The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 963: Cai Ruichen's anger

In Syria, news of the armed attack on the industrial zone of the Future Technology Group quickly spread to high-level officials in various countries. Eight? One Chinese? Network?????

Even Obama and Bama were shocked. He had just left the banquet and planned to end today's work and take a break.

After receiving this news, he just returned to the White House and hurriedly summoned all the staff members to discuss this matter urgently.

After all, Cai Ruichen is now in the United States and has just announced an investment package. Austria and Bama need to know immediately whether this armed attack in Syria will cause trouble to the United States.

When discussing this matter, Austria and Bama, who had just talked with Cai Ruichen, clearly felt that the Middle East might be turbulent again.

This feeling also appeared in the minds of all countries at the same time. The situation in Syria has changed suddenly, and the industrial zone of the future technology group in Syria has also been attacked by armed forces. The situation here cannot be simple.

For this matter, the Future Technology Group has not expressed anything to the outside world, and countries can only wait and see quietly.

And Cai Ruichen didn't make everyone wait long. Half an hour after the attack ended, Cai Ruichen personally held a press conference in the Future Hotel in New York.

A team of reporters from the Future Media Company, who is following Cai Ruichen, will broadcast this news conference.

Originally, Cai Ruichen didn't want to come forward by himself, but what happened later made him change this decision.

In the VIP room of the hotel where the private banquet was held before, a large number of reporters gathered in the lobby. Cai Ruichen did not keep all the reporters waiting for a long time. Cai Ruichen, in a formal suit, came to the scene immediately after all the reporters arrived.

The sound of the original clattering, the moment Cai Ruichen appeared, all died down, because everyone could clearly see that Cai Ruichen's face was not very good.

"Forty-five minutes ago, the group was located in an industrial zone in Syria. It was premeditated by thousands of armed men. The attackers were hidden among the refugees. It was difficult to use the group to assist the refugees. This attack Although it was about to be suppressed, during the attack, due to the innocent killings of the attackers, hundreds of civilians died as usual. Thousands of civilians were in the hands of more than 20 security soldiers in the Syrian industrial zone. So sacrificed."

There was no opening remarks and no greetings. As soon as he stood in front of the microphone, Cai Ruichen said very solemnly: “The group has always been innocent in autumn since the establishment of an industrial zone in Syria. Tax land purchases and other aspects are all in line. Syrian law.

And in order not to affect the situation in Syria, the group has always adhered to neutrality and has never interfered in Syria's internal affairs. Never sold any weapons, equipment or war materials to any armed or individual in Syria.

The Group has always adhered to the absolute non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. It only wants to do business well. It has never had any conflicts with any forces and armed forces in Syria, nor has it been too intimate.

And since the Syrian Civil War, the group has been committed to saving civilians in the war. In two years, the various relief materials provided to Syria alone amounted to 500 million U.S. dollars, taking in refugees, providing food and daily necessities. Dozens of medical teams in the group. He travels to various places in Syria every day to provide medical help to Syrians. "

Having said this, Cai Ruichen took a deep breath and said again. He raised his voice a little and said: "However, we do not provoke others, but others have always wanted to provoke us. This attack is an unscrupulous slaughter that tramples on lives. Those armed men can put their guns unscrupulously. The people who spoke to the civilians and didn't care about their killings were unarmed and innocent people.

Similarly, this is also an act of war against the Future Technology Group. Since the exhibition, the Future Technology Group has not seen such a bad attack.

Regarding the attacker, we will conduct a comprehensive investigation. No matter who instigated or supported it, I promise that the person who caused the attack must pay the heaviest price for it. "

Cai Ruichen, with an icy expression, didn't care if he was broadcasting, and facing all the scenes, his tone was as cold and terrifying as his expression.

"Taking this opportunity, I officially announced that from now on, in order to avoid such incidents, the security company will strengthen the security force of the Syrian industrial zone from the original size of 500 to 2,000. Equipped with the most advanced weapons and equipment.

It also officially announced that any armed forces that appear within five kilometers of the industrial zone will be attacked by military forces. In the future, the security company will also start air security patrols in the safe zone and increase the number of fighter jets in the industrial zone to one. The brigade does not rule out sending the most advanced three-and-a-half generation fighters of the group to station.

In order to meet the safety of the future technology group in the global industry, the future security company will expand the security force. This plan will expand to 15,000 people on the basis of the original 5,000 people, leaving a certain amount of power in Iraq. , The rest will all be sent to other departments around the world for security work. "

Cai Ruichen did not care about the changes in the faces of all the reporters present, and continued with a cold expression: "This armed attack against the future technology group ~ ~ whether intentionally or unintentionally, the group is targeting the situation in Syria. And policies will also make major adjustments.

The turmoil in Syria has brought a lot of trouble to the group's exhibition. The road to peace now seems to be a long way off. Originally, I didn't have many ideas, and I firmly believed that the Syrians could handle it.

But now, I am not in the mood to wait for the Syrians to deal with the family affairs by themselves. From now on, we will directly intervene in the situation in Syria. The method of intervention does not rule out the direct use of military strikes, nor does it rule out the direct deployment of ground troops into Syria... …"

After speaking, Cai Ruichen didn't give all reporters any time to react, so he left.

For him, he doesn't need to explain anything at all. Many decisions that would have taken months to be made can now be advanced.

He wants the whole world to know his intention and determination, and the situation in Syria, he is determined to intervene and see who dares to stop him.

Soon, the content of Cai Ruichen's entire speech immediately appeared in major media, and it spread extremely quickly on the Internet. (To be continued.)

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