In the enclosed space, the uncomfortable wailing disappeared, and Dora, who had red eyes, lifted the head of the crushed, grace, person, head cut off from the body, the terrible fracture, and it flowed down. Sticky body fluids. Bayi Middle School ★ 文 网 W く w ★ W. 81ZW. With a disgusting thing, CoM Dora looked at Spella, "Are you sure, you want to live?"

Yes, this thing is still alive, both parts are, the head is rolling the eyeball under the hands of Dora, the body, the body is pressed to the ground, and it is constantly trying to turn over and **** his own head, "I have never seen this It ’s dangerous. "

The answer was not Spira, but John. "Ok." Started to direct the wizard's actions behind him. "Not only the body and the head, I need to split, cut, and save each joint!"

Dora frowned and glanced at her wizard. He let go, lifted his head, rolled into the transparent container the wizard had prepared, and looked back at Bumi, who was still suppressing his body. "Don't let go." However, he jumped off his headless body, throwing away the thick **** hands, and continued to look at Spira, "What are you going to do with this thing? My wizard."

Please focus on the salutation.

"Research, experiment." Spella replied this time, "My vampire." Said, the title is the point.

"You have carried out countless research experiments on your hands, and now you need to add republican ..." Dora paused, remembering, thinking, "Is the republican 'blame'. Are you busy coming." Not really concerned, "mine, the wizard." The pause is to emphasize.

"Of course it would be better if you could help, but unfortunately, you are not a research type, right." Spira is not really asking for help, "mine, vampire." The pause is also to emphasize. See it, and emphasize a master-slave relationship.

"Is the two of you interesting!" It was John, who was still directing the wizard and Bumi to work together, one by one, to dismember the living body and disperse it, "The vampire wizard! The wizard vampire! Do you need to fight? We are an alliance! Not a personal relationship like Zac and that Sam! Nor is it an overwhelming restraint relationship between the werewolf group and a single wizard! We are not each other or anything! We are two collectives, just because of a certain, Uh, the opportunity, the alliance that unites together! Let's fight for these after figuring it out! "

Spella turned her head to her lips, and Dora was almost the same, holding a white cloth that she didn't know who passed it, and wiped her fingers.

Bumi stepped on the body torso on the ground and raised his eyebrows, "But if someone in our alliance wants to show a personal relationship, it's okay, Zac has given the precedent ..."

I was interrupted, still John, impatient. "You can show it! Don't count on me anyway!" I don't know what I thought, my face became somber, "My life goals don't need another guy to follow me together!"

Bumi rubbed his lips, "I didn't say to you, you guys who only study experiments, I still don't accept ..."

"That's the best!" John sullenly continued to command the wizard.

Dora was almost wiped clean and quiet for a while, letting this inexplicably awkward atmosphere pass-no doubt, everyone in this enclosed space is thinking about this 'personal' problem.

Bumi said that Zac had already set a precedent. The precedent means that it will be copied by others in the back. There are a large number of vampires in Norfil, and a large number of wizards in Paisin. It does n’t matter how others think this is the second and third largest group of forces in Barton (the first is the devil). With the bizarre combination of Zac and Sam, the wizard and the vampire will inevitably produce points with each other. What to say, Xiao Nian thought.

And this alliance is the place where this little thought wants to leave. Do n’t admit it. Whether it ’s Sibella or Dora, everyone is looking for their favorite “objects”, but this is the standard for matching. Everyone is still very much Confused, just as if you are clearly a cow, but you want to choose a partner in the sheepfold, so you are trying.

Feeling almost the same, Dora said, "Sibera, what are you going to study with this thing."

Spira pursed her lips, it was not an illusion, Dora was facing her no matter what she said. This ‘enthusiasm’, Spira will respond normally, as above, but this question will not work, “You should ask John.”

Probably intentionally, Bumi threw a **** calf in front of John, and lifted his chin. "You, what are you going to study with this thing?" Is a provocative tone.

John twitched his lips and ignored the provocation. The question still had to be answered. As he said, they were the league. "In the Republican period, we saw Papa stealing these republican aliens to do research at midnight."

Maybe everyone is gone. When Max met the ink for the first time, he was rejected by the ink because of the smell of the potion made by the wizard to save the werewolf corpse (the werewolf on the trip to Newton). The ink said, Papa She treated her companions in the Republic at midnight in order to make disgusting new creations.

John's eyes suddenly firmed, distracted by this neurotic glory, and looked around, "I've been chasing Papa's 'results' at midnight all the time! Trying to produce something that he has already made and is already a result Interpret his witchcraft! This time! Finally, I have caught up with his progress! We are all newbies to the republican interracial! To understand and study a little bit! I have never felt so close to him! "

Quiet for a while.

Bumi first broke the quiet, lipped his mouth, incomprehensible, "You think, you can study the republican aliens, the more Papa at midnight? Uh, the more, the more, the more, and then? He? There are still so many things in your opinion that are already 'results' and need you to unravel. If I am wrong, correct me-that group of sea monsters, or men. Werewolf corpses in the boxes over there, It ’s still a werewolf corpse. You did n’t unravel anything, just keep dirty dishes in front of you, and you did n’t get close to him. ”

Who can think of it, Bumi is actually a realist.

John's eyes twitched, shut his mouth tightly, and stopped talking.

Dora shook her head and didn't want to join Bumi's side. She continued to Siberia, "In short, it will be right for you to give you the research materials for the republican aliens in Massa Port in the future."

"Yes." Spira responded directly. "And." She frowned a little. "When I contacted the central office yesterday, I got new news. Soon, Port Massa will not come from a republic. The channel will also be a federal alien, the channel to go out. "Sibella pursed her lips," If you Nofil now have a federal alien who wants to go out from the port of Massa, after Papa's transformation at midnight, the same, Send it to us. "

There are many important messages in this remark, and we will follow the situation at this time.

Dora frowned and thought for a while, "I doubt that after this wolves have been wiped out, there are foreigners who dare to come to Barton." She glanced at Bella, "This is already the second complete eaten by Barton. There is a wolf pack with Alpha. There is also a wizard this time, and the time is still the most powerful full moon cycle of the werewolf. Only those who want to commit suicide will continue to send here. "

"You don't need to enter Barton." Spella turned her head to the side. "Just board the boat that leaves Massa."

Dora lowered her head and felt sad, "If the Republic is this kind of guy." Leaving aside the 'blame' being broken down by the wizard, "Go there, it might as well be waiting for the chaos in the middle." Dora they are not Is it from the middle? Therefore, there is no question at all that aliens from the central region want to escape from the central region and leave the Federation. To be reasonable, they came to Barton to find Toledo.

"Humph." Siberia shook her head slightly, "but the fact is that no one except us, Patton, knows what the republic is. He once fell into the angels and followed the deal with Newton's demons (in order not to let Newton The demons slaughtered ordinary people in and out of Barton at will, Bishap ’s mistress, Hayley incident. The fallen angels went to republic, passed on the faith of the Lord to the outside demon, and the angels were trapped in the republic), informed the republican alien situation, The demons in the central part can't wait for the aliens to transfer to the republic, making the republic more chaotic, and the angels unable to withdraw, they can gain more advantages and freedom in the central part. "

Dora opened her mouth, "The Secret Union ..." closed again, her face disgusted, "It doesn't matter anymore." After readjusting her emotions, she returned to the topic he was talking about, "So if there is an alien from the middle coming, no Will you enter Barton, but it means to pass the port of Massa from the waterway. Well, yes, anyway, now the 'work' of the port of Massa is supervised. It's on us. Thanks to the mayor friend of Zach, I think no one will care. The scope of our supervision is slightly wider. ”Dora still crooked her lips,“ But if it is too far, at sea, we ca n’t do anything. Even if you call the fallen angels, the demons cannot cover the whole The route through Massa. "

"The Kraken." Spella reminded, "Go back to Grande to find Zac and ask for the Kraken." So straightforward.

Dora raised her eyebrows, "Oh, I'll try." It wasn't refused. Dora seemed to be happy to follow Silbera's, well, ‘command’. And-"There is also the disappearance of labor and bizarre death. I will also contact you at any time to get news from Zac."

Spella nodded, and then looked at the situation around her. It was almost the same. The republic's "strange" who had been fighting with the wizard and the vampire for half a night had been scattered into large and small pieces of meat. The container was bumping and wriggling, and wanted to converge. Turning to the middle of the enclosed space, "You have to stay here all the time, it's time to go back to Grande, hum, and report to Zac about our joint operations."

Dora beckoned to Bumi, but she didn't intend to fight back. This was obviously ironic. "It's funny." Only in response, he stood next to Spira, "Go up."

Spella glanced at John, and John gave ‘I ’m not going’ look. Seeing no action from Spira, the three disappeared.

The place where it appeared was still indoors, the place we knew, the wizards' laboratory in the middle of Ogil Street.

"Sibera." The Inian who didn't know stopped Siberia from preparing to send the vampire away. "Dora, Bumi." The wizard was also very polite and called all over, and then looked at Siberian Pull, "Yesterday I ordered the Central Hunter to arrange things to do, and there was a result."

Spella looked directly at Dora and Bumi, and moved her lips. "So fast. Okay, how's it going?"

"The trace of the girl's whereabouts has been completed in the middle." The Indians replied while flipping the notebook in their hands. "They also notified the local police to ensure that the trace of the girl entered the police's missing person tracking system. in."

While not sure what to say, Dora squinted Bumi, then looked at the Indians, "Make sure that this trace is not actually detected, those hunters must continue to fake this trace……"

The Yin'an people seemed to only be polite to Dora. While Dora was talking, she looked at Dora's eyes expressionlessly, waiting for her to finish. Instead, Dora felt discomfort herself, stopped, and looked at Spira, "Thank you, this alliance is good for us. If we keep this, I believe that this alliance can go very far." Dora suddenly What are you saying?

Spella waved her hand, "Since it's an alliance, don't count this kind of boring thing that you help me, I will help you." The corner of the mouth twitched, "And, I didn't want to think about the people who just formed an alliance , Carrying a 'bomb' on his body that can completely destroy Barton's peace and the alliance advantage that I just gained. "Shaking his head, not wanting to elaborate, nodded to the Indians holding the notebook," Is there anything else? " . "

"But." The ominous beginning, "Hunters now, they are not the only ones who are falsifying the girl's whereabouts." The Yin'an turned over the notes in his hand, not knowing whether it was his own comment or truthfully conveying his record The next thing, "And, the other party, forged more advantages than them."

No one made a sound, watching the In'an people turn the page in a hurry, and continued, "In addition to forging the whereabouts of this girl named" Georgina ", the other party also has photos and identities, everything is available ... "

"It's impossible, she's the Demon Feast Torredo, there can't be a photo ..." Dora shut her mouth consciously. There are still some people who are not cold to vampires. There is one in front of him, but they are not wizards, just ordinary Indians. Yes, the kind of identity businessman Steve Walker, who was called up by the Sibella's Ina assembly.

The Indians continued, "Not only 'Georgina', but even the wanted kidnappers who kidnapped Georgina, 'Robert', were forged. In the forged track, the two men are moving westward."

The Indians closed their notebooks and looked at Spella, "It's gone."

Quiet moment.

"We are going back to Grande immediately." Dora and Bumi disappeared. (To be continued.)

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