The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 964: Security company expansion

Cai Ruichen's words are like a single stone igniting a thousand waves, and all the people of various countries have convened high-level meetings. Eight?? One Chinese Network??????

Especially in countries in Europe and the Middle East, the future technology group was attacked by armed forces. This news also shocked everyone. Cai Ruichen's series of decisions shocked all Yuan.

The expansion of the security company in the future and the formal intervention in the situation in Syria will cause many countries to worry about it.

In the eyes of the world, the Future Technology Group is still a first-class business empire, but its military strength has never been underestimated.

After all, if there are no two brushes, what qualifications do you have to become a military ally of the US military in the Middle East, and an ally on an equal footing, and an ally that does not require any help and support from the United States.

Let alone ordinary armed forces, even some military powers will not take the initiative to provoke such a company.

The Future Technology Group has always maintained a security team of 5,000 people, and all countries are more assured. After all, no matter how powerful it is, it is only 5,000 people.

What is more daunting is the air force and navy of the future security company. After all, they are high-end combat capabilities and have very good technical levels.

The military expansion this time, especially for the Middle East, is still under great pressure.

The scale of 15,000 people is comparable to that of ordinary Middle Eastern countries. With the addition of advanced fighter jets and warships, countries like Jordan and the United Arab Emirates have no military advantage at all.

What makes those big countries care about is how the future science and technology groups are going to intervene in Syria’s problems, how should they intervene? How strong is the intervention?

When the countries were speculating, they soon received intelligence from Syria.

The Syrian elder Ahmed, who has always been very low-key, expressed deep condemnation for this attack on the future technology group and civilians. At the same time, he expressed great dissatisfaction with the results of the Kurdish armed civil war.

For this reason, the elder Ahmed officially announced that he was disappointed with the security situation in Syria, and in order to avoid a new protracted war, he called on all youths who believe in peace in Syria. All should take up arms, turn their beliefs into motivation, punish those who have pushed Syria into war, and achieve real peace in Syria.

Ahmed said this. It was broadcasted by Syrian national telephone stations, and it was still live. Ahmed, standing in front of the camera, was very old, but his vigor was unabated. The voice is full of breath.

At the same time, all local and national broadcasts in Syria are also broadcasting Ahmed's voice continuously.

It can also be seen from this that Ahmed’s strong influence, none of those TV stations and broadcasters rejected Ahmed’s request, and even kept broadcasting until it was forcibly intervened and blocked by local armed forces. .

The entire Syrian territory is all boiling, faith has no boundaries, and the young people in a large number of tribes and clans have all begun to feel a little eager.

Even the soldiers in the armed forces. They were also a little shaken. Many Syrian youths directly put aside everything around them and rushed towards Tartus.

At the same time, there are nearly one-third of the armed forces in Syria. When Ahmed officially announced the news, they all announced in turn that they were willing to accept Ahmed's leadership.

Compared with the appeal of Baghdadi, who was originally known as Hari, Ahmed, who has been a Syrian elder for decades, has a reputation in Syria. Even if Bashar's father, Assad, was reborn, it was far worse.

This is the power of the Arabs’ faith that has been passed on for more than two thousand years. This belief has penetrated into the heart and bones of many people.

Get so much support. I am afraid that even Ahmed himself didn't expect that he, an old guy whose most of his body was in the coffin, would still be missed by so many people.

In fact, as long as there is a halal place, the influence of the elders will spread everywhere, especially the existence of the faith of Ahmed which has been passed down for more than 2,600 years.

From the first Elder Ahmed. Up to now, no matter how many winds and rains have been experienced, it has always been the faith of the local people here. The more difficult the environment, the more faith can make people persist.

As the closest person to God, to a certain extent, the elders already represent God in the minds of believers.

This is also the reason why Cai Ruichen must choose Ahmed. Only with Ahmed's help can he truly be sure that Syria will be completely peaceful within a few months.

However, this news is not good news for some countries.

Ahmed's appeal has crossed ethnic boundaries, tribal interests, and all conflicts.

In one hour, more than 30 opposition forces in Syria declared their allegiance to Ahmed, which was only the beginning.

Those who were wandering were unable to persevere in the end. All in Syria were propagating this matter non-stop, and even a large number of flyers appeared in every city.

The flyers were not arranged by Ahmed. Those with firm beliefs are doing everything possible to help Ahmed conduct propaganda.

What makes it difficult for some countries to calm down is the announcement of this news by Ahmed, Future Technology Group also formally declared to the public, thanking Ahmed for his continuous help to the Future Technology Group Exhibition. Future Technology Group will provide all necessary help to Ahmed completely free of charge.

The assistance includes the provision of a variety of modern weapons and equipment to help Elder Ahmed arm a combat unit of at least five divisions, including two fully armed armored divisions. At the same time, Future Technology Group will also arrange a large number of instructors to help train troops and teach the use of weapons and equipment.

All the military expenses needed by Elder Ahmed will also be provided free of charge by the Future Technology Group, including living supplies and soldiers' salaries provided to the troops.

Finally, the Future Technology Group also announced that in order to implement Cai Ruichen’s decision, the Future Security Company will plan to provide elder Ahmed with air strikes. At the same time, it also provided necessary assistance to Elder Ahmed.

The future technology group with huge financial resources, Ahmed with strong prestige and appeal, almost everyone has seen a powerful military group that is almost unstoppable, and has taken the first step towards its official rise. (To be continued.)

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