The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1053: Are you a*?

[Broadcast] Pay attention to "Reading at the Starting Point" and get first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who have not grabbed red envelopes after the Chinese New Year can show their talents this time. One??? Little??? Say??????????

It's not too much to describe the current brother Xiang in this way. How can I dare to say that in front of Xiao Xiaoxiao.

At this time, he was mentally prepared to fight to the death, but he had taken so much into consideration.

In some words, there is no worry at all. As for whether you can survive, I will talk about it when the time comes.

In the channel, the other soldiers couldn't help but squeeze a sweat at Brother Xiang, because the female Tyrannosaurus by their side was obviously in a state of rampage.

"I hope you won't regret the words you just said in the future." Xiao Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, and the original runaway state subsided, but his tone remained cold.

On the rooftop, Brother Xiang was also in a huge crisis, even though there were gunshots and explosions everywhere in the city, and when he spoke, he kept his voice down as much as possible.

However, the armed soldiers on the roof still noticed where he was.

An flares rose up on the roof, completely illuminating the roof under the night, and exposing Brother Xiang, who was hidden behind the iron pipe.

However, he had already prepared. The 20-type assault rifle in his hand quickly spewed out hot fire, and the assault rifle that was adjusted to automatic connection did not mean to save bullets at all.

Seven or eight armed soldiers approaching the side of the iron pipe, at the moment when the lights were lifted into the sky, they only saw the flash of fire before them, and then there was no more.

However, the other armed soldiers around began to counterattack, and Brother Xiang, who evaded him for the first time, still had an extra bullet hole in his arm.

And this time, another arm was shot, and the two arms were shot separately. Even the soldier king who has the will of steel, he grinned.

The armed soldiers with the help of flares were all pouring bullets towards him who was hiding behind the iron pipe. The steps are also slowly approaching.

Hiding behind the iron pipe, relying on the iron pipe to block the bullets outside, Brother Xiang replaced the last magazine with only twelve bullets inside.

And inside the pistol in his tactical belt. There is another bullet that he is going to leave for himself. Of course, it needs to be truly desperate, otherwise no one would want to shoot himself in the head.

Before that, Brother Xiang hoped to be able to pull a few more cushions, and Huangquan Road was not lonely.

It was just suppressed by the opponent's firepower. He didn't even have a chance to stretch out his gun, let alone fight back.

Feeling that the enemy's encirclement was getting closer and closer, even when it was only one or two meters away, Brother Xiang shook his head helplessly, and his **** arm had already pulled out the pistol.

If this is in a jungle environment, Brother Xiang feels that he can completely kill these people, if it is like this, it would be a tragedy.

What made him feel the most regretful was that the other party did not give him any chance to fight back. The firepower suppressed him in a small area behind the iron pipe.

Once he has any action, there is only one end, and that is to be bitten by a bullet.

"For the sake of my death, can you tell me, are you in?" Brother Xiang opened the pistol insurance and checked the time. There is still five minutes before the support arrives, then press down the call Button, asked Xiao Xiaoxiao.

"Can you try it yourself, of course you have to have the courage." Xiao Xiaoxiao's tone became even colder.

"I still have..." Just when Brother Xiang was about to say something. At the position of the two ropes, two muzzles suddenly appeared, and the ropes were still swinging.

With the appearance of two muzzles, Brother Xiang decisively inserted the pistol back into the holster. The corners of his mouth also slowly turned up, and he knew that he could not die.

All the attention of the surrounding armed soldiers focused on Brother Xiang, and did not see the two gunpoints appearing on the edge of the rooftop.

It wasn't until the two muzzles burst into dense flames that all the armed soldiers discovered the people who had just evacuated from the other side. Climbing the rope that left before came up again.

It’s just too late to know, and before they can counterattack, the two heavily armed commandos have already turned from the edge of the roof to the roof with the help of ropes. The whole process was done in one go, and in just a few seconds, the bullets in the magazine were already Was lighted up.

The two commandos decisively released the assault rifle and pulled out the pistol at the moment when the bullets in the magazine were lit up, and moved quickly at their feet. They shot fiercely at the group of armed soldiers.

In a short encounter, a dozen armed soldiers were quickly killed on the rooftop, which was barely covered.

The two pistols also literally played the effect of an assault rifle. In just two seconds, the bullets in the two commandos' pistols were all shot out.

The two shot sports, and even Brother Xiang couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart: "Beautiful."

However, he was not idle. Although the two arms could not move flexibly, it was enough to cooperate with the two commandos.

The suppression instantly became the suppressed party, and the ropes on the roof were turned up by two assault soldiers. A battle born in this provincial capital government building soon ended.

With the supply of ammunition, the soldiers of the assault squad began to live again.

And this is also thanks to the ammunition supplied by the heavy infantry.

In fact, in the battle sequence of the Red Police Corps, the heavy infantry is used as a heavy fire support for the class. At the same time, because the armored skeleton system can carry a large amount of weapons and ammunition, it has also become the main ammunition carrier of the class-scale combat unit. .

On the previous four Nighthawk helicopters, although there was no place to carry ammunition, the heavy infantry they came to were supplied with 5.8mm bullets from the Red Police Corps.

The soldiers who descended from the rope immediately replenished ammunition, then climbed the rope to the top of the building, and a team entered from the first floor of the building, climbed up and disconnected the second floor, and attacked ~ ~ Destroy all enemies in the building.

If it weren't for Brother Xiang's spoiling, Xiao Xiaoxiao had told him that he had acted, but as long as Brother Xiang hadn't died, the result would be the same.

The most important thing is...When Xiao Xiaoxiao walked onto the rooftop, Brother Xiang, who was bandaging his wounds, saw that, his face instantly changed, and then he wailed and fainted.

This made the commando medics who were bandaging him a bit astonished, but he also immediately noticed that his captain was pretending to be dizzy, because he saw Captain Xiao Xiaoxiao coming over.

The medical soldier did not expose his captain, but rather cooperated with the unit price and called the rescue helicopter to come over.

ps: Welcome to pay attention to the gorgeous WeChat official account "gorgeous hypocrisy". The official account contains some information and equipment pictures of the book. The advertisement function of the gorgeous official account has been applied for. Please help click it when you open the official account article The bottom advertisement brings some advertising revenue to Huahua, thank you!

ps. For children who are chasing the new shoes, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? The countdown to the 515 red envelope list is up, let me get a ticket, ask for an increase and appreciation ticket, and finally make a rush! (To be continued.)

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