The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1056: Base's recognition of occupied territory

[Latest broadcast] Tomorrow is 515, the starting point anniversary, the day with the most benefits. ? In addition to the gift bag and school bag, this time "515 Red Envelopes Crazy Flip" must be watched. There is no reason to not grab red envelopes. Set an alarm clock~

The heroes of the Red Police Corps and the first-class heroes are actually not comparable.

It's like Wu Jie, the Tyrannosaurus hero. Once this guy is transformed, the aircraft carrier can be turned over, let alone a hero.

If there were no MiG fighters or any powerful weapons to deal with, Wu Jie would be invincible by his own ability.

Cai Ruichen believed that even the overlord in the wasteland world would have to stand aside once Wu Jie was completely transformed.

In fact, as far as the personal abilities of the first-level hero are concerned, it is indeed the well-deserved first. If it is better than equipment, the first-level hero can also have powerful equipment.

Except for Wu Jie and Qin Chen, of course, Cai Ruichen does not deny that the combat effectiveness of some heroes themselves also possesses the level of heroes.

And Cai Ruichen also has three special existences around him, that is, his three exclusive bodyguards, Ralph, a man who wields his power to the extreme, has yet to show his strongest side.

Although Clark is a bit weaker in comparison, his outstanding capture and fighting skills are definitely the first among all the soldiers of the Red Police Corps.

Lianna has strong agility. As the saying goes, martial arts all over the world are unbreakable, but fast. She is the representative of this concept.

In fact, the three bodyguards are better than Natasha-level heroes in their respective areas of strength.

If you want to say that you don't change your body, Ralph's strength is definitely the first in the Red Police Corps. Even Yang Wu, a hero with strong strength, is far inferior to Ralph.

What's more, Ralph also has the ability to defeat the fourth-level mutant without using any external factors. Except Cai Ruichen.

Although the three bodyguards are not heroes, nor are they class heroes, in Cai Ruichen's opinion. In fact, it possesses the abilities no less than that of a hero.

Of course, this is only Cai Ruichen's evaluation, and the heroes of the base all have their own merits, and the giant squid also has their heroes. It is simply impossible to compare with normal standards.

In Cai Ruichen’s view, he is anxious that the soldiers of the Red Police Corps are all human. Even if he has one-third of his level, he is confident that with the current strength, he can definitely fight NATO. .


After leaving the training center with Yang Wu, Cai Ruichen did not return to the base. Now he is really relaxed. Only need to grasp the general direction, and then leave everything to sister Lingliang.

He is a hand-shocking shopkeeper, now he has no burden at all, because even if he personally intervenes, he may not be able to do better than Ling Liang.

Therefore, Ling Liang, the master of Red Police strategy, has become his current first assistant, the first steward of the entire Red Police Corps.

In the current Syrian rescue battle, after the complete elimination of Homs’ armed forces, there is no decent opponent.

As long as Israel does not intervene. The rescue will quickly wipe out all those warlords, and every time a place is occupied, the base will recognize the issue of territorial ownership three days later.

This question of attribution is not discussed with the international community. Wrangling with other countries is just the base’s unilateral belief that because of the relationship with the Red Police Corps, the rescue is currently the armed forces of Cai Ruichen recognized by the base.

Therefore, saving the occupied place, that is, the place occupied by Cai Ruichen, will only take three days. The area is still under occupation, the base will recognize that the place belongs to the area controlled by Cai Ruichen.

However, the current map function of the base is still only available in Iraq, so even if it is admitted by the base, there are actually no additional benefits other than the role of the mind controller.

Cai Ruichen didn't care about this. The base's recognition was only his own recognition. As for welfare, as long as the Red Police Corps became stronger day by day, even if the base could not give it, he could get it himself.

And this recognition of the base has no impact on the outside world.

But for the Syrian people in the occupied area, it is completely different. The influence of the mind controller begins to play a role, and the invisible change is irreversible.

It only takes a few days for Cai Ruichen to stabilize the region, and within a month, he can stably control the entire region, and within a year, he will receive the full support of everyone.

Even if he sells the country, no one will stand up and say anything. Of course, if nothing happens to kill civilians, it will still bring great negative effects. After all, the mind controller is not absolute, but a subtle one. Psychological hints.

Now Cai Ruichen has firmly controlled the territory of the Kurdish gathering area. Those Kurds who had a little idea, all became obedient citizens under the influence of the mind controller, and all the original folk messages have disappeared without a trace.

Even the hidden careerists have no other ideas. Instead, they all work together to join the big construction of their homes.

And now, the port of Tartus is already in operation. A large amount of iron ore from South American countries has begun to flow from the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea, docking in the huge port of Tartus.

Many iron ore imported from Australia also bypassed the Cape of Good Hope, followed the eastern coast of Africa, and entered the Mediterranean to stop at Tartus.

Some of the unloaded minerals are directly recovered by the ore refinery in the industrial zone, and all the remaining are transported to Marin Town. Except for the ore refinery, which is highly operated every day, all the remaining minerals are deposited. It is used as a reserve in the mineral warehouse of the underground kingdom of Marin Town.

At present, the base is also constantly building ore refineries. In Cai Ruichen's words, even if the underground kingdom under Marin Town is safe, it is far less safe than recycling all the ore.

If it were not for the number of ore refining plants nowadays, the number of ore refining plants could only be increased one by Cai Ruichen would not need to put all the imported ore into the warehouse.

It just takes time for the exhibition. As far as it goes, everything is pretty good.

The international port of Tartus also achieved full-load operation as soon as it opened. Ninety-five percent of the incoming vessels are all large cargo ships carrying ore.

The ships leaving the port of Tartus are all filled with Future Technology Group products or the core components of Future Technology products shipped to factories around the world.

ps: Welcome to pay attention to the gorgeous WeChat public account "Gorgeous Hypocrisy". Pictures of the infantry will be reloaded tomorrow. Those who are interested should not miss it! The advertising function of Gorgeous Official Account has been applied for. When you open the official account article, please help click the bottom advertisement. Click on each WeChat account once a day. Gorgeous can get the income of subscribing to a VIP chapter. I hope everyone I can move my finger every day, thank you!

ps.5.15 "Starting Point" is raining red envelopes! Grab a round every hour starting at 12 noon, a large wave of 515 red envelopes depends on luck. You all go to grab the starting currency you grabbed and continue to subscribe to my chapter! (To be continued.)

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