The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 15: Shut up, ‘Benjamin’

"So I guess we are not going to Laipute." ㈧㈠ 中文 Ω "Δ 网 Ww" W. 8⒈ZW.COM "'Benjamin' looked sideways at the Becky who was far away from the window, this direction was obviously going to the West End . It was Zac who drove, and Zac changed his itinerary again, but was back on track.

"You do understand, is this a bit offending?" The speech was still "Benjamin", "I'm not going to embarrass everyone at Alice's school ~"

Zac still ignored it, but ‘Benjamin’ was telling the truth. 'Benjamin' is rude, indecent, and really not a role model for teenagers. Remember what Benjamin used to do with this person after the game night, Becky at the night, and then brought back a bunch of small pink advertisements; remember Daisy, in any context, there will be two sentences that do not leave the body organs 'Single women', 'Benjamin' provokes.

'Benjamin' is the one who is definitely not suitable for high school students who need education, and, hey, Zack is not going to make Alice and Lola's situation in school worse, oh, even if Rapter is a rumor Zero tolerance school.

"Well, I asked for it." ‘Benjamin’ shook his head. “At least, tell, where are we going.”

Zac glanced at ‘Benjamin’, “West Side, the home of Falcon ’s mistress.”

"Woo ~" "Benjamin" started to get agitated on the co-pilot, "Is she pretty ~"

Zac twitched his lips and did not want to bother.

‘Benjamin’ raised his eyebrows, and probably felt a little conscious. “You know, it ’s too unfair. I only have one day to feel the world every week. You should n’t be so strict. After all, I ’m Benjamin.”

"You are not Benjamin."

"Okay, part Benjamin ~" Is this a compromise?

Zac is not prepared to give any recognition on his mouth, "You are not Benjamin." Benjamin is quiet, reliable and practical. It's when the vampire's mind flies up to the sky and refuses to come down, he returns Zakra to reality, and the guy who is a real person is not the one around him.

"Well, then I'm the worst part of Benjamin." Before Zack himself rejected, he raised his eyebrows. "After I debase myself, let's seek common ground while reserving differences, how about giving me a way out?"

Zac rubbed his lips and agreed.

For some reason, Zack has long admitted this. Long before 'Benjamin' appeared, Benjamin was the first guy to pick a stripper at a ** bar party on Sunday. Once Zack could tell himself that it was Benjamin's role as a soldier, at least in gray In the image of Grande in the professional circle, he is the positioning and thug. But after seeing how many ‘small hotels’ ‘Benjamin’ can visit in one night, Zac understood that Benjamin did n’t play anything, but swayed his nature under certain circumstances.

"It's time to remind me." 'Benjamin' still raised his eyebrows. "We never seem to have a good chat, you know ~ I'm busy enjoying this body, are you, ha ha ..."

Zac turned on the radio, meaning no conversation.

'Benjamin' watched Zac's finger fiddle with the **** of the radio and shrugged. "With you ~ we have the opportunity, you know Benjamin has mastered the way to transform into a wolf body at any time, and as he more and more demands to control the wolf Body, I will also ask for more and more, hehe, letting go of time, we have the opportunity to get in touch ~ "

No channel was searched yet, Zac frowned and turned off the radio, staring at the road ahead in a gloomy way. To enter the Western District, although it is not the peak time, the cross-regional bridge with dense traffic is not allowed for the driver to relax, even if the driver is a vampire.

"I won't give you a chance." Zac responded uncomfortably.

"Oh ~" An uncomfortable twisting sound, with a sense of satisfaction pressing on his chest, "You are expressing, you will protect him from danger, do you have to use the wolf body? I So touched, hehe, because he is me ~ "

This is a **** philosophical question, how to protect a person's good side, but at the same time not to protect a bad side. The answer is impossible, so there will be the kind of **** compromised chicken soup of ‘love a person and love all of a person’.

Zac frowned and shook his head, speechless.

"Come on! You won't give up like that ~" "Benjamin" actually shot Zac horizontally, "You have to admit that you like you ~"

"I, no, like you." Zac emphasized with a pause.

But it's useless, "No? Hehe, then tell me ~ who did you diet for before John's spice? On the full moon night, when you wander outside, who are you thinking about ~"

The answer is Benjamin, but in the current situation, the answer can be more specific, it is ‘Benjamin’.

But is it because of liking? Do not! It ’s because ‘Benjamin’ is deadly enough for Zac.

Zac's rare expression appeared on his face. "You should see a psychiatrist. You need help, seriously."

"No no no ~" 'Benjamin' actually started shaking his finger, "Don't deny, you like this ~ you like this kind of stimulation ~ this kind of 'Oh! My Lord! I live with an Alpha' stimulation ~ Right ~ Because of me, ha, this kind of stimulus I provided ~ You and Benjamin, huh, huh, and I, only come to the present ~ "

Very seriously. ‘Benjamin’ needs treatment.

Zac hasn't had time to respond.

"Just like this!" ‘Benjamin’ suddenly rolled down the window, and his thick arm stretched out instantly!

"Ah! My bag--"

After a sudden call, the strange voice was thrown behind Zac who was completely stunned without any slight reduction. Then, Zac reacted, his eyes staring crimsonly into the rearview mirror, and injected a point into the mirror image inside. what.

‘Benjamin’ ’s hand has been retracted, and the car window has been shaken up again, and in front of him, there is a bag just grabbed from someone else.

It may have been born too fast, and the description is unclear-this is a speeding robbery, the criminal is ‘Benjamin’, the accomplice is Zac who wiped out the future with the enchanting pupil, the victim, some passerby, I do n’t know.

‘Benjamin’ chuckled through the bags, keys, documents, purses he grabbed ... "Good ~ we are a good combination ~"

"You ..." With a lip, not wanting to say anything, grabbed the bag in ‘Benjamin’, opened the window on his side, threw it out directly, and then locked all the doors and windows.

'Benjamin' still chuckled, a pair of complacent, even a certain point of view succeeded, "Look ~ I made us closer ~" fingers randomly draw circles on the buckled car window lock, meaning 'we Locked together ~ '.

"Yes." Zac said unexpectedly calmly with a gloomy face. "After this is done, you will go directly back to the nursing home." Mokawi, Zac only knows how to "treat" and "Benjamin".

"Oh ~ You can't bear it ~" Although it was still a smug look, ‘Benjamin’ adjusted the posture on the co-pilot, “You need your partner, game night at night ~”

"No," Zac said decisively.

After being quiet for a while, "No." "Benjamin" adjusted his posture again. "You need, I am your knight ..."

"I don't need it." Zack concluded.

After being quiet again, the uncomfortable sound and pride disappeared. "Please don't, don't send me back to Mokave."

Zac concentrated on driving and ignored it.

"Please." ‘Benjamin’, “I ’m sorry. Sorry. I ’m wrong. Please. I need this, I need a‘ breathing ’, stay away from that Mocavi, please.”

Zac is prepared to continue to ignore this ever-present ‘please’.

"What do you want." 'Benjamin' frowned, and finally seemed to realize that it was time to change his strategy. After all, the way that he constantly imposed on Zac 'You like me' was already killed by himself, "Let Let ’s talk about it and make a deal. Do n’t send me to Mokave, you do n’t want me, uh, Benjamin and Mokave, right, that ’s good. I ’m willing to accept any conditions for what you want . "

Zac gave ‘Benjamin’ a glance, and honestly hesitated a little.

No, this is not Benjamin. Zac can continue to push away, without mercy, "No. Get ready to see Mocavi. You still have some time to" breath "and enjoy it, if it is comforting, hum, Falcon ’s mistress is beautiful. "

"Matthew, let's talk about Matthew!" 'Benjamin' stared at the dashboard. Zac wasn't really kidding. The increasing degree was to remind 'Benjamin' that he could not have much time, so , 'Benjamin' is struggling to find a straw that can be seized, "You must be very curious, why me, me! Will change Matthew! Give Benjamin a descendant!"

"I don't want to know." Zach looked straight ahead. "Matthew is already a descendant of Benjamin. For reasons, I don't need to know."

Entering the West District, similar to the morning itinerary, not directly to the manor area in the west, but slightly southward, in the apartment area of ​​the 'waiting list' in the middle of the West District.

"That group of Fez!" Benjamin's face was already somber. "You must worry about what I'm thinking about that group of people ..."

"I already know." Zac glanced at 'Benjamin'. "You told James, don't you remember."

"*!" 'Benjamin' irritatedly pulled the seat belt on his shoulder, "Me and my big mouth! *! Why do I waste time on x prostitute-girl!" Glancing at Zac, "not Find something useful for yourself! "

Zac twitched his lips, and really agreed, ‘Benjamin’ spent his once-a-week ventilation time in the Becky area and deserved it.

"Mocavi !!" "Benjamin" stared at Zac with some awkwardness, "I know something about Mocavi, secret! You don't know !!"

Is this guy desperate, showing vampire knowledge in front of vampires?

Zac shook his head, "Sorry, I don't think you know what Alpha (wolf grid) knows I don't know-hum, about the ancestor of the thirteen clan of the vampire, Mokawi."

‘Benjamin’ ’s face relaxed inexplicably, “Have you ever been to her ?!” There was still a twist of joy.

This rejoicing, this way of expressing the secret reliability directly in front of the physical relationship, almost let Zack step on the throttle. Remember the joke Zhar told Harrison-continue to let Benjamin and Mocavi stay in the nursing home, it is estimated that they can both give birth to a bunch of children. Now it seems that there is probably not much 'joke'. One thing that Zac did n’t want to hear or confirm.

After these two old cars drove along the road for a while, Zac glanced gloomyly at ‘Benjamin’, “You should n’t continue to stimulate me. It ’s not a full moon, I ’m stronger than you.”

"I don't wear my skin slower than when you stretch your teeth!" The whole face of 'Benjamin' is just a twist, "But don't you want to try it right, I need to continue Remind you, this is mine and Benjamin ’s body! Or, we ’re just talking, I ’ll tell you Mokawi ’s secret !! Trust me, you ’ll want to know! ”

"I ..." Not under Zac's control, hesitated, "I don't want to know!" Forced a firm stand. But in the face of reality, Zac did have questions about Mocavi, and Nofiler did not answer clearly-why Mocavi woke up. And a deliberately malicious comment, "And, is it still secret? Huh! To the new pillowman ..." Zach wanted to say **, but after all, it was Benjamin, so he left a little affection, "complain about the former What a bad word, hum, I'm not interested at all. "I also need to remind Mocavi's predecessor, a landscape painting.

"You should be interested!" ‘Benjamin’ still twisted his face, “It ’s about vampires! The ultimate form of vampires! Mocavi has reached that stage where vampires exist ...”

"Shut up!" Zach stepped on the accelerator with a kick, and the old-fashioned car leaned to the side of the road with a harsh rub.

"I just don't shut up! You think Benjamin will tell you this ?! Don't even think about it! For the safety of Mokawi, he will never say it, even if it is to you ..."

"Shut up!" Zac directly pressed ‘Benjamin’ ’s mouth and stared at the front of the road. “We ’re late! That ’s Falken ’s mistress, Heather!”

In the light of day, a woman lying on the side of the road, the blood of a place spread out under her. The car behind her, the front of the car twisted into the crooked street lights, the broken front window and the tilted front cover ...

The dark creature stepped over lightly and landed on the side of the woman, walking past with no interest, swaying the tail that was bent and dragged to the ground, facing a blue image of the blue image that repeated the forward, flying, and landing repeatedly ( Earth-bound death reappeared) sticking out his tongue.

The Hellhound's mouth was wide open, and at a perfect moment—the moment when the residual shadow rushed over, he opened his mouth, then turned back and disappeared into the door that appeared in an instant.

"Uh!" ‘Benjamin’ pushed away Zac ’s hand covering his mouth, “You ’re so stinky!”

Zac wiped the dirt off his hand directly on ‘Benjamin’ and re-driven the car. It ’s time to go back and there is no need to stay here again.

Falcon ’s commissioning was over before it even started. (To be continued.)

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