After finally making a round, when he first entered the afternoon, he returned to Grande. The biggest surprise was that Benjamin was at home. Bayi Chinese Network W く w ★ W√. 81 く ZW. Com

Zach ignored Bumi, who hurried towards himself, and walked to Benjamin's warehouse.

Benjamin is, uh, packing up?

"What are you doing?" Zac stared at Benjamin and tucked the folded blanket into the suitcase.

Benjamin glanced back at Zac, "Don't stand, help." Only then began to explain, "Mocavi said that things over there are not easy to use."

Mocavi said, um, something over there, um.

After Mokawi's wanted was revoked, she needed to go to the nursing home for a few days to complete the transfer process to Patton. Yesterday James said.

Zac did not expect Mokawi to “obey” this arrangement at all. He had planned to arrange with Mr. Green to cover up the matter. Unexpectedly, really unexpectedly, Benjamin actually persuaded Mokawi, so persuaded--

"It's okay to stay for a few days. When it's time to play, you can ask Zach to find a psychiatrist to" treat "you. When you come out, you will be cured, not even the patient. Anything you want to do. Anyway, Green ’s Sanitarium, is n’t that what the Westside people used to do this kind of thing, 'washing people', right Zack. "

Right, Zac. Benjamin said convincingly.

Zac didn't want to say a word at all.

Then, today, Benjamin sent Mokawi to the nursing home in the morning. Although he is back now, he seems to be leaving soon.

Zac didn't help Benjamin pack his luggage so easily, but stood beside him, looking at Benjamin's almost empty bed, and his face grew weird. Ominous hunch, "Your things are delivered, where do you sleep?"

Benjamin raised an eyebrow. "Over there."

"Uh ..." Zac couldn't bear it anymore and took off Benjamin's pillow that he was about to continue to stuff into his suitcase. "Don't tell you to go to sleep! Accompany Mocavi!" A little calm, at least did not red eye on Alpha, to maintain the dialogue in the humane civilization.

But Benjamin looked funny and put the pillow back in the suitcase. "What's wrong, are you jealous?"

"Uh, take it seriously, Benjamin!" Zac didn't want to make a joke, "If you and Mokawi, this, uh, 'situation', is just a moment of freshness ..." Freshness? Zac's good, actually described this way, "It's almost over, it's a bit ridiculous to continue. You are Alpha, she is, uh, Mocavi."

Benjamin is still a funny look, probably the kind of seriousness that Zac is rare, "Hehe, you and I, Torrido's" freshness ", have also maintained for more than ten years. Hehe, now you think this feels fast The dots disappeared? "

Zac rubbed his lips and stopped talking. It ’s not about giving up, but about changing the angle. He ’s the best at it, Torrido, right.


Zac watched Benjamin continue to tidy up, "Benjamin. Mokawi is married, and a painting, landscape painting." The angles are very strange in various senses-trying to wake Benjamin, no, the rationality of any normal person Thinking ability. Mocavi is a lunatic, stay away from her! My "brother"!

"Yeah, huh, huh." Oops, Benjamin smiled even more, with glory in his eyes that shouldn't exist, "A picture."

For the first time, Zack felt that he had entered a dead end. Eyes wide open, looking at Benjamin. Unbelievably stretched this monosyllable, "Uh--"

Yes, Zac was completely unprepared to receive the message released by Benjamin at this time, the "point" that Zac could not imagine. Hell, what does Benjamin mean! !

Zacna's infinitely long tail stopped. He lowered his head and looked at the tip of his shoe seriously, now he did n’t want to look at Benjamin ’s face at all, and could n’t look directly, that is to say, the situation now, “Let ’s make it clear, Benjamin, you are, like, Moka Is it right? "

Please say no, Zac is looking forward, hopeless.

Benjamin didn't want Zac to be better, "Oh, maybe."

"X!" Is definitely the first time our vampire swears. Zac turned around, not wanting to ask more. He didn't deliberately make use of his footsteps and left the warehouse.

"I know you may be in a bad mood right now." It was Bumi, and he was waiting for Zac to come out of the warehouse. "But I still have to tell you that, James is in your office, and ..." 'S face, "Oz Kozil ..."

Zac did not respond. The first time he entered Grande, he felt the existence of this magic feast reader, but Benjamin was always higher than these 'small characters', so he ignored it first. Continue to maintain the degree, go to the house.

"That ... he told James something." Bumi didn't know what was wrong, and spoke quickly, but he seemed to be tangled with something, and he paused a lot, causing his words to be not smooth, "About, that, Um, the feast of Torrido, uh, my one, I wo n’t go up ... "

When walking up the stairs, Bumi stopped behind Zac. "... I don't want to be in contact with Minxin."

Zac frowned, glanced at Bumi, waved his hand, forget it, he would be clear by going up. Bumi disappeared instantly.

For the time being, Zac didn't want to think more, forcibly adjusted his emotions, not caring about Benjamin, and pushed open the door of the office.

James sat at his desk with his head down, unable to see his expression, but his body was sullen. The form of expression is that the entire body is as rigid as a sculpture without a sense of life. Oz was standing, away from the corner of James's office, with a smile on his face when Zac came in, "Zac, you are finally back."

Zac sat down behind his desk and tried to look down at James ’expression. It was unsuccessful. James raised his head and stared at Zac with dead fish eyes. The first sentence he said," You know I don't know. "There was no tone of question, as if he just propped his head up with his neck and used all his energy.

Zach immediately became cautious, glancing at Oz's face blinking hard, "Know."

Without Toledo's ability, don't easily learn Zac's approach-give a positive answer when you don't know what the other party is asking. Torrido has big moves, we don't.

James' head was lowered again, as if he had guessed Zac's answer.

Okay. Without James's gaze, Zac looked at Oz again and raised an eyebrow, meaning, ‘what is the case? ’

"Just like I said to you." Oz looked at Zac, but the content was to James, "I asked Zac to keep this secret, don't tell you ..."

What Zac can do now is to keep quiet, and understand the reason for this situation from Oz's words.

"... If you want to blame anyone, blame us, the Demon Feast. Zach just kept the promise for your sake."

For some reason, Zac now has some good and bad things in mind, the good thing is that no matter what James is in this state at this time, Oz is not prepared to let Zac take the pot and resist it all, leaving Zac. It's just a good man for James' sake. But the bad thing is that God testified that Zac did not have any agreement with this mind-reader, Demon Feast. Zac didn't want to wear this hat.

Mind readers, it is not easy to deal with.

Zac remained quiet, looking at Oz, to see what else he could say.

"If you can be more comfortable, the Demon Banquet has controlled the Demon Torrido, if you want to ..."

"I think." This was the beginning of a special breakpoint. James, with his head down, was just repeating where he interrupted Oz. "You know what I think. Gee." As if the spirit had been insane —— “Hehehe, I ’m stupid. Of course you know what I want, you are a reader.”

Just like repelling Benjamin from the bottom of my heart and seeing Mojave smiling, Zac also repulsed the depression of James! Remember, the first time Zac really looked at James differently, it was when James came to Grande for consciousness-‘Grande is here, and Robert will come back here with Georgina! Me, just wait here! '(Georgina was just kidnapped, James's awakening made him re-willing to cooperate with Grand after scolding Zac as a blood-sucker). James' epiphany and determination at that time compared with what he was ……Uh.

Zac's hand crossed the table and lifted James' head with no respect, looked at the dead face, pouted, and withdrew his hand, looking at Oz, "You go out."

Oz was a little surprised, after all, he hadn't been able to say exactly what Zac needed to know. But then Zac ’s voice sounded in his mind, and it was convenient to read the mind. ‘If I guess it ’s good, you tell James. Georgina and Robert, right? ’

Oz nodded.

Zac continued to communicate without speaking, ‘you also told him that these two feasts Toledo are dead. ’

If he was alive, James would n’t be the way he is now. Anyone who knew James should understand that if he knew his (ex) girlfriend became a vampire, he would n’t be quiet in Zac ’s office for a second. .

Oz nodded.

‘Who killed. I, walk through the door on the east side, you devil feast, walk through the door on the west side. ’

Zac knew what to ask, huh! I also know how to ask! You should be familiar with these two directions. The west side leads to the living area, indicating that we can talk about it later. The door on the east side left Grand, bye bye.

Oz smiled and went out of the west door.

Well, Zac is completely bottomed. The knuckles of your fingers are tapping on the table, just like waking up a sleeping person, "James, I wo n’t read your mind. If you keep this, I may use some of the ways you hate to talk to you. You Do you want that? "

"No." The answer was quick, but his head was still bowed.

"Then, tell me, what are you thinking." Zack asked with disdain and continued to knock on the table. It is a very disgusting way of communication, but it should be like this, there is always one thing that can re-energize James ’fighting spirit and return to the familiar rhythm of the detective-vampire.

"I don't want to think about anything." Still, the answer was quick, but without any anger.

"What does Oz want." Zac asked in a different way, and he kept the lie just now, "I will not tell you the truth about Georgina no matter what I promised, no matter what I gave birth to." Oh, it was really Zha Ke, now he ca n’t count on any hypocritical remarks, because Oz started off, asking him to be so hypocritical, right, "I think you never need to know."

James lowered his head and moved, just a moment, still did not lift up, "He doesn't want anything, just can't hide it, I will show that they killed Georgina myself, I have to tell me." Obviously It was a ridiculous tone that James said was lifeless.

Zac needs to do more in the way of stimulating James.

Zac raised his eyebrows and rang the call bell on the table. "Danny, I'm hungry. Get some food. What food do you know. The kitchen, the refrigerator, the right side, the innermost." The ear-cooked food storage point ,Right. Yes, Bumi is also the place to get Sam.

The illusion moves quickly, and the dark red wine bottle comes to Zac's hand.

While pouring the 'wine', he kept the first-class disdain, "I have to tell you? Really." Zach deliberately, the liquid as thin as a straw, does not lean against the edge of the glass, but vertically from the mouth of the bottle Fall into the middle of the liquid level in the cup. The scattered sounds of falling, like the endless urine ... and Zach's voice, "Sorry, but I'm a little curious, what do you have to do with the Devil's Banquet, your mess with Director Darcy? The same attitude. "

James's head moved again, this time, raising a little, staring at Zac's deliberately maintained "wine" posture, looking at the red that may be cut off at any time and constantly stirring droplets in the glass , Corner of mouth twitching.

This is how people's emotions look. When they find the right point, as long as they keep building up, they will be pushed out. Zac is too good at this kind of thing-

"Oh." She smiled. "Nofel has been sending me to me these days ..." Zach closed his mouth pretentiously. "Sorry, you shouldn't say this to you, detective." He also blinked. .

Very good, James ’head was completely raised, and his face returned to the gloomy look that made us feel kind," Where did they get the blood! "

"Blood Station." Zac didn't care about the temporary bias. "Probably it's stolen, huh, don't care about these little things, James, it's better than what they get on the street, right."

"Good ?!" James stared at Zac. "These blood is used to save people !!"

"Save people under the fangs of hungry vampires." Zac raised an eyebrow. "Oh, the same." He also kept a smile. "Don't force all vampires to be as picky about food as I am, James."

"You don't have the qualifications to say that at all!" It's true that Zac was a bit over, and still kept the **** posture. It's only half a cup, Zac can still pour for a while.

"Who can do that?" Zach turned his side. "Your girlfriend? Oh, sorry, ex-girlfriend."

The point that Zack grasped is obvious—ignore your ex-girlfriend is dead for now, let's discuss the fact that she is a vampire. (To be continued.)

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