The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1060: Fast and slow airdrop connection

ps: Three months of gorgeous waywardness and no overtime work. This month, working overtime almost every day until 8 o’clock in the evening. It’s really tragic... There are few updates, I hope everyone will forgive me! I also hope that everyone will support more, give a reward to subscribe, can you more...


The global strategic transport aircraft, known as the Big Mac, has an irreplaceable position in the operational sequence of the Red Police Corps. ?One novel??????

It is even praised by the base as an excellent transport aircraft that can be used for 50 years. Its appearance can accompany every soldier of the Red Police Corps to the end of life.

It was the first time that Cai Ruichen looked at the three giants side by side so close, and now, even if he is truly knowledgeable, looking up at these three huge transport planes, his heart will inevitably surging. , Emergence of great pride.

At present, this transport aircraft is fully worthy of the cost of 5 million yuan. Cai Ruichen also knows better than anyone how advanced the materials used in this transport aircraft are.

The empty weight of 110 tons is definitely not a crispy skin, but a veritable steel and iron frame. The fuselage is all made of light alloy. This light alloy is only used when producing this transport aircraft.

Because the price is too expensive, the base will not use this light alloy to produce other weapons and equipment.

This alloy has the hardness of normal alloys, and also has strong willfulness and structural strength. The entire fuselage is directly formed by light-curing three-dimensional modeling at one time, without any module assembly, and the entire aircraft case appears as one overall.

Also due to this production method, the entire fuselage is completely integrated, and it is possible to achieve a ceiling of 50,000 meters and perform sub-sound cruises at an altitude of 50,000 meters where the air is thin.

In fact, at an altitude of 50,000 meters, because of the extremely low air resistance, fuel consumption during sub-tone cruises can be much reduced compared to normal flight.

Of course, the ceiling of 50,000 meters is too difficult to achieve under normal flight conditions. Because the climb rate of the transport aircraft is not high, it is possible to climb to that high unless it has conducted a long-distance flight of 5,000 kilometers.

If you have conducted a one-way flight of 10,000 kilometers, you absolutely need to climb to more than 50,000 meters to fly. Increase the degree to save fuel.

However, the giant transport aircraft in front of us was also modified here, in order to be able to project heavy infantry onto the battlefield.

However, unlike the armed mining vehicle, the modification carried out in the Big Mac does not have a logistic maintenance module. They are all assembled equipment bays. These equipment bays are installed on the sides and in the middle of the cabin, in four rows, and there are still two wide conveyor tracks.

When Cai Ruichen opened the cabin door at the rear of a giant transport plane, he saw four neat rows of assembled equipment compartments. One row had twenty-five equipment compartments, and four rows had one hundred equipment compartments. This has reached the full load limit of the Big Mac transport plane.

If you need to add new cargo, you can only reduce the fuel load, otherwise it will not take off at all.

The weight of an equipment compartment reached two tons. The total amount of heavily armed infantry is nearly a ton.

One hundred heavy infantry will be added to it, and all of them are nearly 300 kilograms in size. The transport aircraft that is modified to transport heavy infantry can only maintain about 120 tons of fuel, otherwise It's heavy.

Yang Wu, who followed Cai Ruichen onto the plane, pointed to the conveyor guide rails connected to each assembly equipment compartment on the cabin and said to Cai Ruichen: “During the flight of the aircraft, in order to maintain the stability of the aircraft, soldiers who wear armor are not allowed. The soldiers walked in the cabin, so the armored soldiers were transported to the outside of the cabin door using the airdrop hoisting track above."

One-ton armor and weapon modules. In addition to the weight of the umbrella bag and the soldiers in it, a large man with more than one ton walking around in the flight cabin is a disaster.

After all, walking and sliding are completely different concepts, so such a guide rail. Is essential.

"Because the transport aircraft is only responsible for the mission of delivery, there is no maintenance equipment in it. The replenishment of the heavy infantry after the airdrop is the responsibility of the one-time supply bay delivered by another transport aircraft. Even if it is going deep behind enemy lines, there is no problem."

Yang Wu continued: "Currently the modification of the Big Mac transport aircraft. Only the first one has been completed. The other two aircraft are planned to be completed within one month. By then, they will have the ability to send 300 heavy infantry at a time. There is absolutely no problem in cooperating with airborne troops."

"What about the refitting of peacekeeping transport aircraft and Nighthawk helicopters?" Cai Ruichen nodded and asked immediately.

Unlike ground-armed mining vehicles, the use of flying vehicles to drop heavy infantry by air cannot be recovered on the aircraft on the battlefield, so there is no maintenance equipment in the aircraft.

Even in the peacekeeping transport aircraft and Nighthawk helicopters, there is no assembly equipment compartment, because it can't fit it.

The delivery method of these two transport aircraft is to put on the individual armor of the heavy infantry, and then hoist them on the guide rails in the aircraft, and then transport the heavy infantry in the cabin to the battlefield just like a bomber throws a bomb.

When I was in Raqqa, the conversion of the Nighthawk helicopter had not been completed, so it was impossible to transport the heavy infantry to the front lines of the war.

Otherwise, as the air assault vanguard of the armored unit, it should be heavily equipped with infantry.

In the Holmes battle, the first batch of four Nighthawk helicopters have been modified. One Nighthawk helicopter can transport eight heavy infantry at one time. The peacekeeping transport aircraft has a larger carrying capacity and can carry twelve. A heavy infantry.

Moreover, the peacekeeping transport aircraft has extremely fast speed, and can quickly transport heavy infantry to the nearest battlefield, but the range is a bit shorter.

The three air transportation methods are used to complement each other to maintain the convergence of mid-to-far and near battlefield delivery. At the same time, they are unique in the combination of speed and slowness.

Moreover, whether it is a peacekeeping transport plane or a Nighthawk helicopter, in the future, it can board an aircraft carrier or an amphibious ship, and it can also transport heavy infantry from the sea to overseas battlefields.

At the same time, this modification can also be used for magnetic storm infantry, because magnetic storm infantry is also a heavy infantry unit.

"Modification of Nighthawk helicopters and peacekeeping transport aircraft..."

After listening to Yang Wu's introduction of the other two transport flying vehicles, Cai Ruichen left the underground hangar and walked towards the tactical exercise field.

As a brand new equipment in the history of human warfare, heavy infantry is the same as the tank that just appeared. How to use it is a problem. How to use it better is to go deep into the problem and formulate combat tactics that combine other arms. essential.

Because many of the equipment in the Red Police Corps can be coordinated, such as the combined tactics of bullfrog vehicles and heavy infantry.

(To be continued.)

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