The perfect time-when you poke the bear completely, there are good reasons to leave the bear there.八 ★ 一 中 √ Wen Wang WW く W ★.く 81√z√W ★.く Com

When James's chest bulged up, full of emotions about to roar out, Zack finally put down the urinary bottle and stood up, "Wait here!" The expectation, "I'll be back soon!" Went out.

When James responded, Zac's voice was gone in the office, and he looked only in the direction of a wine glass containing half a glass of bright red liquid. Um, just look at this glass of ‘wine’, and feel attentively what the vampire called food. Zac will come back in a moment.

"Jimmy." Zach stood on the back porch and looked at the angel floating into the backyard. "You are finally back." The voice is not loud, the other party can hear it. After all, Grande also has ordinary people (Oss) D) Although pretending to work hard ... "And, you also brought a person back." The feet floated into the Grand guy, not only an angel, but also a saint, Sissi.

Sissi rolled her eyes and walked past Zac directly to see that the action was going directly to the office, but suddenly stopped on the stairs and glanced up, "Here are the readers of the Magic Banquet? "James was naturally ignored by the saints.

Zac shrugged and answered.

Sissy twitched her lips and went to the restaurant. This is the notice of "waiting for the talks".

It doesn't matter if Zac is up. In fact, the more Grandes who come here, the better. When James's emotions showed uncontrollable signs, Zac picked one out, and he could leave James there for the reason that the owner could not neglect the guests, perfectly avoiding the attack.

"Jimmy, how is it?" Zac put his attention back on the angel.

"I ..." Jimmy's condition was a little strange, a touch of gold twirling around his body, a brow raised on his face, as if fixed, just like the expression of someone who didn't slow down after being scared, well."

Zac didn't ask if the other party was good, well, Zac didn't care about Jimmy's condition, the angel's **** experience that Zac cared about. But Zac did not correct, but looked at the low-level angel again. No, Zac frowned, "You, advanced."

"Well, yes." Jimmy tilted his head, still looking like he didn't slow down. "I, advanced ~" The ending rose. Not happy, but self-doubt. Then, "I am a mid-level angel." He turned his head and looked at Zac, "I can be possessed."

Zac raised his arms and looked at Jimmy, frowning slightly. Just like the promotion of human beings, when you are promoted, you should think of more wages, a better working environment, and better welfare, right? Correspondingly, angel advancement should be more power and more glory, such as gaining the ability to control the gate of heaven, being able to contribute to faith and spreading the gospel on behalf of faith ... Can it be possessed? Uh.

"Uh ..." Jimmy watched Zac wink, dumbfounded. "Sorry, I feel, weird."

"It's useless to ask him." Sissi's voice came from the dining room, not inside, but from the kitchen. "If you want to know what happened, you might as well ask me."

Makes sense. Zac glanced at Jimmy and finally walked to the kitchen, very directly, "what happened during the service."

Sissi was looking at the dim sum set aside on the turntable, and when she saw what felt good, she threw it in her mouth.

Hush! Remember that Grande has always had the habit of reserving snacks for the Great Dane, do n’t tell Sissi the truth.

"You want to listen to the complicated version is still simple." Sissy raised her eyebrows, satisfied with the look of the snack in her mouth. "This snack is really good, it's republican."

Yes, Alice is not there. The ink is naturally republican.

Zac couldn't bear to answer, no, it was Cici who couldn't stop filling dim sum in her mouth, turned away, "Simple first."

"Jessica opened the door to hell, and Jimmy went down." Sissi nodded while eating (Sissi's villa didn't return to the cook. This has been mentioned long before, and Siss comes every time. Grande ’s only comfort), while kicking away the Great Dane who tried to jump onto the desk, he said, "Jessica opened the door to **** again, and Jimmy did n’t come up. Jessica opened the door to **** again, Jimmy. Not up. Jessica opened the door to **** again ... "

Zac felt that he had made the wrong choice and interrupted with a cough. "The door controlled by Jessica is only five seconds." Remind Sissi to skip the repeated things and hold on. Five seconds soon, and you can't toss several times.

"Yeah." Sissi raised her finger and waited for the food in her mouth to swallow and withdrew. "So the last time, Jessica went down on her own. Then." Continue to choose the dessert that she wants, "When you come up, you take Advanced Jimmy is up. "

Zach tried to confirm, "Are you saying, a low-level angel, completed his advancement in hell."

"Yes." Sissi's eyes moved a little, but no matter what emotion she had in her heart at this moment, she was quickly suppressed and she continued to enjoy Grande's snack, "Yes, Jessica said By the way, the original fallen angel Jimmy also advanced, and became an intermediate demon. "

Zac pursed his lips for a moment, thinking about the polarization of this belief. For a while, hum, thinking about this kind of thing that has nothing to do with vampires on both sides of the pass, Zac is also boring.

"What's more complicated?" Continued to ask.

Sissy shrugged, "I'm idle and idle anyway, waiting for Jimmy." He glanced at Zac, "You don't expect us ..." She should be talking to Angel Camille, "I'm interested to listen Worship the devil. "

"I don't." Zac cooperated.

"So, we discussed what we should do when we get the glory discarded by fallen angels in heaven. Just in the void where Jessica repeatedly opened the gate of hell, we reached an agreement. "

"Really." Zac really regrets being delayed by that reporter Kate, and it sounds like he missed something very interesting.

"You know, Jessica has fully mastered the special advanced technology that your Grand neighbor, Constantine studied, right."

"I know." Zac pouted, and sighed before. Constantine is going to leave Button this time. It's really, uh, how to say, it's heartfelt.

"Jessica is willing to give us this technology." Sissi stopped and continued to pick dim sum, her face became solemn. "Do you know what this means? It means that with this technology, and those What the fallen angel dropped. Two steps, as long as two steps, heaven can restore what it deserves in a short time ... "

Zac interrupted, very ignorant, "I guess this is not a unilateral effort." Zac raised his head slightly, looking to the east side of the ceiling-the direction of the office, the words accelerated slightly, and began to move out. , "What Jessica should have asked for."

Before Sissi prepared to answer, Zac raised his hand to stop, and had walked from the kitchen to the restaurant. "Wait a minute, I ..." James figure rushed through the restaurant door.

Sissi sideways, it doesn't matter to continue picking snacks, Zack, continue to speed up, keeping up with James who has rushed out of the back porch, "James! What are you doing?"

James took action and got into the car without talking, without the seat belt fastened.

Zac didn't do the stupid trick of stopping the car, just raised his hand and pressed the roof of the car, so that the roaring motive became futile, knocking on the window, "James?"

James twitched a few times in the gear like cramps. Except for the dust rising in the backyard of Grande, his car didn't move a bit. "Let go!"

Zac pursed his lips, he didn't think he was pushing James too tight, and continued to knock on the window, "open."

James' answer was to continue stomping the throttle. The only effect is a Zach fingerprint on the roof of his car.

Zac pouted, sulking, "James, don't be so naive, do you want a group of workers to watch me overturn your roof?"

With good intentions, James has been reminded to look at the construction site on the south side. Those working workers are of course watching the movement here!

The window opened and what was about to be said-Oz should have heard the movement and appeared on the back porch. James's desire to speak turned into a twitch in the corner of his eyes, "Let go!"

Zac glanced at the readers who spread their hands, pouted, and let go, "You have to deal with getting off the roof ..."

The motive that had been fully charged was finally liberated, and the dust was thrown wildly behind the car's buttocks, and the Grande was out.

Zac patted the dust on his body and reluctantly returned to the back porch. This time his grasp of the people's hearts was obviously a failure, and the reason was still holding his hands. "I can't tell the worse, the previous Lifelessness, or anger now. "Probably cool words, lifelessness was caused by him, anger was caused by Zac, and both states were pretty bad.

Zac is too lazy to speak, and his heart is enough, ‘do n’t compare me with you. ’

Oz smiled awkwardly. He should be conscious. After James left, Zac would ask him to settle the bill. Using this kind of sudden and temporary means to force Zac to cooperate, it is not worth Zac to continue to speak to him. Nice words.

"If you have something, it's better to finish it quickly." Sissi still uttered a voice in the kitchen. "Personally, I don't care to read the person next to 'listen' to what I am going to say this time, but, I may It takes a long time for Zac. So ... "The unexpected question," Zac, don't you train your own dog, why does it keep jumping up ... "

Zac ignored it and looked at Oz, "Say. Or in a more convenient way."

"Convenient, I can't stay here too long." Oz is already pulling his sleeves. The convenient method, remember, Oz used it once. Although Toredo is generally not as good at receiving information from the blood as Lesenbull, who specializes in blood, it is also feasible for mind readers who are proficient in giving blood.

The two entered the house, avoiding the outside vision, and Zac pinched Oz's arm. Before he lowered his mouth, it was impossible to notice the pinhole on Oz's arm without notice-as if it was in Ozna Covered by bright clothes, a little 'small flaws'. Zac pouted, "Oz, don't tell me what special hobby you have."

After all, Barton has Smith, and everyone understands that x-pin is not just a way to enjoy.

"If I want to say hi, I just need to find a junkie sitting next to him, and I can experience it without self-harm."

Uh, this is convenient. Reading is really a good ability.

Zac twitched the corner of his mouth and chuckled. Oz looked away temporarily and continued, "I need to contact the Demon Banquet to write a report. It's too much trouble, so I just take out the information they need to know and mail it. It's convenient, and the Demon Banquet Toledo learned. "

Zac quickly raised his eyebrows when he dropped Oz's arm. The information contained in Oz ’s blood is a little too much, too much!

Oz looked at the wound on his arm, along with the little needle hole, and recovered into new skin. He raised his eyebrows without knowing what he was expressing. "You are so gentle, I hardly feel anything."

Zach picked up each wrinkling in the middle, "And I." The language is very slow, is still receiving information in the blood, "Feeling, a lot, too much." The face was completely gloomy, looking at Oz , Is malicious, "You should leave, immediately."

Oz did not immediately execute the order that was already a warning. "I have no reason to lie to you. You must know why I temporarily changed the magic banquet plan and gave the magic banquet the hatred of killing Georgina. I ..." What is 'change the magic feast, give it to the magic feast'.

"Leave, now." Zac repeated.

Oz is very persistent, "Give me a reply, let me have the bottom, I don't want to do this kind of thing alone, an ally, or an enemy, me, Kozil. You need to choose."

What is Oz talking about?

Zac's movement will explain all this. He walked down the back porch, the direction is clearly the construction site on the south side.

"Uh, don't exclude me." This is to say that Zac blocked the reading of Xinxinren. Oz stood on the back porch and looked at Zac's back. He already knew that Zac on the front had his eyes red.

Stealing-seeing-gossing Austin and his workers began to work hard as Grande approached. As a result, our vampire's footsteps stopped and stopped in the center of Grand's backyard, his red eyes facing his feet, "Ryan, come out."

"What!" Ryan came out and Hanger Lang was in charge.

"Bumi killed Georgina, Eve covered up the scene, and Louise used the enchanting pupil to Austin. Yes or no."

"Why, what ..."

"Yes, or, no."

"Uh! I don't want to be caught in your vampire ..."

"So yes, yes." The redness in Zac's eyes disappeared, standing for a while, turning around and walking back to Oz. "Good luck, ally." The choice has been made.

With a sigh of relief, Oz had a smile on his face, stopped talking, and walked down Grande's back porch with a smile, leaving.

Back at the kitchen, Sissi still held the snack that should n’t belong to her, a girl ’s arrogant look, "Oh, I do n’t understand what happened, but it seems very interesting. This mind reader is very restless Looks like. "

"Yeah." Zack didn't express his expression. "Not restless."

Recall that it was not the first time that Oz Kozier was described with restlessness. The first time was when he went to harass-harass-Emilia and was curious about the relationship between humans and aliens in Barton society.

Zac does n’t want to talk about it now, because it involves too much, so, “back to our topic, what did you give Jessica to make her willing to give up this advanced technology that is almost 'cheating'.”

"When heaven closes the gate of hell, keep her for five seconds." As if it were not an important thing at all, Sissi said easily, and waved her hand, "Okay, this is the topic. Here I am What I really want to say. "

Zac is still trying to accept that fallen angels will always hold the door to **** for five seconds. "No, I need to think about ..." This is not representative, even if the demon of the Federation is pressed back into hell, Jessica, Still in Button? Zac is sorting out this logic ...

"There is nothing to think about. Your first reaction must be right. Now." Sisie finally gave up the snacks and looked at Zac seriously. "Think about what I said next. I bumped into Par last night. Pa was at midnight and was at Alan ’s Funeral Home. "

Our vampire felt a headache. Too much, too many things, in his mind. (To be continued.)

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