The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1049: Heavy infantry debut

The battle in Holmes was still fierce, and outside the city, from the Tartus side, a large number of troops also appeared outside. ????????????

The armed Holmes soldiers guarding outside the city were quickly defeated and retreated towards the city.

All the main battle tanks of the First Armored Division who attacked Holmes lined up in a column and inserted into the city like a sharp knife.

All of them were all main battle tanks, and there were not even many infantry in sight, and it was also very sharp to save a large number of enemy tracks in the city.

The offensive team composed of tank main guns and machine guns is just like the US and British coalition forces entered Baghdad.

It was just that when the US-British coalition entered Baghdad, it encountered zero resistance, but here in Holmes, it encountered considerable resistance.

Those armed soldiers, headless, flies, under the orders of the grassroots officers, constantly attacked the offensive troops.

But the weapon arsenal was destroyed and the team was quite chaotic. There was no way to organize effective offensive methods. Sporadic attacks were more like fueling tactics, or there was no tactics at all.

In the government building, after the troops had begun to enter the city, Brother Xiang and the others did not relax.

The Holmes government building is located in the center of the city. Even if the ground attack is sharp, it will take at least one or two hours to attack here.

And at most they would insist on ten more minutes, after all, more and more, no matter how they kill, they can't kill it.

The pressure on the two teams has increased again because of the steady stream of enemies coming over, and even many armed vehicles.

Especially the recoilless guns on the two armed pickup trucks can bring huge damage to the building.

Guarding the stairs is not a solution, because the enemy has already begun to climb in, and the situation is getting more and more out of control.

"Asshole Lao Peng, I will be righteous if I don't come again." Brother Xiang led everyone to retreat to the next floor again, and the entire government building was on the eighth floor. They had already retreated to the fourth floor.

Enemies are still pouring into the building continuously, and their pressure is increasing. The most important thing is that everyone has fewer bullets.

There are not many grenades for defense, and the opponent only needs to rush a few more times, and the situation can be dangerous.

On the roof. Xiao Xiaoxiao was also a little anxious, the more enemies downstairs, if it is not resolved quickly, it will be really dangerous.

"Damn Xiangzi, will the reinforcements come or not? My mother and I don't want to die with you in this ghost place." Xiao Xiaoxiao kept getting rid of the opponent's firepower, and was very anxious inside, venting to Brother Xiang from time to time.

Brother Xiang also had troubles and couldn't tell. In the plan, the time for the arrival of reinforcements has arrived, but there is still no reinforcement to bring.

Just as the two were grumbling, and Brother Xiang was about to blow up the stairs, there was a loud sound of propellers in the sky.

In the night sky, several Nighthawk helicopters arrived, with a huge fuselage and a huge propeller. Brought up a strong air current on the ground.

On both sides of the fuselage, there are two small short wings, and there are two propeller motives on the short wings to improve the flatness.

The four Nighthawk helicopters hovering over the government building did not care about the armed soldiers below who were shooting at them.

And those bullets from the assault rifle hit the helicopter, only a little spark appeared, and it was impossible to break the defense of the helicopter's fuselage.

After the four armed helicopters were all stopped, just under the belly of the helicopter, the doors of the bomber-like cabin opened to both sides.

Soldiers below. Seeing the opening of the cabin door, they were all taken aback, and they all scattered instinctively, as if bombs could fall from the ground at any time.

In fact. Something did fall out of it, but it was not a bomb, but a soldier wearing a thick armor.

The Red Police Corps is heavily armed with infantry, soldiers armed with alloys, and infantry protected by special alloys and depleted uranium armor all over, driven by endoskeleton devices. They all carried a huge weapon backpack.

The heavy infantry dropped from the nighthawk helicopter, at the moment when it fell to the ground, the propulsion device behind it was ignited, and all the falling gravity was cancelled out for the first time.

All of them were heavy infantry more than two meters high. When they landed on the ground, they gave all the Holmes armed soldiers a huge shock.

Many people even wonder if they have encountered aliens and when humans have such equipment.

However, the number of heavy infantry dropped, and the four Nighthawk helicopters dropped only twenty-four such large men.

And the armed soldiers around, after seeing these big men appearing on the battlefield, all their faces were full of fear and panic, because these guys looked terrifying.

On the body of more than two meters, all of them carried a huge two-meter long sword on their backs. Even in the dark, you could see the cold glow on the blades of the long swords.

In the era of hot weapons, cold weapons were brought to the battlefield in such a grand manner.

Seeing the weapon that was larger than his own body, these armed soldiers had already made their hands and feet cold.

However, what really makes them feel fear is that the guns in these guys' hands look very sci-fi and scary.

It was a rifle with a caliber of at least 20mm, and there were even guys with Gatling guns and rocket launchers on their backs.

Standing in front of such a guy, no one can calm down thinking that this is an opponent and an enemy.

Fear is spreading fast, and the best way to vent your inner fear is to get rid of the fear.

One might be an armed soldier with a weaker heart. He suddenly screamed, pointed his gun at the nearest heavy infantry next to him, and then pulled the trigger directly.

Someone took the lead, and then there was a series of chain reactions. All the armed soldiers had no idea what to do with their inner fear ~ Seeing someone shooting, they couldn't help firing.

The heavy infantry who fell down were covered by a large number of bullets before they attacked.

A large amount of sparks splashed on the black armor in an instant, which was the effect of the bullet collision.

In the face of such an attack, all the heavy infantry did not seem to act in a hurry. They all stood still, letting the opponent attack.

When the first soldier who opened fire extinguished the bullets in the magazine, the other soldiers also extinguished the bullets in the rifle, and the armored enemies in front of them did not even have a layer of paint off their armor. .


Looking at the intact enemy in front of him, even more intense fear spread in the hearts of all armed soldiers.

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