The sun, struggling on the edge of Western architecture, is about to set. The first stop must be Paisin.

Zach, dragging his slender, oblique shadow, stood in front of the door of Spella's house, and the notebook he handed out was withdrawn with a gloomy face.

"Sorry." Zac was full of sincerity.

"Did you read it!" John's tone could not be better, Zach's apology is useful? No, an apology is fart!

"Sorry." Zac is still full of sincerity. When he withdrew his hand, Zac ’s fingers were slightly forward, and the fingers that crossed the fence were not burned. Fortunately, the wizard did not raise Sam ’s theft again to the situation of ethnic exclusion. Then, Zac can be honest— —

"I read it, but if it can make you feel better, most of me can't understand it." No deception, Zac confirmed that he knew every Indian-An words in this note, but combined together, those rules of ceremonies, Mantra refinement, witchcraft analysis ... If the vampire understood it would be an insult to the vampire itself.

John's eyes twitched, "But you still read it !!!"

"Yes." Zach was standing here alone, and even stopped at two intersections, to make things more complicated in order to keep Sam from approaching, "Sem said you have an amazing recovery in Kraken The results. "Without hypocritical admiration," So I looked at it. "

The corners of John's eyes continued to twitch, and his anger couldn't escape-"Then you should be able to understand from what you understand now that I have not succeeded at all!"

"Just like in your notes, huh, I understand what I read, 'This is still a huge improvement.'" Zac was actually the guy with an encouraging tone, "'Now need to figure out how to make The Kraken's recovery state will be maintained when he detaches from the Republican corpse. '"It is just quoting from the notes.

John was silent for a while, staring at Zac, "I swear! If I instructed Sam to steal my notes, I want ... I want ..."

Based on ‘I want ...’ repeated many times without follow-up, Zac continued to sincerely “sorry.”

John clenched his notes irritably and twitched his lips vigorously. "Forget it! Too lazy to tell you! Bye!"

"You need to know, I copied a copy of your note." Zac took a risk and told the truth again.

"Uh ..." John looked back sharply, staring at Zac with a rueful face.

"For Alice." Zach explained quietly, "I don't want Sam to use the witchcraft he stole from your notes as Alice's own teaching at a certain moment, so I think I should let Alice You know, these are your achievements. ”The explanation that makes people irrefutable,“ You also know Grande ’s environment. Maya is a black witch who focuses on one aspect. If Alice needs to learn other witchcraft, only Sam is in the grid. Rand. I think that you do n’t want Sam to be the one who teaches Alice. "

John's face changed back and forth a few times, and eventually turned to the original gloomy, "It doesn't matter!" Turned his head to prepare to continue to return to the house.

"The story you told about Papa's midnight." Zac is now like a dead-faced salesman, holding John alive, not letting him go home, "and Bumi has that story and what is happening now, you have What is your opinion? "

John is also like an ink sales victim, hesitantly looks back again, staring at Zac, "I have no opinion!"

"But Bumi is right, isn't it. Papa did correspond to the magic feast in that story, and did something to the republic workers. In your notes, you confirmed that the laborers lacked the corpse of the heart There are traces of Papa ’s use to create aliens at midnight. ”Zac waved his hand, saying that he did n’t understand the“ witchcraft stuff ”.“ The Republican ’s corpse absorbs The altered melting element of the Kraken briefly removed the Kraken from Papa ’s midnight modification and reverted to its original appearance. At the same time, the Republican ’s body showed signs of special changes after receiving the absorbed Melon, but in the end But because of the lack of key things (missing heart), the change was unable to survive, and finally led to the dissolution of Rongsu back to the Kraken ... '"Zac raised an eyebrow." I hope I quoted it right. "

John's face was darker again, "It's not bad!" For a guy who just said that most of them can't understand, Zack actually remembered the words he understood. John can Are you happy?

Zac praised this, but fortunately, he did n’t show too much disgust, and only nodded slightly, “So Bumi is right, Papa is really doing these Republican labor at midnight, experiment? Create? We do n’t know yet, but, like the Demon Inu Blood Slave you enjoyed as food in your story, they are all 'objects' used by higher-order beings. "Zach paused a little," Then, In your story, there is only one character left to correspond. Who is the one who 'responded to the call of the Republican Workers and buried them again? Any ideas, tell me. "

"Why do you ask me ?!" John will not return to the house, standing on the front porch and yelling at Zac.

"Yes, why ask us." The door opened, and Spira was wearing a heavy shawl-after all, it was late autumn. "Do we look like people who know the religion of the Republicans, huh, why not ask the ghost in your family (ink)."

"I asked." Zac smiled at Sibella who was only now showing up. "She didn't know at all, she gave me the set of 'Republican without faith, because there were too many republican beliefs, God is everywhere, Now the Republicans only believe in people, they themselves, and they themselves are gods.'S remarks. "It also gives helpless eyes to helplessness.

"Then you have your answer." Spella pulled La John and went into the room. "Don't disturb us for lunch, goodbye."

"I just think." Zac is still not in a hurry, as if he is very confident that this goodbye has to be refuted. "Mo has her own dissatisfaction with the Republic. Her ideas are too radical, so she is not objective. I need more objective opinions. For example, you have been to the Republic and people who have seen the current status of the Republic with your own eyes. "

Sure enough, Spella pushed John back into the room, and before he could enter, frowned and looked at Zac, "Why not ask Jessica?"

"I asked." Zach was a little helpless, "but she, no longer here." Pointing to the ground, it is hell, if anyone does not understand. Zac frowned and shook his head. "The demon of Mary's Church, even Mike, doesn't know when she will return."

Zac can be puzzled, but we do n’t need—

At noon, Sam recreated the witchcraft that Lyon was used by Papa at midnight at the mill. Well, at least a representation was reproduced. Zac and Sam did not understand what the rotating clock dial was. However, we know that Lyon knows that it was the moment when the boundary between **** and reality emerged. So Lyon yelled to a wizard, ‘You are a demon! ’

Lyon may not remember what happened when Papa used witchcraft at midnight, but thanks to Sam for reappearing, he knew, then, Jessica knew, so the fallen angel went back to hell. What you may not be able to describe it-I do n’t know if you remember a conversation a long time ago, Mike said to Zac, the real mourning banshee, Papa ’s sister at midnight, is in hell.

Zac continued to shake his head helplessly, "So, I can only ask you." And a sincere request, "Please, don't let me ask Sissi."

Spira gave her eyes. Can it be received, this glance is not for Zac, it is an approval of Zac's request.

After thinking for a while, Siberia shook her head with her head down. "I don't know what to say to you, but Mo is already the most objective word I can think of." Then he waved his hand, "Can't help you."

"Okay." Zac wasn't too disappointed, and Spira was still gratified to be willing to talk to him. Still, when Spella was preparing to enter the house again, Zac took another risk, "Can I ask you to borrow someone?"

"What?" Spira stepped into the house with half of her body, looking back at Zac with a frown.

"I know that you visited Nu Tao (brother) at the nursing home this afternoon, and Benjamin told me." Zach said, "He also told me that Nu Tao's 'treatment' was very smooth. Soon, this crime was committed in the central part of the slaughter. People will be washed and discharged from Barton. "

Siberia sighed and shook her head silently. "I really don't know what I'm expecting. All that I said to Benjamin, I don't need to think about it, and it will immediately come to your ear, uh."

"You're wrong with him." Zac shrugged. "I just called before dinner to the nursing home and asked him if he would come back to join me in the game night." Today Wednesday, Otaku, Dragon and Dungeon, James Just enough tips. "He, uh ..." Zac was sad. "No way, today is a movie night in a nursing home. He wants to accompany Mocavi to a movie ..." Sad and inextricable ...

Spella pouted, "Say the key!"

"Oh." Zack sorted out his mood. "So, I was thinking about lending me the doctor who" treated "the raging waves. Until now, I can only face reality, if I can still let Benjamin return The only way around me is to get Mocavi discharged. "

"Oh." With the first sound, there are the second and third sounds. "Oh ..." Sibella leaned on the door. She couldn't laugh herself. She was indifferent. "Sorry, I can't help you." While entering the house thoroughly, "The doctor was invited by the Nutao family for their own family's children, and it has nothing to do with me."

The door closed, leaving Zach behind him, and his feet were illuminated by a street lamp in a ‘*’ shape.

"Hey." Zach sighed silently and began to go back.

The second stop, game night.

On the way to the second stop.

"What did they say ..." Sam on the co-pilot just started and was interrupted by Zac.

Please contact Zac's mood now to see Zac's words, "Tonight is a game night, I have lost my" knight "(game character, Benjamin Knight, Zach Assassin, James Wizard), you Do n’t make the situation worse. Do n’t talk, do n’t attract my attention, stay in the car, do n’t move, you want to follow me? That ’s what you get. ”

"Uh ... I have apologized ..."


From Paisin to Liszt Backstreet, Zac ’s throttle never let go. The vampire wears a seat belt, don't worry.

Before the game officially started, everyone knows that a magician without a high hat is a magician, and an assassin without a cloak is an assassin ... when a group of men take off realism clothes and put on costumes in the era of fantasy , Zac is surrounded by--

"Zac, don't worry, if I die, I will go to Grande for the funeral ..."

"Yeah! Grande is the best ..."

"Do you know what we should do? We should book our cemetery now! Like those guys prove! How much you like Grande, all the things in the newspaper are fake ..."

While James was somberly contacting the 27th level snowstorm spell, Zac was surrounded by unacceptable warmth ...

The door was knocked, "Pizza! Open the door! Pizza!"

"Who ordered the pizza?" James asked the group of people who surrounded Zac.

No one ignored him.

The magician dropped the staff that gave him the powerful magic to manipulate the weather, and while walking towards the door, he crossed his legs with difficulty and reached out his wallet.

"Pizza-Pizza-" The courier outside the door seemed impatient.

"Uh, wait a minute!" The magician squeezed the wallet into his robe while pulling the door, and only opened the slit. Only a tangled braid of mop appeared in James's line of sight. "No need to find ... … "

Everything became quiet after an instant dark red.

Zac was laughing and saying goodbye to a group of simple otakus, "Fitz, don't make such a joke, you will live a long time ..." All the people around fell to the ground in an instant, leaving the assassin with a dagger in hand. In the middle, he still kept a grateful expression, "Time."

Zac still finished speaking, before looking sideways at the door.

Papa, holding a mop, held the pizza in one hand at midnight, and a little bit in front of James solidified in front of the door. James was suspended, and the money in his hand flew to Papa's midnight maroon dress pocket.

Zac decided to keep the smile on his face, "You really like the dramatic way of playing ~"

"Drama?" Papa shook his full whip at midnight and leaned on Zac's chest. "I am drama?" Smell Zac's assassin's cloak. "Oh, I can't compare to you ~ seriously Yes, what kind of material is it? Plastic? Can these people spend some money on props ~ "

The pizza was spread on the coffee table, Papa fiddled with the floating James at midnight, put it on the sand, and then his fingers began to jog on the scattered otakus on the ground.

"Do you want to join? Don't look at it with a critical eye. When you play it once, it will show the charm of this fantasy game." Zach probably saw what Papa was going to do at midnight. In addition to cooperation, should he resist? Here, resistance? ! Then let the cemetery that Fitz just gave them come in handy? !

Zakra returned to Fitz floating in the sky, placed next to James, and put a slice of pizza into his hand. Then, he continued to place one, "Benjamin is not here, we have just one more knight costume."

"Did you know ~" Papa fiddled with his whip at midnight, "I just like your calmness ~ elegance, calmness ~"

"Thank you ~"

"But it's a pity ~ I can't take it easy. The wizard in your car seems to have ..." Papa turned his ears at midnight with a surprised expression on his face, "No, it's now! Ah! He got off!" He ran in! He went upstairs ... "What do you think will happen? "He, ha! Touch my trap and get trapped ~"

"I hope you have prepared some good things for him." Zac still smiled, "This guy is annoying me, you can help me teach him ~"

"Oh ~" Papa actually reached out and nodded Zac's nose at midnight, but please don't doubt it. This is absolutely different from the psychological movement of the heart reader in the afternoon. "Look ~ calmly ~ I like ~"

"Thank you ~" And Zac couldn't hide, and continued to pull the otakus back from the air and put them on the sand.

"Really disappointing ~" Papa is doing the same thing as Zac at midnight, except that he is more fun. The people he arranges are not eating pizza by themselves, they are feeding pizza to each other, "Although I enjoy chatting with you very much ~ Ha ha ~ you know, it ’s not as enjoyable as your brother ~ "

Yeah ‘Benjamin’ tore Papa to midnight, although it ’s useless.

"Oh? Do you have anything?"

"Yeah ~"

This dialogue seems to be uncomfortable, but, be careful, this is definitely the best situation at the moment. No one died, no one lost his heart, no one became Papa ’s creation at midnight. Thank you Zac for your calmness.

"I still have to rush to Port Massa, you know ~ a group of Republican workers will enter the port tonight, and it should have entered the waters of Massa Bay ~"

"It's a pity, I guess we can only take an adventure without a knight." Zac shrugged.

Papa did n’t move at midnight, as if he was appreciating everyone who was placed, no, he was laughing, a little laugh from his throat, "... hehehe ~" a wash that I do n’t know where to learn Shake his head, throw a mop cloth to the back of the head, and show the cheek that doesn't know what the embellishment is, before Zack's eyes, "You ~ really make me ... marvel ~ I've said it here, I'm not curious yet Ask something? "

"Will you tell me anything?" Zac also asked with a smile.

"For the first time, probably the only one, I want to say something to you vampire ~" Papa started rubbing his chest inexplicably at midnight, and the skull on his chest did not know what material was used to shake the beaded beads. People have an unpredictable collision sound, "But ~ we are not idle people, right ~"

Isn't there anything to say, let this appear to be to disgust everyone's behavior and then leave? Do not--

"So, I said so ~ It ’s not me ~ It can be me, but it ’s not me ~ Port Massa continues to receive labor from the Republic, the missing will continue to live, and the theft in the funeral industry will continue to live ~ Still, it can be me, But not me ~ "


Far away, it seemed that the shout came from the stairwell, it was Sam.

"Oh." Papa glanced in that direction at midnight. "Your wizard is more than I thought ..."

"Zack hold on! Me, I will immediately ..."

Zac didn't need to insist on anything, he was very good, so ignore the shout, and ignore the mantra that Papa flew out in the middle of the night, so Sam wailed without a sound.

"Make a deal ~" Papa withdrew his hand that Sam had just taught Zam at midnight. "You, you let the funeral industry stop running, cremation, I, hehe, I will give you a republican **** ~"

"Stop running?" Zac asked calmly.

"Yeah no longer open, no more supplies, such as fuel, all of them are closed, and all supply and demand chains are cut off. ~ It won't take long, one month ~ In exchange, I will give you a republican **** ~"

Zac was thinking seriously, the result of thinking-"No, the republican god, it's worthless. Sorry ~"

After three seconds of silence, "Sorry for me ~" Papa disappeared in the dark red at midnight.

Everything is back to where it was. Okay, it ’s not what it was. The otakus looked at the pizza in their hands. Although they did n’t know how they got here to eat pizza, who could refuse pizza

"Uh, did we forget something ..." James was the only somber one, staring at Zac.

Zac ignored him and went straight out—Sam was gone. (To be continued.)

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