The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1050: The killing of heavy infantry

[Broadcast] Pay attention to "Reading at the Starting Point" and get first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who have not grabbed red envelopes after the Chinese New Year can show their talents this time. ??E? Novel??????????????

A little bit of sparks disappeared in the night, the outer armor of the pitch black ink, one by one, tall and heavy infantry, like ghosts in the night, the tall body, looks particularly terrifying.

Fear is spreading, but these tall steel fighters did not allow the enemy to have too much time to fear, which may also be regarded as a kind of kindness.

The dense bullets exploded suddenly, and the firepower in the heavy infantry, the three-barrel revolver under both arms, exploded suddenly.

Although the caliber of the bullet is only 5.8 mm, the firepower is extremely dense. The dense bullets burst out suddenly. There is a tracer every four bullets. The bullets in the night form a light-like tongue.

Each of the four firearms is like a human-shaped mobile version of the defensive weapon Getter cannon. When the barrage swept away, there was only a cloud of blood.

The entire outside of the Holmes government building instantly turned into a Shura Field, and no one could keep a complete body of armed personnel who had not had time to avoid it.

The dense barrage can tear the fragile body in an instant, leaving only blood everywhere.

Only those who took shelter in time, fear saved them, but only this time.

The firepower's attack unfolded, and the rest of the heavily armed infantry all started to move. The two-meter-high body looked a bit cumbersome, but it was really flexible in action.

Even if they all looked like they were carrying heavy weapons, but they were still as flexible and free as normal people, without feeling cumbersome at all.

If you don't look at the footprints and cracks left on the concrete floor under their feet, perhaps you won't believe that the total weight of this armor and weapon is nearly a ton.

The real nightmare of Holmes, the armed soldiers on the edge of the provincial government building, has come.

Although the dark night blocked the prying eyes of human beings, it could not block the professional technology equipment in the eyes of all the heavy infantry. The difference between the picture in front of us and the daytime is that one is in color and the other is in black and white.

However, for the weapon system on the individual armor, the enemy in the night is the same as the enemy in the day, and there is no enemy or friend identification system for the weapons. They were all judged as enemies, and they took the initiative to remind the soldiers in the armor to judge whether to attack.

This is to prevent accidental injury, although it requires one more process than a fully active targeting attack. But it can reduce the probability of accidental injury.

Now, there is no need to distinguish, the large-caliber assault rifle in the hands of the heavy assault is like a small steel cannon, and its power is not inferior to the 2o mm guns on the armored vehicles of various countries.

Those armed soldiers hidden behind the building or behind the pillars can be solved with a penetrating shot directly.

It's just that the people who died under such a large caliber, the picture is a bit miserable, the body that was hit instantly turned into a large blood mist. It is impossible to leave the whole body.

More than a hundred armed soldiers outside the provincial capital building were all killed in just a few minutes.

The whole process was filled with a one-sided situation. Of course, such achievements are also due to Xiao Xiaoxiao and others on the roof.

If they hadn't given priority to killing all the Rpgs among the enemies, the situation would not have been so smooth.

Because weapons like Rpg still have huge lethality against the armor of heavy-loaded infantry, and heavy-loaded infantry is at best resisting the lethality of firearms. Rocket launchers and artillery shells are simply not something they can resist.

However, under normal circumstances, heavy infantry does not act alone, and requires the cooperation of other arms. The main task of the heavy infantry is to fight tough battles, cooperate with the infantry and main combat equipment on the ground, and operate in the high threat theater.

This time, Cai Ruichen is only to test the combat effectiveness of the heavy infantry, because in the future, whether it is against Israel or NATO countries. The role of heavy infantry will become more and more important.

This kind of warlord in Syria does not have a complete armament and combat system. It can only be regarded as an influential army. It may be okay to fight guerrillas, but when it comes to frontal assaults or encounters, it is not even considered influential. on.

It is just like a vanguard armed warship. If this time the opponent is an opponent with a sound military defense system, it is impossible for Cai Ruichen to dispatch vanguard armed warships casually. Even if he wants to act, he must ensure that the enemy is completely Lost air defense capabilities.

If the enemy on the battlefield has an anti-aircraft machine gun with a caliber greater than 25 mm, and it is used to sneak attack on a pioneer armed warship with a slow flight, it will completely be able to shoot down the pioneer armed warship.

The entire armament system of the Holmes armed forces has long been destroyed, and all professional air defense weapons have also been lost. Therefore, the vanguard armed warship can fly so slowly at an altitude of 500 meters.

Otherwise, he would have been shot down.

The same is true for heavy infantry. Without the cooperation of a sniper, especially in a complex urban environment, it would not be arrogant at all.

Especially in places like the Middle East, where Rpg can be seen everywhere, even if one Rpg cannot kill a heavy infantry, it is enough to completely lose combat effectiveness or cause serious injuries to the heavy infantry.

Of course, if one or two want to sneak attack, it is not so easy. The individual armor of the heavy infantry also has a sound early warning system and a microwave scanner. Even if it is hidden behind a building, it cannot escape such detection.

But no matter how sound protection is, it is not absolute. If there are too many enemies, the situation is completely different.

For Cai Ruichen, the life of every Red Police soldier is extremely precious, and he absolutely does not allow the use and tactics of the soldiers, because subjective emotions or incomplete considerations lead to innocent casualties.

So although the soldiers of the Red Police Corps also understand how to cooperate and how to better use these weapons and equipment, Cai Ruichen still has to use actual combat to test it, otherwise everything is imaginary.

At this moment, on the government building in Holmes, after Xiang Ge and the others saw the reinforcements arriving, they all showed relaxed smiles on their faces.

But for the other armed soldiers in the building, it was completely different, especially when they saw the big guys outside also coming towards the building.

Among the Holmes armed soldiers, a lieutenant colonel said with a sullen face and angrily: "Blow up all the stairs on the second floor, and no one will write all the costs, and continue to attack the enemy upstairs."

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ps. For the children who are chasing the newer shoes, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? The countdown to the 515 red envelope list is up, I will get a ticket, ask for an increase and appreciation ticket, and finally make a rush! (To be continued.)

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