The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 31: Annoying person

Sam, "Do I have to take this 'road'?"

Paisin, the specific location is temporarily difficult to distinguish because it is indoors, and all light sources are artificial light, which should be underground. Bayi Chinese √ Net W ★★★. 8 ★ 1ZW. Com

"Can you lower your voice!" Bumi glanced silently at the wizard, "The wizards outside (Sibera's) still hate you!"

"I'm the same." Sam said with a blank expression, "And I don't care."

"Uh, you should care! Even if it's for Zach, you should care!" Bumi led the way, opened the air duct that didn't know where to go, and shrunk into the body, "believe it or not! There are a lot of wizards here who love Zac! You! You are the one who is inexplicably wondering where to insert from! "

Sam, still expressionless, followed Bumi into the pipe, "Well, are there any other wizards coveting my place."

"Um, of course!" Bumi was very upset. He didn't like Sam very much, and now Sam is in this attitude again. "Max and his girlfriend both like Grande more than you ... uh. , What are you doing? "Bumi twisted her face and looked sideways at Sam who crawled on his back.

"Do you want my human slowness?" Sam asked directly at Bumi Chi's red eyes.

"Uh! No!" Crimson faded, Bumi rubbed his lips, and complained, "Uh, why do I have to endure this kind of thing!"

Sam, a completely unimportant attitude to the game, "Aren't you a Dora, can you imagine? I lie on her, hum, 'petite' body."

"You'd better pray Dora not to hear you joke about her body!" Bumi frowned, "Uh, don't make any jokes about Nophire's appearance!" Put Sam's hand on his shoulder On the neck, "You will be divided!"

"She can try." Sam still doesn't care.

"*! Give you an advice, Sam! If you really want to stay with Zac! Don't provoke his friends!" Bumi was serious at this time, "You are just a wizard from halfway! We, only It ’s his friend! His partner! I ’ve tried very hard to endure you! For Zac! Do n’t make this worse! ”

Sam said nothing. Not knowing where to go, two people who endured each other rushed forward.

But it is not completely quiet, up and down, left and right, can't tell where the noise is coming with the two people's progress.

"So, what is the situation now, the Wizard Paisin has two strongholds, one over the Ogil Labs, and one underneath your youth activity center, isn't it. Instead, this place has reopened?" Sam.

"Eh. Um. When you return to attract the soul grass seeds, Sibella also returns the meal replacement rolls and game coins you took away." Here is what was stolen from the youth activity center. When Sibella really was It was a little thought in passing an uncompromising attitude to Grande.

"What about the stolen case, is the boss of this youth center still accusing Grande of harboring the thieves?" Although it is not obvious, there is still a little bit in Sam's tone, er, regrets are not enough , Be curious.

"Of course! What do you expect others to think! Grande was searched by the Southern District Police once, and the stolen things were returned anonymously!"

"Uh." Sam shook his head on Bumi's back. "As Zac's friend and companion, uh, shouldn't you deal with this situation?" There was still a mockery in his face.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore." After Bumi said this, he really didn't speak.

Fortunately, noisy sounds have moved out, and the two are no longer in the air ducts, but in the wider underground cable channels-what can be said, Nofeller will choose the road to move. The direction of movement is the interrupted Spira Witchcraft Laboratory on Ogil Street.

We already know the reason why Sam is not around Zac. He came to inform Nofil Zac's conjecture. In addition, Zac also said to let him find Sibella and John. If Papa could disappear at the same time and the fuel was stolen at the funeral home, Zac wanted to see Sibella's thoughts. After all, it ’s no surprise that Papa took away someone ’s heart at random or let people disappear at random, but stole fuel? Our vampires cannot understand.

I don't know how long it has moved underground in this city. When I opened a fence, it suddenly became brighter. This underground witchcraft laboratory in Spira seems to be another big circle.

"*!" John was playing with something in front of the test rig, and was startled by the person who appeared suddenly behind him. "How many times have I said it! Don't appear so suddenly!"

"You can make a door for me." Bumi shook the Sam behind him. "I can knock on the door ~" Don't care about his tone. He just has some special thoughts about John. It's not what we need anyway. Things to care about ...

John didn't even bother to pay attention, and immediately put his eyes on Sam, who was finishing his clothes on the floor, with a rueful face, "Why do you come here!" As he said, he quickly packed up everything on the test bench--close the notebook, Covering the test equipment, replacing the material ... basically prevents all actions of a plagiarist.

But it was too late, and Sam had seen probably, ironically, "Are you still studying your 'melon'." John said this to Benjamin, he thought it was the key to Papa's creation of aliens at midnight-also the reverse Papa ’s key to midnight is to “cure” the werewolf, “Save it, Alpha has said that before you solve the key question of whether the personality retained after the restoration of the werewolf is a person or a wolf, he was not interested in this thing.”

No need to be surprised that Benjamin had said such things to Sam. Since returning from the last funeral, Benjamin has gone all out with Sam. Alpha and the wizard have done more than tell the old.

John's somber face did not respond to Sam, and looked at Bumi, "What is he doing!"

"Where is Spella?" Before Bumi spoke, Sam had begun to wander around, "Call Spella, I don't want to say it twice ..."

Ben was completely ignoring the host ’s hindrance, and he visited Sam in this laboratory casually. His eyes fell on a bottle of transparent liquid in a vertical container. The female sea monster looked at Sam outside the eye warehouse. The expression continued to hold the room where she was living with her, huh, corpse, the rifled Republican corpse, without a heart.

What Sam said was about to stop automatically, blinked, and watched the Kraken being cut off from the transparent cabin. "You ... succeeded?" If it were not a question in this tone, this sentence would be awe-inspiring.

The Kraken has been cured, and now in this transparent cabin, there is a normal, female Kraken!

But immediately. Sam frowned and stared at John, "Where did you get this Republican corpse ?!"

The Republican corpse without the heart, what do you remember-when Fischer's commission was only to ask Grande for help, Maya helped Zac's corpse special. It was just a glance at Grands Bella.

The answer was not John, but frowning Bumi, "Zac told Fisher the location of the bodies. After Fisher went to salvage and checked, we (Noveler) stole a few for the wizard."

"Behind Zac?" Sam stared at Bumi again.

"Uh! What's behind Zac, John and Spira were already a bit curious about the Republican corpses and wanted to study. And before the Republicans began to disappear in a batch, Zacburn wanted to let Spira help out. ! You ’re here, is n’t it because of this thing! "Bumi suddenly got excited. Oh, this guy is really bad at hiding his emotions.

Sam ’s eyes swept over Bumi and John without expression. “I ’m here because Zac wanted to ask about your disappearance of labor and the coincidence of stolen fuel from the funeral industry. What is your opinion on this matter? , Not the previous death of the laborer. "I looked at the Kraken in the transparent warehouse again, and then my eyes went back to the notebook that John had just closed, and returned to the topic," Where is Sibella? "

"Sibera is not here." John had a chance to speak, not at all polite. "If you want to ask, just ask. I have no time to ink with you!"

Sam didn't seem to care about John's tone, and continued to wander around, "Did Papa have done a lot of corpse destruction at midnight, aren't you experts who study Papa at midnight? Have you heard anything similar?"

Bumi began to explain to John, "The labor of Port Massa has disappeared in two consecutive batches, which you already know. Then he just told me that two batches of cremation fuel in the funeral industry were also stolen. Ford, Allen, Zac ’s Mill. Saint Cici also encountered Papa at midnight twice at the Allen Funeral Home. "

John was not grateful for Bumi's explanation, frowning closely, only to follow Sam, who was walking around unregulated. At the same time, it is also farther and farther away from the research notes he should protect. Hush, don't remind him ...

Bumi can only follow Baba to continue to explain, "Zack had suspected that the disappearance of labor was caused by Papa at midnight, two fuels were missing, and there was Sissi testifying that Papa was involved at midnight, so Zack suspected Are both things done by Papa at midnight. But Zac could n’t figure out what it meant to do Papa at midnight, stole Republican workers, and then used fuel? What about burning? So let Sam come ... "

John stared at Bumi, "You said to burn those Republican workers?"

Bumi froze for a moment, "It's not me, it's him--" Pointing at Sam, "Zac thought so."

"Otherwise stole the fuel used to burn the corpses in the funeral industry." Sam walked around while inserting a sentence, "Eat it." He never forgot to express his disdainful attitude, nor did he forget the human-shaped chaos, continue. ' Visit 'here.

"How stupid it would be to come up with this kind of thing!" John stared at the roaming Sam. "If Papa needs to destroy the signs of human existence at midnight, he has countless ways! Use fuel to burn? That is a junior hunter The way it will be! Zach thinks it is stupid! "

This remark caused two people to comment at the same time-

Bumi, "Uh, I said, Zac couldn't figure it out here ..."

Sam, "I guess the wizard you like about Zach definitely doesn't include this John ..."

John shook his head restlessly and began to scratch his head, "Uh, let me think about it! Papa's mass destruction of corpses at midnight ... I think about it ..."

"Where did Spira go?" Sam asked the question again, because John turned around to take his notes, he couldn't let him take them, right ~

"Uh, it's none of your business!" John replied instinctively.

"Anyway, anyway, Zac ordered me to come to you two, you, and Spira, I'll wait for her to come back here. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry." So saying, I began to flip the other test tables s things.

"Don't move !!" John rushed over in one step and pushed away Sam, his face covered in haze. "This is not your thing! Don't make yourself more annoying!"

"Okay, okay, okay." Sam lifted his hand away. "Then, do you remember anything?"

"Uh ..." John rubbed his face irritably. "I do know one thing. Papa buried a few hundred Indians alive at midnight ..." His emotions were estimated to be a bit confusing, seen by two people who were surprised at the same time , "Uh, *! Not as you think! It's in the west! The Feast held several In'an families and was treated as blood slaves for the enjoyment of Lesenbra. Then Papa heard about it at midnight, probably called Went on ... uh, Papa buried these blood slaves at midnight and told Lesombra that if they could dig out these people before they died, he would n’t care, and gave those people to the feast to enjoy at will ... "

Noting that the two people who listened to the story were not very good, John waved his hand irritably, "but no one was dug out! The feast gave up the blood slaves, and Papa did not continue to save the Indians at midnight. But! When I went to that place and wanted to dig out those people, there was nothing in the ground, there were traces of the In'an people, no corpses, no soul! Nothing, they have completely disappeared from this world!

After a long silence, "This, really, is very helpful." Sam shrugged. "Is there?" Taking advantage of John's irritated side, he continued walking around.

"Maybe it really helps!" Um, Bumi is the only one thinking now. "You think about it! Blood slaves and illegal workers are all people whose identities are already vague and whose fate is not in their hands at all. What! Buried, no body or soul, all traces disappeared in the world, and, at sea, in a boat, far from the Republic and not yet to the Federation, everything disappeared completely when there is no landing, it ’s very similar, right? The little people who are not cared about by the high presence on both sides disappear from the world, right! Hey! Think about it too! Not! "

"What do you think!" Sam wouldn't take Lie Bumi and responded to John, "There is no similarity at all! The lost workers are Republicans! Not the Indians, Papa will not respond to Republicans' calls at midnight! And ... … "

"No, no!" Bumi raised her eyebrows. "You want to be crooked. I mean, the magic feast buried in the Indians corresponds to Papa's midnight, uh, I mean, before Papa really took it away at midnight The heart of the laborer, right! Maya confirmed, and your current Kraken research also confirmed it! Papa really did what these laborers did at midnight! Then the laborers corresponded to the blood slaves of the An'an people! Finally buried At midnight, Papa, a blood slave, must be summoned by the republic to call the 'man' ... "

"Wow." Sam doesn't know when he will come from the other direction. "Bumi, I look down on you, um, I think Zac will want to hear what I have gained this time." After two people, they stood in the middle of the basement laboratory, "I should go back to Grande, hehe, this time, I won't trouble you to carry me underground, I can take the bus." My lips disappeared in silence, disappeared .

The lab was quiet for half a minute, "*! He stole my notes !!!" (Unfinished.)

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