time?" Zac frowned.

"It's not a leak, no matter how good or bad this kind of medical incident is, there are many people who have been concerned. Six people survived and five people were successful. When the hospital propagated, the reporter dug the patient's identity information, not just us. At the same time, the situation of the other five hospitals is similar. They are all harassed by the media. "

Zack shook his head, "Huh, I doubt it is the same. If you are a reporter, will you survive and ask the same questions as the dead?"

The devil didn't answer, and it didn't matter, Zach pushed the door out.

There was already chaos in the church, and Matthew and Louise, and even the nuns in the church, were trying to protect the family of the deceased from the reporters, but, to no avail, the microphone was still almost emotional from all directions Relatives, all kinds of incredible questions were asked:

"If you can choose again, would **** (deceased name) be willing to make this decision again ?!"

"Xx died in the operation, can he live a few more days without donation and transplantation ?!"

"It is said that after **** died, you made a decision to donate his remaining organs. Is it true? Just after the transplant operation failed ?! How did you make this decision ..."

Zac glanced in the direction of Louise and turned away the chaotic crowd. "Here!" Is a reminder to take the family to the back lounge to avoid.

They didn't think about this method, Louise, but they couldn't implement it. The reporters blocked the way without giving them a chance. If you do not use some non-human power, there is no way to break through this barrier.

Louise didn't dare to use the power of vampires in the crowd. Zac didn't have this burden. His arms were turned left and right, and he directly opened a path in the chaotic flow. What tramples on or pushes down is not in Zack's concern.

"Call the police." When Louise passed by, Zach told him directly, "Matthew, look at the coffin." The deceased was still lying in the coffin in front of the altar, and there were photographers who didn't know what to think.

The power of the vampire was used in the crowd, Zac was unstoppable, how did the microphone come in, how did Zac send it back, where did the reporter ’s ID card come out, where did Zac go back, and every time the magnesium light flashed, there was a pair Crimson flashed back.

After quieting down a little bit, the reporters in the church are thinking about one more person, and the situation becomes inexplicable. When Zac has walked through the group of reporters, he went to the front door and spotted a reporter car. It ’s nothing. To put it bluntly, one by one, and then took the video tape, crumpled, and stuffed his pockets first.

Zac doesn't want his images to be permanently preserved in this way.

I do n’t know if I ’m lucky or good. The police came quickly, and Detective Weiss led the team.

"I asked Wes directly to transfer." After having controlled the scene, Louise said beside Zac, yes, other people probably did not come so actively. After all, in the Southern District, the Church of the Son is not concerned.

Zac said nothing, only nodded, and walked to Weiss, "Father and Jessica talked about things behind, here will be resolved quickly." There is no other meaning, when the interracial is talking about things, there are fewer unrelated people. Well, Weiss understands this truth, "Also." Zach showed a crumple of the videotape, "I don't want to see myself in the newspaper or the news."

Let's put it this way, vampires can't leave images in this world, to some extent, it is the protection of this immortal race. You do n’t want one or two hundred years later, someone is looking at you with a yellow photo and saying, "Look! You are standing next to my great-great grandfather!"

Zac didn't want to! Uh, abstract paintings, like the 'abstract' kind of Mocavi's, can it be realistic? Never mind. Oh yes, do n’t worry about Zac ’s whim of identity photos, the mayor is Anthony. When Zucker Grande, the identity of the mayor himself, disappears, the photos in the identity file disappear, so do n’t worry.

Wes nodded and went busy.

Zac continued to tell Louise and Matthew to appease their relatives, and then cooperated with the nuns to sort out the objects that were overturned in the chaos in the church. The only thing that is gratifying is that the deceased is still lying in the coffin.

Zac shook his head while lamenting the speechless farewell ceremony. When Madison ’s cremator arrived on time, it was a troublesome thing to explain the delay in the interruption of the ceremony.

"Last time, I saw my church. It's rare to be 'lively' once." Father Constantine came out and joined Zac directly to help organize the church.

Zac frowned. He didn't know that Constantine would still be ironic. Does the priest allow irony? "What about Jessica?"

"It's still behind." Constantine said nothing, "still accepting my decision."

This is what the result is destined to be—the fallen angel is accepting the priest ’s decision and no longer tries to refute it.

Zac pursed his lips and, honestly, didn't know what to say, "When did he leave?"

"Monday." Constantine smiled, should be pleased that Zac didn't say much, "It's been a habit for many years to go to prison tomorrow. I want to perform the last time. Then, also give Jessie Take time to appoint my successor. "

Zac is now frowning completely, and Grande will have a new neighbor. Zac couldn't think of any demon he had seen that made him feel good. Can you imagine a guy like Mike, a priest, a prayer, a prayer at a funeral ceremony? forget it.

"Oh, you don't have to worry, I gave her a recommendation, but if the other party does not agree, it depends on the other party."

"Who?" Zac didn't want to be a demon.


Uh, it should be conceivable. Zac frowned and shook his head.

"Do n’t shake your head, I stayed next to Grande for so long, did n’t I have nothing to do. If he really wants to live a quiet life, I am here, just right. I used to work with him for more than a decade, which is his template You can help me watch, I feel relieved. "

Zac looked at Constantine, not knowing what to say, and nodded. (To be continued.)

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