The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1052: The last way out

[Broadcast] Pay attention to "Reading at the Starting Point" and get first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who have not grabbed red envelopes after the Chinese New Year can show their talents this time. ?One small? Say???????

Kill the two enemies quickly, and Brother Xiang also stepped to the edge of the stairs for the first time, avoiding the opponent's straight line of sight and trajectory.

When he stepped away, the few armed men who had just hid had already stretched out their weapons and blindly shot at the corner of the stairs. The dense bullets broke the tiles on the stairs into pieces of cobwebs.

Without waiting for Brother Xiang to breathe, two grenade flew up, one of which landed on the corner.


With an instinctive curse, Xiang Ge's instinctive legs used force, jumped up a few stairs, and lay on the stairs.

At this time, the grenade also exploded, and there were two consecutive explosions. Although he responded quickly and avoided the main damage area of ​​the explosion, he was still very close, and there was a brief gap in his consciousness.

When Brother Xiang barely recovered, he saw that two armed soldiers had rushed up the stairs and saw that he had not been killed by a grenade, and his fingers had pulled the trigger.

Before he could fight back, he could only dodge quickly and put his body close to the stairs and the wall, just to avoid the bullet that was shot.

Shooting from the bottom up, the angle is inherently bad, otherwise, it would be useless to let him hide.

Taking advantage of this gap, Brother Xiang also felt a lot awake, but what followed was a sharp pain in his body.

There was a wound on his arm and leg, one was the shrapnel exploded by the grenade, and the other was hit by the bullet just now.

This is also a lucky result. If he hadn't reacted quickly, it would not have been injured now.

At this moment, Brother Xiang couldn't take care of the wounds on his body, because the two armed soldiers who opened fire have continued to rush forward.

For the first time to restore balance to his body, facing the two guys who ran up. It's two grabs.

And the two armed soldiers ran up the stairs while firing, but because of the terrain, they had not waited for their guns to be aimed at Brother Xiang. Brother Xiang's muzzle was aimed at their heads.

The two enemies were killed in two easy grabs, but as far as the current situation is concerned, even if he has killed 20 enemies now, it is the same. The opponent still has at least 20 or 30 people.

Gunshot wounds on the arm and thigh hit by shrapnel. It also aggravated the harshness of the situation. Although Brother Xiang could ignore the pain of two gunpoints on his body, he still had a great influence on his actions.

If you just hold a line of defense and don't need to engage in maneuvering operations, that would be better. Right now, Brother Xiang has only one thought in his heart to hold this place.

But I can't stay at the stairs. Because the opponent might throw a grenade, he now has wounds on his body and he can't be as agile as before.

The most important thing is that without the alternate shooting and fire cover of other teammates before, the armed soldiers below can all come up easily.

Ignoring the wound on his body, Brother Xiang quickly got up from the stairs, turned and backed towards the gate of the rooftop.

This can prevent himself from being exposed to the opponent's firepower too quickly, and once the opponent enters the corner of the stairs, he will be his priority attack target.

Before he reached the rooftop gate. At the corner of the stairs, there were already footsteps. Turning around was a shot, after killing an armed soldier who had just emerged. Brother Xiang quickened his pace immediately.

Such an environment is not a jungle, there is no redundant retreat at all, and there is no room for maneuvering, and there is no tactics for hand-to-hand combat.

An armed soldier fell, and the guy who followed him did not appear, but stuck his muzzle out of the corner. Then it shot blindly.

In this kind of narrow space, the shooting hit rate is very high, especially on the stairs and walkways, there is no extra dodge space.

Brother Xiang, who had anticipated this a long time ago, also ran up to the rooftop in time. The gunfire sounded when his body was hiding behind the rooftop door.

Of course, this was not without a price. The shrapnel on the leg was still in the flesh. The strenuous exercise caused the second injury of the leg muscles, and a lot of blood flowed out of the wound.

But at this moment, Brother Xiang felt very fortunate that the shrapnel hit the muscle tissue, not close to the thigh, nor did it hit the artery. Otherwise, the situation would be even worse.

At this moment, there was no one on the rooftop, and all the six soldiers left, which made Brother Xiang breathe a sigh of relief again.

Glancing on the rooftop, Brother Xiang shook his head helplessly. There is still a distance from where the ropes are, and this distance can't make him arrive before the armed men below arrive on the rooftop, let alone Said to leave.

The most important thing is that there is no hiding place close to the rope. Once the enemy is on the roof, he will become a living target.

However, Brother Xiang felt that he could still fight.

Close the gate of the rooftop, and then use a magazine to block the gate, and then Xiang Ge ran towards the rope place quickly.

And when he was running, there was intensive gunfire from the stairs. The iron door that was just closed was quickly beaten into a hornet's nest, and the bullets easily penetrated the iron sheet on the iron door. .

Before he ran a few meters away, he heard a huge kick at the door. When he turned around, he saw the iron door full of bullet holes kicked open.

Several armed soldiers were about to rush out from the door.

In such a situation, Brother Xiang sensibly made him stop his approach to the rope decisively, and walked up close behind a row of circular iron pipes.

At this time, a large number of armed soldiers came out continuously from the stairs. Under the night, armed soldiers without night vision equipment formed a semicircular search formation to search the entire rooftop.

"Xiangzi, is Gabida yet?" Brother Xiang, who was just about to breathe, heard the voice from the headset in the helmet, a very clear female voice.

At this time, the armed soldiers outside have quickly searched for the iron pipe. Although there is no one around, Brother Xiang is still used to shaking his head, pressing the channel communication and jokingly: "Where is your man? If you are killed so quickly, your dream of remarrying is destined to be shattered."

With Brother Xiang’s words, everyone in the entire communication channel could not help but sigh: "Brother Xiang is really bullish..."

However, Xiao Xiaoxiao, who was on the other side of the headset, said coldly: "You better pray that you will be righteous right away, otherwise the old lady will let you know the consequences of molesting me."

"By the way, why is there such a big anger, is the relative coming? Or is the cycle messed up?" In this situation, where is Brother Xiang so much scrupulous.

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ps. For the children who are chasing the newer shoes, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? The countdown to the 515 red envelope list is up, I will get a ticket, ask for an increase and appreciation ticket, and finally make a rush! (To be continued.)

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