The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1054: Red Police Training Center

[Latest broadcast] Tomorrow is 515, the starting point anniversary, the day with the most benefits. One novel???????? In addition to the gift bag and school bag, this time "515 Red Envelopes Crazy Flip" must be watched. There is no reason to not grab red envelopes. Set an alarm clock~

In the Red Police Corps Training Center, on the edge of the huge public training field, a row of brawny men with an average height of more than two meters per person stood quietly on the side, their eyes all keenly staring at the two men competing on the training field. .

The two people in the field are not fighting with their bare hands, but they are all holding a long sword and are practicing against each other.

And the long swords in the hands of the two were not training props, nor were they props that did not open the front, but a good killing weapon.

On the long sword, there are also very clear smelting lines. The steel lines are like round copper coins staggered together, and they look a bit gray. This is also the biggest feature of this long sword produced by the base.

Don't underestimate such a long sword. If it is placed on the individual armor of a heavy infantry, it can even be pierced into by armored vehicles.

Each of these long swords has been tempered for thousands of years, has the sharpness that urges the hair to break, and is arduous and flexible and hard. It can be called the pinnacle of cold weapon forging technology.

However, this kind of long sword is not suitable for normal people to master, because it is equipped with individual armor on heavy infantry, and is used for close combat and killing weapons.

Each long sword has a length of one meter eight, and if it is an alloy long sword, it can reach two meters. Normal people will inevitably be a little scared just looking at it.

Even the lightest alloy long sword is nearly fifty catties. Normal people can hold it, but if you want to dance, there is almost no way.

The long alloy knives are heavy-duty chopping equipment, each weighing at least one hundred catties, and most people can't even hold it.

At this moment, both of them on the training ground were holding long swords, and they were constantly confronting each other with the sound of blade collision. The weight of fifty catties seemed to have no weight on them.

However, the two people on the field looked extremely tired. The vest had long been soaked with sweat, and sweat dripped from the two on the ground.

The two tall men who were both over two meters apiece were still clenching their teeth at this moment, and there were even medical staff nearby who were preparing.

This place is an exclusive training ground for heavy infantry, and it comes from the training center, the construction unit of the base.

During the training in the Red Alert game. It can train soldiers to the elite level in an instant, but the real red police training center is divided into many functions, one of which is the most common function, which is similar to the gravity room that Cai Ruichen in the main red police base enters every day .

However, the gravity room of the training center is three times the gravity at most, and for those who can withstand three times the gravity and can move around freely, the entire base can only be used by combat-type heroes.

Ling Liang naturally didn't count, because she didn't rely on individual combat power to feed her.

And Tan Ya and Natasha and others. They can also move freely in the triple-gravity room, and they can barely move in the five-fold gravity room.

As for Cai Ruichen, he can move freely in the four-fold gravity field and walk in the five-fold gravity field, but it is still a bit reluctant to train.

In the exclusive training ground for heavy infantry, the gravity environment is always doubled. Under such an environment, all heavy infantry must maintain normal training subjects.

In this environment, it took just one month. An ordinary heavy infantry can be promoted to an elite heavy infantry, and the physical fitness and response ability have been improved.

However, one such venue. The cost is high, and there is only one at present. Every day at most 50 people can do various training in it. After all, the space is limited.

Heavy infantry is a high-level unit, and every heavy infantry conscripted has physical fitness. All have the physique of special forces, of course, they are not suitable for special operations, but they are unilaterally excellent.

The special forces have all-round capabilities, proficient in various special infiltration operations and professional knowledge, which is not available in heavy infantry.

Being single and powerful is the only characteristic of heavy infantry in terms of strong physique, because only this physique is suitable for the individual armor of the base.

Every heavy infantry conscripted has a height of at least two meters, with solid muscles and a weight of over 300 catties. Every one of them is the perfect bodybuilder, and his strength is not bad. Under normal circumstances, it can reach the same strength as its own weight when swinging a fist, and it will be stronger if it bursts.

Therefore, there is only this way. Under double gravity, the two people can wield a 50 kg alloy long sword, but this kind of training is only short-lived. Generally, it is very good to be able to fight for one minute.

As heavy infantry, once in the individual armor, they don't need to be trained to shoot at all, because the weapons and equipment on the alloy armor cannot be aimed at the same as the firearms held by the normal body, and they all rely on the targeting system in the armor for locking attacks.

So as long as they can wear individual armor, even people who have never used firearms can reach the level of a hundred and hundred.

Usually, heavy infantry will also train guns and fighting, but the most important thing is to train physical fitness and individual combat skills.

Especially the cold weapon fighting, this is what Cai Ruichen specifically requested, because in the wasteland world, the high-level mutants and the skin-like stratum corneum on the surface can't do anything with ordinary firearms.

A special soldier of the soldier king level can not deal with a third-level mutant, but a heavy infantry wearing individual armor can easily kill a third-level mutant.

The exhibition of wasteland has reached a stable situation, and the radius of base operations is currently only valid within Iraq.

If needed in the future, the Red Police Corps' scope of activities in the Wasteland World will be expanded to the borders of other countries. This requires a group of troops that can deal with those high-level mutants.

Heroes and heroes, that is, those few are very precious, Cai Ruichen is naturally so violent, he needs an organized army, not a few people.

Heavy infantry is the best choice, and it will also gather archer girls and magnetic storm infantry. An army dedicated to fighting mutants can meet many combat needs.

In the present world, these brawny men who are like iron towers can also wield extremely strong combat effectiveness.

Now, it is the time for Cai Ruichen to be madly violent, and this rhythm will continue and accelerate. One year later, he needs a strong army that can confront the whole of Israel.

ps: Welcome to pay attention to the gorgeous WeChat public account "Gorgeous Hypocrisy". Pictures of the infantry will be reloaded tomorrow. Those who are interested should not miss it! The advertising function of Gorgeous Official Account has been applied for. When you open the official account article, please help click the bottom advertisement. Click on each WeChat account once a day. Gorgeous can get the income of subscribing to a VIP chapter. I hope everyone I can move my finger every day, thank you!

ps.5.15 "Starting Point" is raining red envelopes! Grab a round every hour starting at 12 noon, a large wave of 515 red envelopes depends on luck. You all go to grab the starting currency you grabbed and continue to subscribe to my chapter! (To be continued.)

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