The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1057: Reinforced iron bones, upright

Leaving the training center, there is a garrison for the heavy infantry outside. Unlike other arms, the garrison facilities for the heavy infantry are very complicated due to the individual armor. In order to keep it as confidential as possible, the entire garrison is a closed building. ?E Little??? said?????????????

However, the so-called resident site in front of us is actually an empty shell on the surface. From the outside world, it is more like a factory. It is just a huge factory building, and we don't know what it is.

The training center next to it is the same. On the surface, it is no different from those factories.

In the garrison of the heavy infantry, it is a passage connecting to the underground kingdom. The real garrison of the heavy infantry is actually in the underground kingdom.

After more than three years of construction, the underground kingdom has begun to take shape, and a large number of units in the base are also concentrated in the underground kingdom, which has become a veritable underground industrial cluster.

Entering the heavy infantry garrison, at first glance, you can see neat rows of enclosed mechanical devices in the middle of the garrison.

The number of these mechanical devices is so large that it is almost impossible to see at a glance. There is also an underground hangar next to it. In the underground hangar, you can see rows of Nighthawk helicopters and peacekeeping transport planes, and even mountain-moving transport planes and three A giant transport plane like a giant.

In the station, a large number of engineers wearing yellow overalls shuttled around these closed mechanical devices, and the personal terminals on their hands were comparing the data in the mechanical devices and seemed to be adjusting something.

When he and Yang Wu came to the garrison, Cai Ruichen directly got on an electric car. It was a waste of time to reload such a huge garrison with infantry.

What's more, after entering the gate of the heavy infantry garrison, you still need to walk through a huge training ground to reach the real garrison.

At the moment, in the resident training ground, a team of heavily armed infantry wearing individual armor is undergoing routine training.

Subjects similar to obstacle training are training methods for heavy infantry. Every heavy infantry needs to be able to use individual armor like its own body.

The complex battlefield environment also requires every heavy infantry to be able to move flexibly and evade and counterattack under maneuvering actions.

And this is just an ordinary training ground. There is no gravity room in the professional training center, and the goal of physical fitness and reaction ability is the same as that of ordinary training.

Cai Ruichen's arrival did not interrupt the training here, and all the heavy infantry still carried out various trainings very simply.

Watching the individual armors more than two meters high in the training field jump up and down like monkeys on the training field. Although Cai Ruichen's face was expressionless, there was unspeakable satisfaction in his heart.

He is now not a rookie who just got the base, and he can see the outstanding side of these soldiers.

And looking at these tall individual armors, he also felt a little excited.

Steel and iron bones stand upright. This is the real romance that belongs to men.

However, the individual armor seems to be majestic, but it cannot dominate the current battlefield, because such individual armor does not have a high probability of survival on the battlefield.

The individual armor of heavy infantry is also a kind of mecha. It is also a common problem of mecha, and that is the problem of practicality.

In this era of offense overwhelming defense, even main battle tanks can be easily destroyed by individual firepower, thin power mechas, and current human materials and technology. It can be said to be a fictitious action!

The reason Cai Ruichen requested such training is because for individual soldiers, the ability to move and move is the first attribute that needs to be stored first.

For the contemporary realistic war system, the mecha type that is most likely to be valuable exists-the tonnage level is above the individual soldier and below the main battle tank. It can be the same as the individual soldier and can use various sea 6 air and air drop vehicles. Deploy to the front line of war in any hotspot, adapt to any high temperature, low cold, mountain, jungle environment.

The operation is simple, flexible and humanized, and it can cooperate with individual soldiers. A general-purpose multi-functional mech that provides fire support for class or platoon combat units, and can also engage in related logistics work outside of combat.

Just like the history of the elimination and evolution of tanks on the battlefield in the past, the mediocre individual armor of heavy infantry is not the most powerful, and the armor is not the strongest. But it is most suitable for the needs of the battlefield environment.

After all, long-distance battlefield maneuverability, mechas cannot be comparable to main battle tanks, and heavy firepower projections are not comparable to combat aircraft, but they can make up for many deficiencies in the current battlefield environment.

The humanoid general-purpose mech can only squeeze its place in the military's equipment series only if it uses its flexibility to supplement the demand gaps that still exist on the battlefield.

But even so. There are still many ills in the use of mechas, and the existence of these ills will cause a lot of troubles in the use of mechas.

One of the most obvious problems is logistics. The overly complex structure of the mecha will obviously greatly increase the probability of failures and accidents. Logistics is the biggest weakness of the mecha in use.

In this regard, the evolutionary history of various military equipment has left a profound lesson.

However, logistical issues for the Red Police Corps are not a problem, because all mecha maintenance is done by automated logistics support vehicles, and no workers are required to deal with mechanical failures of the mecha.

It would be a disaster if it weren't for a fully automated logistics support vehicle that would allow mechas with complex structures to engage in more complex combat tasks.

The individual armor structure is very complicated, and there are a large number of weapon modules to choose to replace, maintain and logistically. If it is placed in the army of any country, it would be a tragedy.

If the Red Police Corps wants to use such individual armor on the, it also needs adequate logistics support.

One of them is the battery supply that provides power to the individual armor. Six hours of high-intensity combat sounds like a lot, but in a high-intensity battlefield, six hours is very short.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, individual armor will carry a spare battery, and must be able to replenish ammunition and electrical logistics support at any time.

However, these are not the most troublesome, the most troublesome is how to send such individual armor to the battlefield.

It is simply impossible for heavy infantry to maneuver with ordinary infantry in armor.

And if you want to bring the individual mechs to follow the large forces, you need to make many preparations.

Any additional preparations will bring more burdens to the rapid mobility of the troops, and the same goes for individual armor.

Fortunately, the exhibition of the Red Police Corps has always pursued adequate logistical support, and a new logistical support system has been added, which is not a big part of the combat effectiveness of the heavy infantry. (To be continued.)

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