The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1059: Global transport aircraft belonging to the Red Alert

"Does the work of refitting armed mining vehicles need to be speeded up?" Cai Ruichen asked Yang Wu next to him after leaving the parking lot. E??? Little??? said??

"According to the current team building, I think this degree is completely enough. After all, there will not be too many troops following ground operations." After speaking, Yang Wu naturally looked at the underground apron.

There are exits in every part of the underground kingdom, as are the parking lots, as are the underground apron and the No. 3 Air Force Base where the Third Aviation Division of the Red Police Corps is located.

The aircraft inside can be transported to the ground through various types of elevators.

Armed mining vehicles go to the garage, and these planes are transported to the flight runway. Such a sophisticated underground armed base, no matter what country it is placed in, is highly classified.

However, even with the equipment and technology of the United States, it is difficult to build a place similar to the No. 3 Air Force Base, mainly because it costs too much money.

Of course, there is no need for the United States to build such secret military bases, because the United States has no opponents at all.

But the Red Police Corps is different. If the outside world sees the construction of military bases one by one, no one can sit still.

Now the outside world only knows that the future science and technology group has only 10,000 troops, an air base, and a small sea fleet that looks pretty good.

What's left is that I don't know anything. In contrast, the exhibition of Iraqi troops has become the focus of everyone's attention.

And everyone can't expect that the Future Technology Group will quietly deploy so many secret weapons, and the outside world still doesn't know anything.

And this is one of Cai Ruichen's capital in dealing with Israel, and no one knows that it can be done by surprise.

At present, the construction of the heavy infantry unit is being deliberately accelerated by Cai Ruichen. This kind of weapons and equipment that can change the current war situation will inevitably lead to huge military changes once they are launched on a large scale.

In fact, after having the intermediate level of authority, the Red Police Corps has complete weapons and equipment, and has the world's best equipment. Combining the excellent combat literacy of the soldiers of the Red Police Corps, it only takes one war to establish its powerful influence in controlling the region and the world situation.

Cai Ruichen has clearly seen this, but in his heart. But there is no slightest feeling of pride, because he knows better than anyone that as long as the Red Police Corps can expand, sooner or later the power he possesses will replace the United States, and he will definitely become the most powerful man in the world. none of them.

However, he is even more aware that his real opponent is not the United States, but the world that he still can't see clearly. The mysterious enemy is staring at him, and the opponent also has powerful time and space teleportation. The current achievement of the Red Police Corps is also a true opponent. In front of me, there was a huge joke.

With his thoughts flying, Cai Ruichen's eyes only saw the three giant transport planes gradually entering his eyes.

And these three huge transport planes are inside the Red Police Corps. Also has the title of Big Mac.

Global strategic transport aircraft: heavy-duty strategic transport aircraft in the air, the main transport model, with strong load capacity and huge cabin space, with high global flight performance.

The production price is 5oooooo funds, and the production time is 72 hours.

Performance data: Maximum ceiling is 50,000 meters, with sub-tone cruise capability at maximum ceiling, high altitude (about 10,000 meters) flight speed of 900 kilometers per hour, empty weight of 110 tons, maximum take-off weight of 460 tons , Full fuel (150 tons), with a maximum payload capacity of 200 tons, can continue to fly 12,000 kilometers (maximum transport radius of 55oo kilometers). Tactical takeoff and landing can be carried out in complex terrain environment (the fuel load needs to be reduced to less than 2o% to reduce the weight of the landing). If necessary, it can also take off and land without a complete airport. There are six crew members...

Engine room volume: the total volume is 13oo cubic meters. There are two upper and lower cabins, the lower cabin space and double rows can accommodate six main battle tanks or twelve infantry fighting vehicles side by side. When the seats are installed, the soldiers and individual equipment of a battalion can be transported. The built-in space can be flexibly formed for various logistics support The module can become an aerial delivery platform for heavy infantry.

Upgrade instructions: This model is the final model and does not need to be upgraded.

Takeoff weight of 420 tons. This is only one size smaller than the An-225 in the field of heavy transport aircraft in the world.

Compared with the American c-5 Galaxy transport aircraft, the performance is more comprehensive than the Galaxy, the most important thing is the cabin space and the load capacity of these two indicators, and it is straight up to the Antonov-225.

The maximum take-off weight is 90 tons higher than the Galaxy, and the maximum load is also 70 tons higher than the Galaxy. Under normal circumstances, it is simply impossible to exceed this data.

The main reason is that the empty weight of the global strategic transport aircraft of the Red Police Corps is only 110 tons, which is a full 60 tons less than the nearly 170 tons of the American Galaxy.

The maximum take-off weight is compared in exchange for a payload of 70 tons, as long as it is all reflected in the very lightweight empty weight of this transport aircraft.

It can carry more fuel to ensure the flight distance, and carry a load of two hundred tons. Even the Apocalypse tank can transport five at a time.

Such transportation capacity, that is, the transportation capacity of the An-225 of more than two hundred tons and the huge cabin space can be compared.

However, you must know that the maximum take-off weight of the An-225 is more than 600 tons. If this transport aircraft can be enlarged to a take-off weight of 600 tons, the carrying capacity is definitely far more than the An-225.

Blindly pursuing load and range is not a reasonable development direction for transport Just like the American Globemaster replacing the Galaxy, equipment suitable for war needs is really good equipment.

The Globemaster is the best transport aircraft in the world, and it is unique in the world in terms of practicality.

Because the Globemaster is not only capable of strategic projection, but also capable of tactical take-off and landing. Aircraft around the world, in fact, the Globemaster has the ability to reverse. The aircraft can taxi backwards on the ground, and the takeoff distance is also complete. It is within the requirements of tactical transport aircraft.

The Globemaster can even take off and land on Antarctic glaciers, as well as on tropical Gobi. As long as the hard grass of the rainforest is flat, there is no problem, and it does not require ground guidance. Even at night, only a row of landing lights is needed. Okay.

This is the unique ability of the Globemaster, but after the global strategic transport aircraft comes out, the unique title can be taken off, because the global transport aircraft also has the global strategic projection and tactical take-off and landing capabilities, which can meet any battlefield and environmental projection demand.

ps: On the gorgeous WeChat official account, the pictures of the heavy infantry have been posted, and the pictures of the transport aircraft will be posted in the past two I prefer students with a sense of picture, I believe there is no reason to miss the high-definition pictures. image. (To be continued.)

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