For the time being, there is no need to bring up a warm atmosphere-one person just confessed to another person, and said "we are together" across races and beliefs.八 ★ 一 中 √ Wen Wang WW く W ★.く 81√z√W ★.く Com, yes, no, because Bumi does n’t allow it, he forcibly stretched out from the back seat and inserted between the two 'together' people, "Why ?! I don't understand! Why do you have to do for James These ones?!"

Zac's expressionless face was wrinkled, but Zac was a good driver, he wouldn't look away from the road ahead, "Bumi, do you care about this kind of thing, if I don't feel wrong, you And Dora, they do n’t like James. "


Zac interrupted directly, saying, "No need to say anything, I don't expect you to understand." He looked at Sam sideways, explaining to the wizard? I judged myself, "Barton at the beginning of the year is not so complicated. Grande is just a funeral home with Alpha and vampires. At that time, foreign aliens entered. In addition to the mayor, we need one ..."

Actually, this was picked up, "I know." Seth responded to Zach, and even pushed back Bumi, "I have my homework. Before I came to Grande, I asked Spella , Everything about Grande, or dare not stop you at Rept. "

Zac opened his mouth and said nothing.

Sam frowned, "You may not like my analogy, but you are in Patton and you are your own" wolf pack ", and James is one of them."

Sam is right, uh, in the first half, Zack doesn't like this analogy. ‘James is the one who succumbs and the vampire kinky-wei-xia’ sounds much better.

"When he is misled and about to make mistakes," Alpha "needs to take action to get him on the right path." Sam is also ready to stick to this analogy, "and then naturally, I will be by your side."

"Uh, then I have to ..." Bumi, forget it.

Zac squeezed his lips in utter silence. Nodded earlier, these two guys really disappeared.

On Highway 27, Zac held the steering wheel and continued to cover up the quarrel between the two in the car with the radio. Staring straight at the road. Probably due to this state of space movement, Zuckerbon didn't want to think about what appeared in his mind now. He was assessing, assessing what he had just said-how bad the situation must be, he would deceive James, and Georgina was killed by himself.

There is no doubt that James would be one of the worst cases if he wanted to leave everything in Patton and go to the middle to assist in the investigation. Also, James would dare to put pressure on Darcy to pick up the case ...

Zac stepped on the brakes because a car that was driving away from Grande not long ago was lying on the road. Kate had a thumbs up on the roadside, don't get me wrong, it was the action of stopping the car.

Zac tilted his mouth and jumped out of the car, looking at Kate whose face was almost black. "Do you need help, Miss Reporter."

"No!" Quite simply, Kate continued to keep the stop motion on the roadside.

Zac glanced at the two people in his car, and there was no figure. Reason-Sam said that he was born in a wolf pack and grew up in a wolf pack. He does not have the legal status of human civilization. Even if he is in front of others, this reporter who has private hatred against Grande should not appear Good. As for Bumi, he was just habitually unwilling to appear in front of unrelated people, Norfil ’s habit.

Zach walked up to Kate's car, glanced at the hood with white mist rising, "Open it."

"I said, don't worry about you!"

Zac went straight to the driver's seat. Hehe, as expected, the key was still inserted under the steering wheel. Don't learn.

"I said I don't need you ..." The curbside reporter rushed over.

Zac was too lazy to take care of it, and took the front cover of the car that had been lifted. "Save it, here is the Southern District, and it is a Sunday. No one will be bored on the 27th road." Zac looked at it. Around, there are houses on both sides of the road, but to see how dark Kate's face is when he hasn't appeared yet, he has obviously tried it.

Kate stopped talking and stared at Zac.

Zac checked the status of Kate's car and frowned. "Whose car is this?" Do you think Grand's truck is outdated? No, there is a more outdated car here.

"My grandma's." It's not a curse.

Zac tilted his mouth, closed the front cover, and returned the key to Kate. "Take away the things in your car and wait for the bus." Vampires are not omnipotent. The blood of a vampire can heal all injuries, but That is to life, the car is not life, but an object.

Zac is ready to return to his car.

"I have no money!" Kate said somberly.

Zac pouted and asked why no one would go out without money. There are, for example, journalists who have just compensated a lot of equipment money and paid bail. Can Zac ask? Only a few coins came out and handed it to Kate, "Do you need me to tell you where the platform is?"

Answer the question, "Don't think I thank you !!"

What can Zac say, get in the car and fasten his seat belt again. It's better not to. If this person reverses so well, Zac will feel embarrassed instead. Really, this kind of downfall on the side of the road will be met by anyone, and anyone willing to help with a few coins. There is no Torrido at all, no Zac at all, no distortion of facts to subvert the cognition at all. Well, everyone understands.

The key in his hand has turned, and the motivation begins to work--

"You know my previous question, didn't finish it at all!" Kate glared at Zac outside the door.

Zac released the car key and looked at Kate sideways. "Do you want to keep asking? Now?"

"Do you know what Ford gave birth to?" Of course, this Kate won't answer any questions from Zac. He insists, regardless of occasion, that he is the one who asks, really, a reporter.

For some naive psychology, Zac wants the two people in his car to keep this quiet, yes, it is the twisted wizard Sam who shrinks under his seat, and although he ca n’t see it, he can feel it Nophire Bumi, who breathed along the car window.

"What happened to Ford?" Zac looked at Kate and asked along the way.

"Huh! Don't you know! I think it's more appropriate for you to call 'Don't know Grande'!" Kate looked at Zac sarcastically, and was somewhat proud. "But this is ok, I know, I can tell you. "

"Then, tell me." Zac doesn't mind Kate's lay. Quiet is rare.

"Ford is in the hospital!" Kate didn't care much, just mocking, to Zac, "I was fainted at Ford's funeral home in the middle of the night yesterday, but was sent to the hospital by his own staff!"

Zac raised his eyebrows, his conscience testified on his face without any false surprise, and then cared, "How does he ..."

"Huh! I saw you today in Grande! The colleagues on the other side were busy and overhauled to the hospital. You Grande, hum ..." Needless to say, this means that it is easier to get a seat.

"It's not fair, today is Sunday." Zac frowned, and this argument is also necessary. The owner of the Ford Funeral Home is overworked in the hospital, which is news. If this reporter wants to write a report, don't think about it, it will be handy. Give Grande a knife, "In the traditional funeral industry, you will rest today. If you want to compare Grande and Ford by working status, please go to the mill ..."

"But Grande is Barton's only traditional funeral industry ..." Of course, Kate will interrupt and ask the question, "Isn't it." Bold and retouch it, it can be used as the title of the report. good, very good.

Zac pouted, "Which hospital?" Kate just wanted to write, Zac was too lazy to control.

"Oh! It sounds like you really care!" Kate continued to sneer.

"I do care." Zac looked at Kate, and looked, with his light green eyes, "You know Grande's first funeral in privatization, Mr. Quinn's funeral, the angel statue on the graveyard At that time, the almost deserted Grande had no reserves. Was it sent by Ford? "This is a repetition of the ranking in the office, forcibly changing the role of the question and the question." You know, today you are in the Grande. Is the construction of the house built by Ford suggesting me to build for the future exhibition of Grande? Did you know that the traditional ceremony and cremation combination that Grande started recently, for the first time, was the business that Ford handed over to Grande? ? "

The sarcasm on Kate's face began to fade, and she began to realize that she had chosen the wrong comparison object. Master Grande in front of her had a personal relationship with Ford.

"Miss reporter. Now I want to give you pertinent advice." Zack's face is very serious. "Do more homework and come to really 'hate me'. Now, you are like holding a bunch of trivial things in life. Of teenagers. "

"Provoking me is not good for you ..."

"Provocative?" Zach shook his head and turned away. "I'm embarrassed to hide, you are not worthy. I'll ask one more thing, have you ever interviewed Alan's Funeral House? Do you know Alan's master?" , To apply for a restraining order for me, I ca n’t get close to him within 1oo meters. "

The significance is that Kate's eyebrows rose like a baby.

But she also got Zack's contemptuous shaking head, "I know, I only 'hated' me yesterday, what else can you know." Zack looked back at Kate, smiling, "Tell you Fact, Miss Reporter, you are not the first to question the Grande. Surprise? You have comrades, hum, do n’t, if you are not so anxious to come to me, just wander around this southern area for at least a survey A glance at the environment in which Grande is located shows that even an ordinary person in the Southern District has questioned Grande since the mill appeared. "

Kate's eyebrows began to collapse, and she already realized Zach's irony.

"How smart do you think you are and want to order Grande for the crime of having a private transaction with the city government for every question? Sorry, Miss Reporter, you are too impatient. How about starting simple, like an ordinary Southern District Just like the first person to question the Southern District Police Station. Yes, I ’m giving you the information in turn. The Southern District People think that Grande has a relationship with the police station, so Allen signed a contract with the Southern District Police Station. The cooperation agreement is the only mill. "

Kate's eyes were twitching. On the one hand, she wanted to jot down these, and on the other, told him that it was Zack himself, with a mocking tone.

"Oh, by the way, when you finally think it's time to interview Grande's competitor, Allen, don't ask them about the progress of the municipal government's review of the" unfair competition in the funeral industry. "Zac continued, at Kate ’s face twisted at the same time, “Ah, yes, you are too late. The city government is reviewing the funeral industry. All the questions you asked me have already been asked. It ’s not you. It ’s Allen, Allen ’s lawyer. And they did better. At least, they dared to ask the city government, how about you? "Zac glanced at the roadside outside the car window," here. "

A moment of total silence.

"I!" Kate raised a finger and pressed hard in front of him, "Yes! Bury! Bury!" Is a word, "You! You !!!"

Zac pressed the car key again, "Looking forward to your car now." The bus is coming, based on the lady reporter who made a bold statement, there is still some distance from the station, our vampire kind reminder, "You should run." The good guy did it and pointed in the next direction.

Zac's car started to move, ignoring the kick that came after the car's bottom, and continued the interrupted journey.

The body curled up under the co-pilot finally got up. Sam twisted his body while sitting and stretched. Bumi in the back was slightly better, but just put the shadow back where it should be.

It was unexpected, neither of them continued to argue.

After all, someone ca n’t help but speak, it ’s Sem, understandably, who expressed Zac ’s intent, but as long as Zac feels right, it does n’t matter that Bumi does n’t speak, and continues to use him in the back. It's good to look at Zac with people's appreciation.

"Why did that reporter have such a hostility to Grande, no, you personally? I don't understand the significance of doing so."

Zac glanced at Sam, "You don't understand?" Shaking his head, this guy may not be as brilliant as Zac expected. "She is a reporter, either I tell her this, or she shows it by herself, she has started to ask The correct question is that it is already a fact that he wants to target Grande. The only difference is that letting her target be on the whole Grande, or against me. "

Sam frowned, "Is it personal to target you, is it better? Er, you are the master of Grande."

"I am also Toledo." Zac turned his head. "It's better than she went to the other Grande."

Let's get some facts. Grand's composition, physical composition, without any whitewashing-Old Hank was a cleaner professional who buried many people when he was young; Danny the illusionist, who was in Barton (John) under his deity; Mo Shi The identity is still in production; the Great Dane is a guy who occasionally appears in the shape of James; Alice is still a high school student with a little girlish appearance; Louise ’s previous occupation; Matthew is too honest ; Benjamin, uh, put a quotation mark, 'Benjamin', everyone understands.

If you want Grande to finish, just find one above and dig a bit. Do you need to go to the city government?

Zac said, Kate was impatient, but it was good-let Kate chase what Zac told her, yes, it is best to miss the countless treasures in Grande. Then, let Kate's aim be placed on Zac, the most difficult guy in Grand.

Doesn't make sense? Zac takes care of all aspects. Sam, like Bumi, just appreciate it. (To be continued.)

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