The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 16: Fiona Falcon

Grand's phone was ringing, and the answering machine's message light was also flashing. When Zack came back, Louise was uneasy in a circle in the office and saw Zack coming in-

"It's Falcon ... he has left several messages, I, I don't know how to answer the phone, sorry ... if we are in the morning ... I ..."

In a somewhat incoherent sense, Zac patted Louise, "whatever happens will be born, we can't stop it, don't think about it. Ω㈧㈠" 中 Δ 文 网 WwΩW.8⒈Zw.COM "Let Louise go to rest After that, the bell disappeared, the answering machine did not continue recording, and Zach pressed the message to play.

"In short, thank you for not sending me back to convalescence ..."

"You shut up." Zac directly stopped ‘Benjamin’ who was trying to speak, and listened attentively to Falken ’s message—

"What my wife is planning, I can feel, Zack, whatever you want to do, hurry up ..."

This is just the first. Then second.

"What is going to happen, I just know! The last time she behaved like this, she hummed, she xed me. Believe me, in a bad way! I now know that she wants to 'x' me again, same , I intuitively told me that there will be no good things! "

X is obviously not just a literal meaning. Zac frowned. The frequency of hearing this word today is a bit high, but it is also the meaning that Zac does not want to hear.

It also needs to be reminded that Falken used the wording ‘this time, I will not let her ...’ when commissioning, which can be understood as such commissioning, which had survived before Grande.

The third message starts with a sigh, "... Forget it, when I say nothing, you will receive the final payment of the commission."

Zac was still thinking, and the phone rang again.

Zac answered the phone, "Grand."

"Is Zacary Grande right?" It wasn't Falken, it was the woman's voice, with a touch of laziness, "I'm Fiona Falcon, and I believe this is our first call."

"Yes." Zac sat down behind the office and intuitively told him that he needed to be careful about the phone call, "Mrs. Falken ..."

"Fiona just fine." I don't know what the situation is over the receiver, there is no background sound quietly, "There is already a guy in this family who likes to call him Falken, hum, I don't need to go Fight, right. "Lazy and calm, people consciously don't want to explore the deep meaning of these words.

That's it, "Okay, Fiona." Zac is not going to say anything before the other party. "You can call Zac like everyone else."

"Yes." There was no tone to respond, and then, "I believe this morning, my dear husband gave you a commission, didn't he?"

Zac didn't hesitate at all, "Yes, but I thought that was your common entrustment, right?"

On the receiver side, there was a series of laughter on the background of no noise, "Hehehe, yes, it was the joint commission of the two of us, hehehe ..."

Can you keep up, the commission is not the protection that Falken firmly believes in Heather ’s pregnancy and unauthorized change, but the initial let her disappear, and the client is no longer just Mr. Falken worried about his wife ’s “jealousy” Is a couple.

In addition, it seems that the term "jealous" is too small.

Zac patiently waited for the laughter of the other party to end, and then continued to wait. Zac is not in charge of this phone call, is it?

"Well, I just got the news. It seems, Grande, you, Zac, once again did not disappoint us in the West End, completed the commission, did you?" The laziness and calmness over the receiver gave a slight smile meaning.

If it ’s just witnessing the Hellhound drag Heather ’s soul into Hell, it ’s Grande ’s commission ... Once again, let ’s say that dominance is not in Zac ’s hands, then, even.

Zac narrowed his eyes, "Yes, I, completed the commission. Mr. Falken just returned the phone and notified that the final payment will be delivered ..."

"Finally, huh, huh, this thing can wait." The voice over the receiver is still a mixture of laziness and laughter. No noise interference also makes Fiona's voice very clear. "I think that although this commission has The result, but the completion is not very high, I have a friend at the police station that someone ’s car, the brakes have been damaged. Well, how to say, your commission is not done like others boast Clean and neat, you are so sloppy, leaving a bunch of not so good things on the scene. Do you want to deal with these emergencies? "

"Of course." Zac still squinted. The meaning of the phone call was already obvious. "Grand's commission, Grand will deal with future problems. You can rest assured."

"That's good." The receiver was quiet for a while, and the laughter returned, "Hehehe, since you are indeed a guy who is very willing to cooperate, I can now see why other people (Westerners) like you so much. You passed the test. , I think I like you too. Well, I have something to ask you, do you have time? "The unexpected tone is much better.

But Zac is not ready to relax. This Fiona Falken has fully demonstrated her dangerous side. She just said that Zac passed the ‘test’, is n’t she?

"Excuse me, anything I know."

"I'm starting to get bored with my dear husband, playing this kind of game. Did you know that at first, it was a little fun and a little exciting, but it's getting old and boring, have you seen that Heather? Seriously Yeah, besides that face, huh, what else is she? I ’m tired of it. You, Zac, seem to be a person with many methods, I have to say, I still appreciate how you let my child and Smith ’s child repair Related, do you have any suggestions? "

Zac frowned, unable to agree with the above statement on any level, so that the children can play happily once again, and it can't be compared with the kind of "couple game" in Fiona's mouth. . So choose silence.

"Isn't it?" It seemed a bit disappointed after waiting for a while over the receiver, "Well, when I didn't ask, I think we Westerers still look at you too high."

Such a poor radical act, Zach will not be able to ...

"Do you want Mr. Falken to stop thinking of continuing to look for women outside?" Zac said.

"Well, if you want to say such a boring thing, yes, I'm tired of it." It's getting more and more boring to deal with those women. "

"Then you should attack him where it hurts, and let him think forever." Really suggest?

"Uh ... what made him hurt? Did you say he castrated him? No, I don't think about it. I still use it."

Zac had a momentary suffocation, just a metaphor, don't care, but Zac did not expect the other party to reply this way. I understand Fiona Falken as a little bit more unwilling.

"No, I mean to figure out why Mr. Falken, your dear husband ..." Zach is just quoting Fiona, isn't he, "I like being outside so much ..."

"Oh, I know, he is a man." Accidentally, simply, "If I were a man, I would do the same, but probably my taste will be better than him."

Zac opened his mouth, an illusion of communicating with the Mustang. You said, "Good, I do n’t ride you." ?"

"Third?" The receiver seemed to be completely relaxed, with an astonishing tone, "No! A daughter and a son (Charlotte and Sherlock), I have finished my work, so I don't want to Go through it once. "

"So." Zac didn't have a look. "Your family, the Falken family, can't have children who inherited Mr. Falken's surname, right."

The receiver was quiet for ten seconds. "Hahaha, you're right! No! Haha, I get it! Haha, that's what it is, haha, hey ~ his efficiency is too low, isn't he? , Haha, it ’s fun ~ "

Zac is still patiently waiting for the laugh over there.

The receiver continued to say, "I take back my disappointment, you, Zac, huh, huh, really a character ~ I like you very much ~ Then, huh, that's it, right, where does he hurt ~ Very good, let I will spread it again on his wound ... hehe. "After a chuckle, he changed his mouth." You, Zac, how can you help me spread salt on his wound? How about getting that Heather pregnant? Let us let My dear husband, feel despair ~ "

Zac moved his neck and needed a statement. "In the morning, Mr. Falken came to entrust this. When you and your wife jointly entrusted me, I asked Falken to provide Miss Heather's medical record to confirm whether he was pregnant. But Mr. Falken did not consider this when he came to the commission, so I spent a day today confirming this matter. "

There are too many lies in this sentence, everyone knows it, and I don't explain them one by one.

In response to this remark, the receiver was silent again, disdainful, "That's sorry, I started too quickly, affecting your progress." No sincerity.

"No effect, this is my progress." Zac is prepared to ignore the other party's unintentional confession, but, "After all, all you need to get a body pregnant is a post-mortem report, right."

The smile was restored, "Yes ~ as expected, as Grande does, it's reassuring ~"

"That." Zac adjusted his sitting posture and was ready to make a conclusion. "For this commission, Fiona, one of the customers, do you have any additional requirements. Grande's most important thing is customer satisfaction. Degree. "

"No, I'm very satisfied." There was a satisfied smile over the receiver. "Write down this phone number, it's my safe line. We may still have the opportunity to keep in touch ..."

Zac took out the pen and paper, and now emphasizes whether the process that Grand does not give the commission is useful, oh, useless, the progress of the commission is not in Grand's hands, what can Zac do! Make a honest note of this phone number, "Wish you a pleasant stay today, goodbye."

"It's already a pleasure, bye ~"


The opening is 'Benjamin' who has been listening at the desk, a happy face that people don't want to interpret, "I like this woman!"

Zac glanced at him and didn't want to bother. He glanced at the number he wrote down, the safe line. This thing looks good. Zac also wanted to get one. Ask Fitz (Fitz is a telecommunications employee) during the game .

'Benjamin' was still ecstatic, "She just dumped the crime of murder on Grande's side, and then asked Grande to take care of her troubles ?! You must love this woman, right! "

Zac pouted, "Thanks for the summary, great help." Looking away, he should be sent back to the sanitarium ... No, Zac is worried about sending it, Benjamin will not come back honestly tomorrow morning, this is impossible. Risk.

"Oh, whatever you ridicule, this pot shouldn't be carried by me, it's not that I made you one step late ..." ‘Benjamin’ noticed Zac ’s somber glance—who was this blame? Who apologized when returning to Grande: Yes, Louise, if it was not for Louise to go back to Grande negatively, the morning trip would not be wasted, at least Heather may still be alive now.

‘Benjamin’ has consciously changed the subject, and it ’s not far away. “I really think you ’re really good, then, oh, calm.” What does he want to say? "Now, Falcon will not blame you. Fiona likes you. Once again, in a terrible situation, you put Grande in the best position."

Can you understand why Zach was so excited that he spoke about pregnancy. Because Zack needed a reason to give him the reason to protect Heather from failure and let Falken ’s real commission fail—he spent a day confirming whether Heather was really pregnant. It's even simpler now. As he told Fiona, it is much simpler to determine a pregnant body than to confirm that a living person is pregnant.

Oh, things turned out like this, Heather is definitely going to be 'pregnant', and Zack now needs to consider how to add this to the autopsy report.

Not much time wasted, Zac got up again and asked Dora again. As everyone knows, Nofil is best suited to do something secretly in a place where such people do not want to go.

"Are we going out?" "Benjamin" also stood up, "To express my gratitude, how about I drive?"

Zac sat down again, glanced at 'Benjamin', there was no need to give him any chance to show up, he called directly, the quota for going out today was enough, enjoy the rest of the afternoon, and then rebuild his spirit , Cope with the night game night is good.

The phone rang before Zac's hand picked up the receiver. The first syllable of the ringtone was picked up, "Grand."

There was silence first, probably the phone was picked up so quickly without a response, and then there was a long sigh of relief, "You are still alive."

"Mrs. Sheila?" Zac raised an eyebrow.

"Huh, you're still alive. Gee! You won't die like that! White is happy!" Pa, hang up.

Zac frowned, too lazy to ignore the ‘concern’ that was completely the opposite of his emotions, and pressed the phone again to start dialing.

"Oh!" ‘Benjamin’ seemed to think he had seized the opportunity, “The‘ blind and confident fall from the sky ’you said to Benjamin and‘ You ca n’t feel the soul ... ’

The conversation next to the hammock did mention the ultimate form of the vampire, and what did Benjamin try to say before Zac let West Benjamin shut up in the West End ... Oh, it did n’t matter, because before same.

Zac interrupted directly, "Shut up! If Benjamin wanted to say, he would! He didn't, so it's your turn!"

‘Benjamin’ raised his eyebrows and closed his mouth. (To be continued.)

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