The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 10: Nofil in the sewer

"Uh. Bayi Chinese website W√wW く. く 8 ★ 1 ★ zW. ★ C ★ oM" Dora's figure just appeared underground in the old site of the Herman factory, and there was such a voice, "How did you come back?" "It was said to Bumi," Forget it, you are here anyway, go to Pasing, everyone, go to Pasing. Spella has arranged our official residence, I came back from the West End I've already gone to Smith Manor by the time and told Lydia to move from here ... "

"Dora." Bumi interrupted. It should be guessed that Dora would continue talking without interrupting. Generally speaking, Bumi has no opinion for telling the progress of the matter, but Bumi is conscious, he thinks that what he wants to say is higher than all of Dora Barbara, "Zac knows."

Dora calmed down and glanced at Bumi, "Know what, be specific." Still maintaining a sense of optimism.

"Georgina is dead."

Dora's eyes almost turned, and he lowered his head and stopped talking.

"Dora, I ..."

"Don't talk!" Never look down on the momentum in Dora's young body, Bumi's scared step back, "I don't want to listen to you!" Dora began to irritate the circle, a little weird, two atrophy The arm flicked on his side. I don't know where the shadow is from here underground. These two small arms fiddled and scattered them, making them uncomfortable.

With his arm swaying, Dora stood still and stared at Bumi, "You only have one task, watch Zac! Don't let him think, ask questions! The truth! One! Simple task!"

Bumi has an intention to justify, Dora is naturally stealing, and his emotions need to be vented, "I do everything outside! For Norfil, for Zach in Barton! You only have one thing! You mess up Alright !! "

Dora pulled, but it had nothing to do with Bumi. The shadowy shadow on the side was pulled out of the afterimage and sneaked into the underground pipe that didn't know where to go. Well, I know, Paisin, she just said, everyone goes to Paisin.

Bumi kept up.

"Dora!" Must be explained for himself, "not my fault!"

"I can't hear it!" Dora was like the head bee leading a swarm of bees in the hive, at the front.

"Really!" Bumiga, the intention is the same as Dora, or, just don't want the children behind him-um, these two are the only second-generation Nophire, so it can be said that both of the Novielle behind It ’s their children, they do n’t want the children to see the parents quarreling, “It ’s the heart reader of the Demon Banquet, that Oz Kozil!”

Hula ...

Dora stopped suddenly, a large number of shadows passed by, and Dora's face was gloomy standing in the middle, "Old Youth Activity Center." The children were passed the address, but they stood still and looked at Bumi, who started to retrograde after inertial forward, "The Desire of Mind." Is confirmation,

"Yes!" Bumi was very pleased when Dora was willing to listen to him explain, "Magic Banquet's mind reader!" This was intentionally emphasized. Roughly like when you ran to a delicious factory and shouted Pepsi, it was easy to grab the attention of others.

Dora's eyes narrowed, "From the beginning! I want every detail!" Started moving again, but the degree ensured normal communication.

"Okay!" Bumi is not as stupid as he looks, right, "Zac asked me to find James ..."

"Huh!" Dora's patience is really limited. "How can you ask him to find James! Your task is not to let him think about it!"

"I tried!" Bumi frowned, "Every time he has a tendency to think about James and Georgina, even if he just glanced at the warehouse! I jumped out to start the conversation!" Uh, that's good "Dora, you have to believe me this time, I really tried hard to stop it! It was the wizard Sam! He distracted my attention, there was no warning, Zach jumped into the car and was going. Find James ... "

"Uh, wait, you didn't ask Zach to ask you to find James, why did he go by himself?"

"Oh! Today, Grande gave birth to a lot of things. A reporter or something came and said he wanted to ..."

"Focus! Bumi! Focus! I don't care about reporters!"

"Oh." Bumi blinked and froze briefly. He did not know how to bypass reporter Kate, explaining that Zach went to the hospital, but he was ordered to find James. After all, it was stupid, "Uh ... Anyway, Zac later asked me to find James." I skipped if I couldn't tell, and went straight to the focus of Dora's concern. "When I found James, the readers It's with him! "

"Where? I said something specific! Every detail!"

Dora is also a difficult guy. But it makes sense, if it is in the police station, it is the reader of the feast plus the police chief Darcy of the feast, two members of the feast that need to be concerned, right?

Bumi was tangled, "His house, he is not at the police station, he partnered with his family to worship, he didn't go to the police station. It was the loft on his back street in Liszt, the cafe downstairs, and the home upstairs. The one. Um, the fire escape is facing the street, so when I went up the roadway, I found the mezzanine on the second floor of his house, and entered from there ... "

"Don't need such details!" Dora pouted, "You said that when you found him, the reader was already there?" It was hard to please.

"Uh, yes." Bumi gave up a face.

"Don't touch the readers of the Magic Banquet!" Dora was still aggressive, "This is the rule of action we said when we were not in contact with Zac! Why don't you leave! If you don't find James, Keeping Zac and James away is better than now! "

"I can't." I gave up, so there was no tone, "The Minxin people are talking about Georgina with James. He was in Zac, and we, everyone, told James about the current George of the Central Police. Intelligence of Na and Robert. "

Dora frowned tightly, "What? Why ?! Was the false information released by the magic feast ?!"

"So, you know I can't leave right away, I can only be there, even for information, right." Bumi had a little hope, hoping his behavior was understood.

"No!" Dora extinguished this hope directly, "I'll avoid it first, and then go to James after the mind reader leaves. What did they say!" Dora glared at Bumi, "I won't Take a little risk and let the readers read the truth about Georgina! "

Bumi gave up completely, "Well, my fault. But it also produced strange changes ..." Regardless of Dora's attitude towards him, Bumi's own tone became hesitant, "I'm not quite sure Minxin people show me first, or I show him first, but he is telling James the magic feast, the west, his father, and he will guarantee the safety of Georgina and get rid of the kidnapper Robert because of the false information. In the trend above, the two went to the West End. In exchange, as long as James was willing to cooperate with the West to arrange for him in the city of Barton ... "

Bumi stopped at an inexplicable place, thinking.

"Continue!" Was urged.

"Uh, then, uh, suddenly, the readers changed their tongues. He told James that what he said just now was all lies ..."


"It's all lies." Bumi's face repeated strangely. "The readers said that Georgina and Robert had been killed by the magic banquet ..."

"What ?! Demon feast ?!"

Will Bumi complain about Dora ’s bad listener ’s interruption, no, just keep his strange face going, ”he said to James at the beginning, when Georgina and Robert were entrusted by the Feast when they were in the middle Rido turned into a vampire, in order to gain the power of revenge against the vampire of Barton Grande and Alpha. "Here, the truth is known to the aliens in Barton, so Bumi said faster, then, the language slowed down, "But the Feast is very angry about this action of the Feast of Torrido, because first of all, they have learned from the information returned in Barton that the real Torton of Barton is helping the current mayor and James himself, It ’s good for James ’s future, and it ’s good for the Feast ’s plan in Barton. Now, the Feast does n’t want this to be the achievement of the current mayor and to help James ’real Torrido disappear.”

Bumi stopped himself and glanced at Dora. Very well, and Dora thought.

"Secondly, the Demon Feast was not satisfied with the Demon Feast. Toledo luckily encountered a person who could control James's emotions and even behavior-Georgina, instead of turning it up immediately, she became her descendant. , Interracial. At the risk of changing James's perception of Georgina, for the purpose of the Demon Torito himself, wasting a chance for the Demon to control James and the Patton plan. "

Bumi paused again, met Dora for a second time, and then expressed his opinion without retelling the situation at that time-

"I don't know, I'm not sure, uh, uh! I don't know what the readers are thinking, he seems to deliberately discredit the feast in front of James ..."

"Smear ?!" Dora pulled a corner of her mouth, "How do you know these are not true! What he said, maybe it was the real thoughts of the feast of Patton!"

Bumi pursed his lips and continued, "Then the readers said again, before James tried to slam ..." Naturally, readers master the rhythm of the human heart, which is faster than our Zach, direct, "The truth is, the dissatisfied magic feast solved this combination that might cause them trouble, and became the magic feast of Toledo Georgina and Robert, and was immediately wiped out. It will not affect Patton Toledo, also Will not affect James's feelings for Georgina, because just as the readers just said, the magic banquet has arranged all the fake information that will be passed on to James, Georgina is still human, and is still Robert Take it, avoid the wanted, and go a little bit to the west ... "

Suddenly connected by Dora, "Continue to use Zac to help the mayor and James in Patton, and use fake information to manipulate James's heart!"

"Yes." Bumi nodded with her lips pursed. "Then, I'm sure that I have been exposed, and all the truth about Georgina in my mind has been read by the readers ..." Bumi automatically silenced. , Connected again by Dora—

"Otherwise, mind readers who know that Georgina is still alive in Grande's warehouse, can't be so sure that Georgina is dead! Without any flaws, she pushes all maliciousness towards the Demon Feast!" Dora looked sideways. A glance at Bumi, helpless, "At the same time, you also know that mind readers will tell Zac the truth. If this Kezier had a dissatisfaction with the magic feast and planted seeds in James, he must Let Zack get on board! "

Bumi used a nod to a wide range, a face full of melancholy.

Under the city's ground, the dark and wet sewer pipes seemed to have no end, and they kept moving while talking, but the situation of the two people had not changed. What changed was the atmosphere, Dora was no more aggressive, and Bumi had no initial suffocation. Some of them were quiet and tangled melancholy.

Things haven't been the worst ending, but they did it in the worst way—

Zac got the truth from Minxin. When everyone in Barton arranged a list of ‘people who are worthy of Zak ’s trust’, the last person debunked the highest one and lied to Zack! Can you understand?

"I can fix this!" Dora said suddenly after she was quiet. "We told Zac the truth, why did you kill Georgina! The feast of Torrido committed against us in the middle! Why Louise and Yi Fu is willing to help hide! If the two can understand, Zac can understand! "Dora is adding confidence to herself," And now, with the advancement of mind readers, Zac can not help but understand! He must understand that we have four centuries of friendship! We came to Barton for him! We are all companions of the former hidden alliance, and also victims of the hidden alliance. Our connection is closer than anyone! We must stay together! We are friends! This is a good thing for everyone! "And, finally," Right? "

No one answered the endless sewer.

After the echoes have completely disappeared.

"I ..." Bumi pursed his lips, "I ... I left, I, uh, I dare not explain, I don't know how to explain! When Zac came back, Minxin and James were in the office. , I ran, I dare not stay in Grande and wait for Zac to question me the truth ... "

"What's your use!"

Inexplicably, he returned, and Dora returned to the aggressive look, "What's the use of you! Nothing can be done! I have to do everything myself!"

Bumi, back to the previous wrongdoing, "I ..."

call out!

A dark red, rushed from the direction of the two, and passed by the two.

Far away, another dark red approaching impatiently was rushing over, as if pursuing it, and, in the dark red, Spira's growl, "stop him! He stole my herbs !!"

Allied help? Dora and Bumi asked before the action, "Who is that?"


Should not answer.

Spella's dark red was caught by two Nophiles, and an extremely ugly puppet was pinched in Bumi's hands.

The weird wooden jaw opened and closed, "What are you doing !!! Stop him! Not me !!!"

"No, that's the wizard of Zach." The answer was given together, "We ... no ..." Everything is in silence.

If he was puzzled, Sam said he would prepare materials related to witchcraft to prove his ability to Zac, wouldn't he? He seemed to have taken a shortcut. (To be continued.)

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