The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 6: On the road 2

When he was supposed to go east (police), Zac went west and went to Ford's funeral home first. Bayi ★ Chinese network W√w く W ★. ★ 81z ★ W√. √ Based on a reporter who did not answer Zack's question at all, Zack needed to find out which hospital Ford was in by himself.

"I didn't expect that you really care about this colleague." Without anyone to watch for, Seth followed Zac. Bumi disappeared, and he should habitually hide in a place where he shouldn't be stupid and monitor everything.

"He helped Grande." Zack's answer was straightforward, walking in the direction of Ford's office. As I said before, the pattern of funeral homes is similar, and Zac knows where he is going. The only difference worth mentioning may be the atmosphere. Ford is really busy. Zac walked into the yard like this, and no one was free to ask "Who is here" ...

"Mr. Grande?" Ah, someone knew Zac, "Why are you here?"

Unfortunately, Zack doesn't know the talking guy (Ford's accountant). Fortunately, he doesn't need to address the other party. "Oh, I heard that Ford was in the hospital. Let's ask him where he is and go visit."

"Oh, just right, I am also going to the hospital for delivery ..." Suddenly realizing what was unnatural, he paused, with an awkward smile on his face, and the briefcase in his hand was tight. Who knows what's inside.

Zach noticed it, but he didn't have to care. "Let's go together." He gestured and pointed to the direction of parking.

"Uh, I still have something to sort out. You first, Renci Hospital, Building X, X ..." After that, I turned and went back to the office.

Zac didn't respond very much, it was enough to get the address, turned around and walked back, casually looked at Ford's funeral home.

It is not an illusion. Ford Funeral Home has a cold feeling. The ground is concrete, the wall is also concrete, and there are wire fences around it to separate the funeral home from the surrounding building area.

This is more like a facility than Grand. This is caused by geography. After all, Grande has a large area of ​​land in the southern area, and there are no people and buildings around it. Soil and wood are the keynote. Ford is in the North District. People standing on the ground can't see anything 5 meters away under normal circumstances, because there are people, streets, and other buildings. Compared with the outside of the funeral home, it is naturally cold and hard.

Zac, who was feeling the atmosphere of his peers at will, stopped, because Sam did not keep up.

"What's that?" Sam looked at Zac and pointed to a bungalow in a certain direction.

Zac glanced, and someone wearing a police uniform came in and out.

"The mortuary cooperating with the police, the bodies of the autopsy are temporarily stored there, so that the police can retrieve them for review." This problem was said very early, and it was the first problem exposed after the privatization of funerals. One was for the police. There is no need to apply for a search warrant every time an investigation is made. Secondly, the funeral home can directly burn the corpses that may become evidence in order to save costs. "There are also mills."

"Is there a police patrol in that place at any time." Sam asked with a frown.

"Theoretically, yes." Zac can only do this. On the mill side, the Southern District Police Department does not pay much attention to this aspect, and Madison's side is rarely disturbed by the police. With a bit of ill-intentioned defamation, the cases in the Southern District are simpler. Zac is even more curious about what Samsem is interested in.

"So, if anything is born here." Sam looked at his feet. "Here, where I stand, in theory, there should be a police officer there, right?"

Zac glanced at the direction of the policeman and at the place where Semm was standing. "Theoretically, yes." What. "

Sam didn't speak. He stood around looking at the left and right, pouted, and said to Zac, "The person who spoke to you in the direction of the office is looking at this side."

Zac looked at it. Sure enough, the guy still held his briefcase on the right side of the window and looked at this. Zac's eyes appeared, and he escaped awkwardly.

"It doesn't matter what you show." Zack waved his hand directly.

"There is a powerful wizard who uses sorcery here." Sam said affirmatively.

Zac glanced again at the place where Sam stood and pouted.

Hey, this is not the first time the sixth sense of the wizard has appeared, right, Spira used this ‘magical sixth sense’ to find the dead, remember. Anyway, Zac can't feel the same thing.

Zac looked around, and no one seemed to care that the two were standing here. Zac said to the air, "Bumi."

I do n’t know where it came from. ‘Oh ~’ Zac continued to stand with Sam, beckoning a funeral employee, and asked aloud, “What happened here last night?”

The other person gave Zac a look of "you ask me", "I don't know."

Zac didn't say much, just pay attention, and pulled Sam back into the car.

Bumi quickly moved back to the back seat of the car in five minutes. He did n’t know what he wanted to say to Sam, and then to Zac, "There is no response from the police, but the one who talked to you before People, look at where you are asking others, and you ask yourself in doubt, 'How do they know where Ford fell there'. "

Zach moved his car and was about to drive to the hospital, but naturally he was asking, "Ford fell to Semm yesterday?"

"According to that person, yes." Bumi continued to disdain Sam, um, disdain, "Oh, he is Ford's accountant, I found his information in the employee file ..." It is not over yet, " I also flipped over his desk and schedule. It was Ford ’s funeral home ’s finances this year. The document had the municipal government ’s header on it and was submitting a financial report at the request of the municipal government. I went to his dormitory and there was a hospital. The receipt of treatment, he was the employee who sent Ford to the hospital yesterday, and his signature is him. "

Sam frowned and looked sideways at Bumi. "Five minutes." He wanted to express what he felt.

"Huh, why. I just flipped through his personal diary, do you want to hear it?"

Sam curled his lips and said nothing, but Zac bent the corner of his mouth, "Good job, Bumi."

"Small meaning." Bumi shrugged at the back and raised her eyebrows. "I miss the feelings I used to have (a long time ago)-the goal is still talking to you about life at the banquet. I have dug up all his experiences in life, Then watch you 'subvert' each other's life in the corner. "

The car was quiet.

Sam, glanced at Zach, "So, is this the way the once secretive alliance controlled the central part. Torredo attracted attention on the bright side, and Nofiler infiltrated to obtain intelligence, and finally handed over to Torrido to rebuild One's world, of course, is good for the hidden alliance. "

"Otherwise!" Bumi is complacent in the back, "Torido gives us (Nofel) their goals with their observational power, and with our ability to hide and sneak in, we can get everything, mistresses, political inclinations, and even ulterior motives. The dark secrets of people ... all. With these, Toledo can create any one of our alliance needs in a casual communication event. "

Zac just shrugged his shoulders, with no expression on his face. Why? Bumi really said it was too far away. It ’s so far away that there is no usable value for it now — to be honest, in the era when Toledo still existed in the aristocracy, he was free to participate in these social activities that occupied the top of the society. Now, when we count, Zack only participated in two On such occasions, one was to **** Blake, and the other was, uh, Zach gave himself an appearance in front of all Barton upper class people-the luncheon of Herman, remember, Zack Boisen was sent off 'Varmina', running like a joke on the lunch table, and finally was banned by Liszt. By the way, this matter will surely be turned over recently. No reason, because there is now a reporter who hates Zac.

Sam pouted his lips, "No wonder since the establishment of the Federation, the Secret Alliance has firmly controlled the central part, and the wolves have been crushed to death, unable to turn over."

The ridicule must be kept up, of course Bumi, "It's as if the werewolves are doing well elsewhere, hum." This is racial discrimination.

"I'm too lazy to argue with you." Sam actually showed generosity and looked at Zac. "What are you thinking, if I feel right, Ford's collapse may not be caused by overwork, because of the wizard Witchcraft. "

"I didn't think about anything." Zack shook his head in denial. "I'm going to the hospital soon. I see Ford before thinking about it." Zack looked at the rearview mirror and there was nothing in it, but he knew he was looking The place is Bumi, "You go to the police station, find James and let him go to Grande to wait for me."

"Uh, I ..." Bumi wants to refuse. Everyone understands this psychological process, and I won't explain it.

Zac did n’t give him any chance to refute, “On Sunday, his partner Detective Coulson, will pray with his family. James will be alone. I do n’t want him to think about anything and do something inexplicable. Stupidly decided. So, Bumi, go. If not at the police station, find James at his house. "Zac also stopped at the side of the road, looking at the sewer entrance on the road. Nofile is a race more suitable for going underground. If it is not inexplicable to follow Zac, he will not be in this car.

Bumi's face was tangled, meaningless, Zac couldn't even see it from the rearview mirror, quietly waiting for the door to open, the door closed, and the sewer manhole cover on the side of the road shook like a gust of wind, Zac restarted Start, continue driving to the hospital.

There are only vampires and wizards in the car. To be honest, the atmosphere is not so good. Both of them are struggling to blend in this epoch-making mode, right.

Zac had to concentrate on driving and had reason not to speak. Then, it was only Sam who broke the silence.

"When I was in Grande, I wasn't very clear." Sam's tone was uncertain, it should be because the next thing to say was not good, "You should get rid of that ink, she is very dangerous."

This guy is also persistent. It seems that he did not let go of the little collision with Mo at lunch yesterday.

"Is it." Zac didn't express his expression. "Does Benjamin think so too?" We should all know what happened at noon yesterday. Compared to Mexico's republican interracial science, our Zac cares more about Benjamin Attitude to Sam.

Sam ’s face suddenly became embarrassed, but he did n’t expect Zac to mention Alpha suddenly, “How Benjamin feels, I, I do n’t care, I ’m suggesting to you ...”

"Then tell the reason." Zac kept at least enlightened.

"You can't restrain her soul alien, this is the first and most important!" Sam is very direct.

Zac nodded, and there was no need to refute this fact.

"I can't restrain her." Oh, it's a bit interesting, "Although I haven't experienced orthodox witchcraft family education, the wolf packs are not necessarily less knowledgeable than the wizard family!" Sam is a little inexplicably excited, "we all know When the Holy Lord's beliefs invaded, the wizards now could not control the angels and demons who were clearly alien souls. Then in the later era, the wizards saw that more and more souls were captured by the Holy Lord's faith and stolen from this world. . Even the Federation ’s main beliefs are already the Holy Lord ’s beliefs! "

Based on the excitement this guy said, Zac glanced at him, "What do you want to express?"

"The big 6 of the Federation, which was invaded, cannot be suppressed, and the belief system of the soul, controlled this big 6." Sam's face has an unexpected expression of compassion and compassion. He may be a little trance temporarily, forgetting what he said. The object is the vampire in this 'soul belief system', "Now, here comes a new, such alien alien, with her alien system that we have difficulty even understanding, came here! I don't need to say anything more , Look at history, look at facts. "

Ink, will the anti-guest dominate in this big 6 as the holy Lord believes in the witchcraft faith?

Zac raised his eyebrows in response to hearing an idea he never expected. However, it is just a response. Zac has discussed this issue with Mexico from another aspect, remember?-Is it necessary to start an abnormal war and build peace together?

Therefore, Sam ’s inexplicable idea is actually superfluous. There is only one ink, not the explicit invasion of the colonists, there is only one. To emphasize, it is still smuggling.

"You are right." Zach shook his head, and said to Sam, "It's better not to say this kind of words in Grande. Actually, don't say anything."

"So that's your decision?" Sam frowned. "You don't know how to ink, just stay in Grand?"

"Yeah." Zac was very simple.

When Sam opened his mouth several times, he automatically closed several times, brushing on the co-pilot infinitely entangled with the sense of presence. Of course, I hope Zac will give a convincing explanation.

Zac is an intimate person, so he will give it, "Well, you just reminded me. The faith of the Lord, the belief in witchcraft, can not suppress the republican aliens. Ha ha." Zac laughed, "Now, Grande just needs such a person to exist. "

Has anyone followed Zac's thinking? The reminder was yesterday's discussion with the fallen angel Jessica after the church, that a powerful existence caused the death of the disappearing heart, and also caused the incident of more than one hundred workers suddenly disappearing. In the "limited" knowledge reserve of Zach and the fallen angel, there are only two "things". With this ability, there are two "things" that no one can touch. If they want to do anything, all people will only receive passively. The 'thing' written. Holy Lord and Papa at midnight.

In Grande, there are people who can't control these two things, Mo. So Zac laughed. (To be continued.)

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