In the white room, stood a guy with a tight black leather suit. Bayi Chinese Network WWW√W√.く 8 ★ 1zW. Com is facing away from the door, looking up at a white light bulb on the high ceiling.

The face looking upwards, I do n’t know if it ’s because of the shining white light, it ’s still “natural beauty”. This white face is abnormal. But the owner of the face seems to be pursuing a certain style, such a pale face, with the most contrasting black eye makeup-eyeliner, eye shadow, and even lip color are dark red. That's right, that kind of non-mainstream, commonly known as visual system, is just that.

Well, to be fair, it is just a loyal Gothic style, but this makeup is not suitable for appearing in a bright white environment. It is suitable for scenes full of black and red, and even fanaticism, for example, Eun, a gothic concert praising the theme of blood and death. Anyway, it's not such a white room.

Just point it out, this man is the leader of the magic feast Toledo, the lead singer of a certain band, the first name-Eli, the last name-En, claiming to be Toledo.

"What time is it." Eli turned back without warning, with a pair of over-dilated pupils looking at the person who was opening the door. A general middle-aged man regardless of body shape or appearance may still remember-Arthur, the letter of complaint strongly condemned by a real Toledo, got lost his job, go to see A concert, and then, 'life is sublimated' guy.

Arthur's movements were a bit confusing, and the document he was holding shook several times before being caught on his side, glancing at the watch on his wrist, "Two o'clock in the afternoon."

Dark red lips pushed the corner of his mouth to the side, it was a smile. Eli turned away and continued to look at the light bulb above his head, not knowing who he was talking to, "It's two o'clock, it shouldn't be directly above, move."

Then, unbelievably, the white bulb responded to Eli ’s words, and began to move to the side on the high ceiling, the direction was west.

Eli looked at the slow-moving light bulb and nodded with satisfaction. He walked to the sand in the white room and sat down. "Speak, Arthur, what's the matter with you again." Wine bottle, after a bite, the darker lip color began to turn red, "Don't interview, don't do commercial performance ..." Impatient look, "As my agent, it is your job to push this kind of thing out. Every time this kind of thing, you have to trouble me, I really doubt if it is the right decision to keep you alive. "

Arthur's face was very ugly, "It's not the band's business, it's something else. Central ..."

The reddish lip color is even more red. I do n’t know if this bottle of wine can be turned into a bright red after one bite after another, "Central? Oh." Not interested, "What's wrong with Central? If It ’s the devil who called up a bunch of helpers, so do n’t waste my time. I do n’t care about the souls doing anything. ”He raised his eyebrows and blinked at Arthur.“ If it ’s about Nofi I would like to hear Le ’s news. ”

It ’s actually very difficult to talk to this kind of person, because you can see it, he does n’t give people the opportunity to communicate, “I want to hear you say that one plus one equals two. Spoke. ‘It ’s almost like this.

Arthur stood there for a while with an ugly look, "It's okay." He turned and went to leave.

"Hah!" Eli shook Arthur at the glass, "Don't go, come here, I'm teasing you ~" He patted the sand pad around him like a pet, "Come on, what are you saying, You know, I strongly encourage you to speak ~ "

If you remember how this Arthur experienced 'sublimation of life', you can understand the sarcasm in these words.

Arthur's face didn't get any better, but he sat obediently beside Eli. "The people in the middle came ..." The file in Arthur's hand had been taken and opened by Eli consciously, so Arthur shut up automatically. The last time he was encouraged by Eli, and even urged to speak, he saw **** with his own eyes and also entered hell.

Eli ’s reading is very fast. Each page of the document only stays for four or five seconds. It is quickly turned over, and the document is thrown back to Arthur, raising an eyebrow. “So the clue of our layout is finally Was opened. "

Arthur has no sense of belonging to this ‘us’. When he became a member of ‘us’, this clue was already there.

Eli tilted his head and twitched his lips. "It's actually a blessing from a group of hunters." This is a reluctant statement.

Arthur opened his mouth, and he personally cared about something, "When we were noticed by the hunter, we lost some people ..." Note that although there is no belonging to 'we', after all, it is now 'us' A member of. You should be able to understand what we are, it's Demon Torridor.

Eli tilted his head and came over, very disdainful, "I don't care, and there are people who live to send this news back." Said, looking at Arthur, "In the fan letter in this city, choose some The right person came out. "He cornered his mouth again and smiled," You know what to do, we, the most indispensable, are 'people'. "

Do you still remember the magic feast Toledo by mail to fans blood bottles, to carry out a large range of poor heritage?

There was a sign of force on Arthur's face. He was trying his best to control the expression on his face and lowered his head. "Yes." There was a reply.

It's hard not to notice the change in Arthur's mood, but will Eli care? Not at all, "Also, do n’t forget to let those guys pay me more attention to the whereabouts of Nophire in this post. Gee." Eli pouted, "I can still receive some time ago It is reported that they are lurking underground and selling blood to maintain their daily lives in the city, and they are still clearly planning what. During this time, there is no news at all. I am very disappointed. "

Of course it's gone, because Norfil went to Patton. It's just that the two here can't know.

"Well." Arthur could only keep his head down, and should be down.

Eli's face recovered from his smile, and he tilted his head to look at Arthur, "Is there anything else?"

Arthur didn't answer, just stood up and walked away. This is a bad conversation.

And this conversation will change a participant, and then continue. Because after Arthur walked out of this white room, a new person came in.

Eli's role in this upcoming conversation, as the newcomer came in, his first expression appeared, and he was positioned. It is not the dominant suppressor at all, but the oppressed party.

The person who came in stopped directly at the door, with a mockery of no intention to hide his face, looking at the white light bulb on the slightly west side of the high ceiling, "Is this your new toy, 'Manual Sun'?"

"I thought you were busy, how come you have time to come here." Eli's expression is as ugly as Arthur just now, "Lessenb ..."

"Mayor." Interrupted directly, "I need to call you a ceremonial clerk, specifically to adjust your name." The mocking person still has a smile on his face. If you recall Arthur, you should also think of the Mayor of Lesenbala who claimed that ‘everything in this city, including people, is his property’.

A brief silence, accompanied by a convulsion at the end of Eli's black eyeliner, "What are you doing, Mayor!" The tone was maliciously emphasized.

Looking at what he called the ‘manual sun’ above his head, he shifted his gaze to the wine bottle in Eli ’s hand, and Lesenbull said, “Check, did you steal anything from me.”

It should have been intentional, Eli raised his head, emptied the liquid in the bottle, and smashed his mouth, "A taste of freedom, so, no, not your 'precious citizen'."

"That's good." Lesenbra's smile seemed to be fixed on his face, turning sideways, facing Eli's direction. It seemed that he was not prepared to waste a step, and took another step into this room. "Then, don't waste your time, I'm here to praise you. We are quite satisfied with your little movement in the middle ..."

It was interrupted, it was a small resistance in the suppression, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Rosembra didn't care about the interruption at all, "Now don't continue to hide things boringly, you, know that Torrido is in Button, we, know Torrido in Button." This is describing two things The 'us' is the magic feast. The two separate meanings are obvious, isn't it? Eli—This magic feast Toledo is not included in the 'us' —— the magic feast, "You, We, each have our own thoughts on this Torrido, huh, huh, for some reason, our respective thoughts are different, but we still have to commend you, you did something we agree with. "

Eli didn't seem to want to respond to this long unknown, and opened a new bottle of wine. Please continue, his lip color is expected to become bright red.

Rosembra still didn't care. "But I still kindly remind you that you made a mistake. It may cause things to go where you don't want."

Eli's face twitched as he looked up, and now he was the one who remained silent and needed to control facial expressions. The retribution came so fast.

"You should not add that hunter, Robert, who has been dealt with by Toledo in Barton, in the fake whereabouts of the central part." Lesenbra said his words without delay, if not this white one There was nothing worth staying in the room, probably his eyes would not be on Eli.

"Huh!" Eli finally responded, but only at this sound.

"You have to praise you." Lesenbra turned his head. "Considering the complicated relationship between Georgina, the hunter, James Lance, and Barton Torredo, predict that even if Robert fails, the two The situation that people are still able to get out safely is buried in advance with a backup plan prepared for the two to get out. Unfortunately, I can now regret to tell you that your prediction was completely wrong and they failed. However, this backup plan ,commendable."

Eli's eyes were slightly crimson and he stared at Lesenbull. There was a complete response. "My plan has nothing to do with you! No need for your praise! No! No need for any comment from you!"

"Don't be so naive." Having said that, Lesenbull must have put a smile on his face. "We all know what you do in the Federation. You have succeeded, but we allowed it, you failed, hehe It ’s the same, we also allowed it. So, we are evaluating your every move, I think that by now, you should also accept this fact. "

Probably to show a certain point, Lesenbra looked up again and glanced at the light bulb on the ceiling. Every move, what I just said, does that include the meaning of this new toy?

"It's a courtesy to inform you about it." Um, Lesenbla smiled at a light bulb. "We, recently, there are some things that cannot be replaced."

This is a very serious sentence, which proves that the wine bottle in Eli's hand broke, adding a splash of bright red to this white room. It's a pity that we can't see his lip color completely changed.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh." Lesenbra turned back to Eli. "Can't you understand? Do you need me to explain?" The fixed smile finally changed, a more serious smile, "Okay." His finger Just thinking about the ceiling, "when there is a real Toledo that can walk in the sun, it is somewhere. Why, why waste time and wait, here can only do 'simulation day trip' The guy in the game, becomes Toledo. "


The words that contained certain emotions were interrupted at the beginning.

"We have given you such a long time, and even in a generation's memory, 'Torido is a magic feast' has become common sense ..." Remember, Seth from the West once told a joke to Zac —Isn’t Torredo a feast, "But, where we are now, you, do this boring thing here." Pointing to the ceiling, there is no trace of false taunt at all, "And I ’m very sorry , Have you been out today, Mr. Eli 'Toledo'? Today is a cloudy day without a sun. "


Even more specific words, like the beginning, were all interrupted by the smiling Lesenbla.

"And recently, in Kezier and Darcy of Barton, there have been reports of Barton Torrido's complete exclusion from working with us. You can think from our perspective, do we still need to wait for you. "

"You are ..." No interruption this time, "Do you want to remove us from the league!"

"Is the Alliance referring to our magic feast." It seems to be a question, but it is not, "Did you misunderstand something, we never said that you are already a member of the magic feast, you are, the magic feast." Only when When you really get the surname of Toledo, you are a member of the magic feast. But, you do n’t. ”

Eli is about to do something, or say, it does n’t matter anymore, Lesenbuller takes a step back and leaves the room, "Pay attention to your words and deeds, you know us, the magic feast, how to treat your own, property." Continued.)

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