The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1062: America is a fart

The voices of the high-level US government and the voices supporting the Future Technology Group accounted for the majority, and even the delivery of the US Lightning Fighter Plan to Israel has been repeatedly delayed. ???One novel????????????

Although there is the meaning of the United States wanting to beat Israel, there is also the result of Cai Ruichen's subsequent intervention.

From the perspective of the United States, the senior U.S. government is very aware of the secret contest between Cai Ruichen and Israel, but it is because of such a contest that the United States is very relieved.

This is the balance that the United States needs. The Middle East needs to maintain the balance that the United States wants to see. Then neither Israel nor the Future Technology Group can get along with other countries.

It is also necessary to maintain the competitive relationship between Israel and the Future Technology Group. Of course, this contest cannot be too out of the ordinary. The United States also has its own bottom line.

In fact, the US attitude is quite clear whether it is towards Israel or the Future Technology Group, that is, you cannot really fight.

The United States does not want to see Netanyahu and Cai Ruichen die, but this does not include Israel and Iraq.

If there is a war between Israel and Iraq, and the Future Technology Group does not intervene, the United States will only be watching.

But Cai Ruichen is different. The advanced military technology owned by the Future Technology Group will definitely hurt both sides once they start a war with Israel.

At that time, the so-called balance in the entire Middle East will disappear, and maybe even Egypt, Jordan and other countries will not be able to sit still.

There are too many variables in this attitude of the United States. Everything is for the purpose of maintaining a balance in the Middle East. Nothing else matters.

But for Israel, this kind of behavior of the United States is completely betraying Israel's interests, which Israel cannot tolerate.

In addition, in order to purchase American Lightning fighters, Israel’s national finance has invested 12 billion U.S. dollars in this area and plans to purchase 144 Lightning fighters.

The original delivery time was at the end of last year, but now it is postponed to the end of this year. Japan and the United Kingdom have already begun to receive the first delivery of Lightning fighters.

Even the United Kingdom has begun to conduct Lightning fighter take-off training on the newly-built conventional aircraft carrier, the Queen Elizabeth.

From Israel's point of view, this is entirely the United States deliberately making things difficult for itself, and the United States also has a reasonable explanation for this. Although Israel participated in the Lightning fighter project from the very beginning, it withdrew midway and joined later.

However, Japan's continuous increase in orders from the beginning has brought great help to the development of the Lightning fighter, and it must meet Japan's needs.

Not to mention the UK. Many of the Lightning fighter technologies are invested by British technology. In the Lightning fighter project, the United Kingdom has paid the least money, but because of many advanced technologies, the importance of Britain is the most important among all participating countries.

On the two newly built medium-sized aircraft carriers with a displacement of 60,000 tons, the Lightning fighters will be on board. Now that the British aircraft carriers are almost in service, the United States will naturally give the other Lightning fighters.

In the words of the Americans, Israel, you should wait. There are many other countries waiting for Lightning fighters. How can it be delivered to you so quickly.

Seeing that the Lightning fighter jets are far away, the Israelis are naturally very anxious, but Israel cannot express anything to such a decision by the United States.

Even if they are very clear, the United States is nothing more than not wanting to inflate Israel's military power in an instant, and then take action on the future technology group.

At the same time, the Israelis are also very clear that it is impossible for the United States to sell F-22 Raptor fighters to them, and it is not so easy to develop a fifth-generation fighter by itself.

The American Lightning fighter is the only choice for the Israelis. Otherwise, would it be possible to buy China's J-31? Or simply cooperate with Japan to build a mind fighter?

But no matter how they choose, the Israelis see it very clearly, compared to the other two options. Still can only choose Lightning fighter, the others are clouds.

For this reason, the Israelis can only wait for the United States to let go, but at the same time. As the Future Technology Group began to intervene in the situation in Syria, the top Israeli government could no longer sit still.

Even the Israelis are willing to believe that both Iraq and Syria are Cai Ruichen's ambitions.

An Iraq that is getting stronger and stronger with the support of the future technology group has troubled Israel enough, plus the words of Syria. That is definitely not what Israel wants to see.

Don't look at Iraq's unparalleled low-key performance. For more than a year, it has only been immersed in the exhibition, and it has been deaf to the outside world.

But it is precisely because of this that the Israeli side is very worried, because when Iraq is carrying out infrastructure construction, military construction has never stopped.

Although it has been more than a year for the Mossad people to penetrate Iraq, from a lot of one-sided news, we can also infer a lot of information that deeply disturbs the Israelis.

The size of Iraq’s troops has been expanding. While it has 100,000 garrisons, the construction of regular troops has continued to expand every day during the year.

Up to now, the size of the Iraqi Defense Forces has expanded to hundreds of thousands, and the number is still growing. There is no intention to stop at all.

In addition, the advanced weapons and equipment provided by the Future Technology Group are free of The Iraqi Defense Forces have accumulated a strong force structure in a low-key, quiet process.

At this point, although the Israelis were very reluctant, they also admired Cai Ruichen's ability and means. In just over a year, a poor and white war-torn country turned into a robust military power.

If Syria also receives the full support of the Future Technology Group, then Israel believes that it may only take one year, and Syria will definitely become the second Iraq, with Cai Ruichen in the middle.

In the future, Iraq and Syria will also become countries that wear the same pair of trousers. The two countries will be inseparable from the assistance of the Future Technology Group. At that time, if Israel has to deal with the Future Technology Group, it will inevitably be met by Iraq and Syria. Rebound.

Even countries such as Iran will participate in the future.

Therefore, Israel really cannot sit still, and must prevent Syria from becoming the second Iraq, even if it is the current rhythm, it will not hesitate to start war.

As for the United States’ deterrence, from Israel’s point of view, the United States is a **** compared to its own strategic interests. (To be continued.)

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