The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1051: After breaking alone

[Broadcast] Pay attention to "Reading at the Starting Point" and get first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who have not grabbed red envelopes after the Chinese New Year can show their talents this time. E novel????

When the heavy infantry stormed into the government building, the stairs from the lobby on the first floor of the government building to the second floor were all blown up.

The powerful C4 explosive even blasted a big hole in the wall connected to the stairs, and both stairs broke and collapsed, and only a few places were connected by steel bars.

Without this armor, a soldier with good skill can completely follow the steel bars connected to the floor of the second floor to the second floor, and for the heavy infantry, it is tantamount to heaven.

Several attacking heavy infantry saw that the stairs were blown off, they just cleared away a few enemies left on the first floor, and then contacted Brother Xiang: "Come down, we can't go up."

There is no need to reload the infantry. After hearing the explosion, the Xiang Ge and the others upstairs also knew exactly what happened.

Heavy infantry is not a flying soldier, unable to fly, even if it uses mechanical force to jump in height, there is a limit.

At this time, it is the best way to descend from a high floor to the outside, and there are hundreds of enemies in the building, and they don't have much ammunition. If they continue to struggle, they will inevitably suffer casualties.

Brother Xiang didn't have extra time to think about it, and decisively ordered: "The ammunition is concentrated in the hands of the assault personnel to block the enemy's attack, and the others and the sniper team descend to the ground."

The enemy outside has been eliminated, the rescued armored division has also entered the city, and no armed personnel have come to this place. The main battlefield has moved to the outskirts of the city.

What made Brother Xiang helpless was that the four Nighthawk helicopters just now were specially used to project heavy infantry. They only had weapons and equipment for heavy infantry. They didn't have their share at all.

It takes at least ten minutes for the support helicopters to arrive. In such a building, facing hundreds of armed men and lack of ammunition. It can't last ten minutes at all.

Leaving this small building is the best choice, and the heavy infantry below has the weapons and ammunition they need.

When Xiang Ge gave the order. The heavy infantry around the government building also began to prepare to cover them.

Block all windows near the landing position to prevent armed soldiers from coming out of the windows and shooting.

As for the floor, it is necessary for Brother Xiang and the others to block the armed personnel who are starting to attack frantically.

Two stairways, the two assault teams stayed, and all the remaining ammunition was concentrated in their hands. It's just not much, and there are only less than 400 bullets.

And in such a narrow space, there are various doors and walls as shelters. Four hundred bullets are really not many, and they have to be used separately. For the two assault teams, one person has only two magazines.

The sniper team took the lead to evacuate and descended directly from the top of the building.

It's just that the two teams have only two ropes in total, and they can only retreat in pairs.

Brother Xiang did not leave. Instead, he led the two assault teams to block while retreating, and follow the stairs on both sides to beat and retreat rhythmically.

But before they reached the top of the building, the sniper team only evacuated a few people, and the armed soldiers below realized their intentions.

A few wanted to go to the window to attack the soldiers who descended to the ground, but before they were close to the window, they were killed by the heavy infantry on the ground.

This also put all the pressure on the two assault teams after the break, and all the armed soldiers became more desperate.

Keep tilting the bullet towards the stairs. The two assault teams were firmly suppressed, and the other armed soldiers were under the cover of bullets. He rushed upstairs like he didn't want his life.

In the face of such intensive barrage suppression, the two assault teams had no chance to shoot to block them. The most important thing was that they all ran out of grenades.

Otherwise, a shock grenade can definitely let the other party know why the flower is so red.

However, such an offense. It also brought a lot of casualties to the offensive troops.

The casualties paid are not small, and the results achieved are still there. In just three or four minutes, the two assault teams have retreated to the fifth floor of the stairs, and there is the last floor on the top. Going up is the roof. .

At this moment, everyone's faces are all the color of camouflage and gunpowder smoke, and dense beads of sweat spread all over everyone's face.

At this time, the people in the two teams had almost retreated, but it was difficult for the two teams to leave safely.

The opponent was pressing too tightly, the fighting distance was only a few meters, and there was no way to safely evacuate.

"The other party still has capable people. I'm afraid we have already seen that we are running out of ammunition." Next to Brother Xiang, a young soldier replaced the last twelve bullet magazine on his body and muttered.

The others didn't make trouble. Brother Xiang glanced at the only staircase leading to the top of the building behind him, thought about and ordered: "Leave two magazines for me. Others listen to my orders and evacuate immediately."

On the sixth floor, the two assault teams were all gathered together, while the others had all safely evacuated the building by this time.

In just a few minutes, there are not many bullets left on everyone.

Although the opponent has also paid huge casualties, the momentum of the offensive has not diminished, and there are still fifty or sixty people.

"Captain, you can't do it alone, I'll accompany you." The young soldier who spoke before said hurriedly.

The other five soldiers also all spoke up, and everyone wanted to stay.

"Shut up... obey the order." Brother Xiang didn't mean to bargain at all, so he directly used the order to force it down.

Several soldiers shook their heads helplessly, and took the initiative to keep all the ammunition on their bodies. One of them said: "I have a broad knife mine here, and I will stay."

Gathering the ammunition, Brother Xiang nodded, took the broad knife mine, opened the insurance, and stuck it directly on the corner of the stairs. The purple light that was almost invisible to the naked eye began to scan the stairs.

This is the start of the identification device for friend or foe. As long as the enemy approaches, the broad knife mine will detonate The other soldiers decisively left, and Brother Xiang retreated behind them.

Just after they left the corner of the stairs, the broad knife mine in the corner was detonated.

The seven did not look back, but accelerated their pace to the top of the building.

At the corner of the last stairs to the roof of the building, Brother Xiang stopped and watched the six soldiers leave frequently, turning his ears and turning to the armed soldiers who were the first to chase them, and fired several shots.

Except for the two unlucky ones, the others quickly flashed behind the wall beside the stairs.

ps: Welcome to pay attention to the gorgeous WeChat official account "gorgeous hypocrisy". The official account contains some information and equipment pictures of the book. The advertisement function of the gorgeous official account has been applied for. Please help click it when you open the official account article The bottom advertisement brings some advertising revenue to Huahua, thank you!

ps. For the children who are chasing the newer shoes, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? The countdown to the 515 red envelope list is up, I will get a ticket, ask for an increase and appreciation ticket, and finally make a rush! (To be continued.)

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