The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1048: Waiting for rescue

Back in the building that he had evacuated before, Brother Xiang looked at the corpses in the building that they had killed before, looked at the time, and ordered: "Establish a defense line, there are still ten minutes. ??? A novel?"

The assault squad led by Brother Xiang and the sniper squad led by Xiao Xiaoxiao were immediately deployed in the government building, relying on the strong building walls of the building for defense.

And the armed Holmes soldiers who came over immediately behind them also launched an attack on this building in the first world.

Tanks and armored vehicles also appeared on the streets.

"Destroy nearby enemies, and snipers give priority to suppressing the opponent's machine gun fire." Brother Xiang continued to order, and then immediately contacted the vanguard armed fighter aircraft in the sky, shouting: "Outside the government building, tanks and armored vehicles appeared. , Hurry up!"

A pioneer armed warship flying around to the edge of the government building immediately adjusted its position, and soon the weapons on the plane aimed at several Russian-made T-72 main battle tanks that were approaching the government building below.

These tanks were once the weapons and equipment of the Syrian government forces. When Hatam was in independence, almost all government forces in Homs province turned to him. Many of the weapons and materials of the Syrian government forces became Armed equipment under Holmes.

Including a large number of tanks and armored vehicles once purchased from the Soviet Union and Russia, these are the capital for Hatam to settle down.

It's just that Hatam has been killed, and all who can come here are Holmes' direct line of troops, all his confidants.

Because it is not known from the outside that Hatam has been killed, these henchmen are trying to find Hatam.

After seeing the enemy enter the government building, the attack began to become frantic.

Although they also understand that Hatam may have been horrible, but the war is not over yet, it can only be fought.

As soon as the three T-72 main battle tanks arrived at this place, they began to shell the government building, and a large number of armed pickup trucks kept pouring fire toward the government building.

Under the cover of tank and machine gun fire, hundreds of armed soldiers emerged all around, all rushing towards the government building desperately.

The two teams in the government building add up to 30 people. It was impossible to hold on for too long, which is why the special forces were unable to compete with the large forces.

Even if the individual's combat effectiveness is strong, it is difficult to resist under such an offensive.

but. The two teams in the government building didn't panic as they watched the armed soldiers roaring over.

Because at this moment, everyone heard the howling sound from the sky, five hundred meters high. The flying noise of the Vanguard Armed Fighter is very loud, unless it is deaf, it can be heard even if the ears are plugged.

The armed Holmes soldiers who were on the offensive also heard the attack. The firepower of the attack paused for a moment. At this time, several commanders also shouted: "All the machine guns are anti-aircraft. The soldiers rushed into the building for me..."

Among the Holmes armed soldiers who have not lost their minds, there are still some sensible people.

And along the way, they were not less attacked by this ac-13o aerial gunboat in the sky, and even all the Holmes armed soldiers. All thought that the enemy was the US military.

After all, only the US military in the world has such an aerial gunboat, which is subjectively preconceived.

Only when they reacted, the gunboat's attack had begun, and the dense barrage quickly swept across the entire government building.

There was no place to hide on all sides of the government building that was originally very empty, and the sound of dense explosions came one after another.

The armed vehicles parked around that are suppressing the fire in the building are all focused on becoming targets of attack.

There is no need for large-caliber weapons to attack. Relying on small-caliber Getter cannons, a single shot can explode all these vehicles.

The dense barrage tilted down like a torrential rain, and the 30-mm Gate cannon on the plane did not watch the excitement. Directly aiming at the armored vehicles and main battle tanks on the ground, the 30mm depleted uranium armor-piercing projectiles, the armored vehicles and tanks were shot with sparks instantly, as if dense welding torches were in contact with these tanks and armored vehicles instantly.

The Gate cannon is no more powerful than the US Warthog attack aircraft. In just the moment of the attack, these tanks and armored vehicles were sieved from the top of the armor.

The 30mm depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile can easily penetrate the top armor of the T-72 main battle tank, and no armored vehicle can withstand such an attack.

When the depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile stopped, all tanks and armored vehicles. All of them burned from the inside, and then the three main battle tanks were killed in sequence, and the entire turret was lifted off.

The troops that had originally organized the attack were disintegrated in an instant, and directly helped the two teams in the building to solve a major crisis.

However, Brother Xiang and others did not breathe a sigh of relief, because there are more than a dozen teams in Holmes, and there are battlefields elsewhere.

There are two vanguard armed warships in the sky. It is impossible to support them all the time. Generally, after destroying the main offensive threat, they need to rush to the next place for support.

Brother Xiang had already been mentally prepared for this. As expected, after killing those armed vehicles, the vanguard armed fighters left directly. Most of them were infantry, and they still needed them to solve it.

Hundreds of enemies, with a strength of nearly twenty to one, were still very stressful for Brother Xiang and others.

Moreover, although these armed soldiers did not have heavy weapons, they all rushed into the government building desperately, swearing not to give up.

"There are still three to allocate ammunition reasonably." Brother Xiang checked the time and reminded everyone.

With the sniper squad occupying the commanding heights of the government building, there is no need to worry about the opponent's rocket launcher. Several sniper teams can completely suppress the opponent's heavy firepower.

But the remaining soldiers still put a lot of pressure on them, they can only do mobile shooting in the building, because the enemy's firepower is much denser than them.

The most important thing is that after more than half an hour of fighting, everyone has no more ammunition, and no separate supplies have been arranged because reinforcements are about to arrive.

It's just that we haven't seen the reinforcements yet, the armed soldiers of Holmes have already attacked the building with their numbers and desperate spirit.

Brother Xiang, who had no choice, could only lead everyone to defend one by one, delaying the opponent's attack and waiting for reinforcements.

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