The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1064: The confidence of the Israeli Air Force

"This is the temptation of the Israelites."

After a while, Cai Ruichen said straightforwardly.

"Is it sure to intercept? If the Israeli fighter is shot down, maybe the Israeli side will take the opportunity to go to war." Natasha confirmed the order and asked.

"I don't have to say, as long as the Israeli fighter jets enter Syria's airspace and continue to deepen without heeding the warning, they will be killed." Cai Ruichen said very decisively.

"Will the troops be prepared to deal with the war against Israel in advance?" Natasha asked.

"Does Lingliang have any arrangements?" Cai Ruichen thought for a while and asked.

"Ling Liang meant to be prepared. After all, no one can pinch the pulse of the Israelis. In many cases, Israel is a very crazy country. It is not surprising at all that it does something unexpected. "Natasha said.

"In that case, let the security company's troops be prepared for battle." Cai Ruichen took a deep breath and said.

"Where is the Iraqi Defense Forces?" Natasha asked.

The strength of the Iraqi Defense Forces is the main combat force of the Red Police Corps in this world. The security company currently has only 10,000 troops. If a full-scale war breaks out with Iraq, the Iraqi Defense Forces will be the most important combat core.

Gu Natasha asked.

"The Iraqi Defense Forces will not move for the time being, and don't make a nervous posture. Business as usual."

Cai Ruichen pondered for a moment, and continued: “Joining Israel to intervene in the peaceful reunification of Syria is also a matter for Syria and us. If the Iraqi Defense Forces are involved, the situation will be complicated. I am afraid it will become more complicated.”


In Israel, Netanyahu is also discussing this matter with his team of staff. As Cai Ruichen expected, this is Israel's trial of Future Technology Group.

In fact, since the future security company announced that it was employed by the Syrian people, the air force of the future security company will be stationed in Syria. After safeguarding the sovereignty of Syria's airspace, the top Israeli leaders have the idea of ​​temptation.

before this. When the Future Technology Group sent troops to Syria, Netanyahu could not sit still a bit after showing an intervening attitude towards the situation in Syria.

Ordering the Israel Defense Forces to prepare for combat must not allow the Future Technology Group to gain control of Syria.

War is not a trivial matter, let alone fighting in Syria where there is no direct ground supply. Even Israel needs to be prepared.

With the action of the Syrian National Salvation Army, Israel has replicated the strongest armed force in Syria. Was killed overnight, and Israel is now moving without moving.

Although the attitude of the United States is also very tough, but now Netanyahu can not care about the United States.

If you wait any longer, Syria will truly be peacefully reunified. Even if Israel wants to intervene in Syria, there will be no name in it. At that time, it will blindly maneuver, which will inevitably attract a strong backlash from the entire Middle East world.

To this end, although he is not fully prepared yet, Netanyahu absolutely must act.

This time Israel dispatched two f-15 Eagle fighters. Being in a heavy fighter jet, heading to Syria full of fuel and ammunition.

If the Future Technology Group did not discover the actions of the two f-15 Eagle fighters, then the bombs carried on these planes. Will be thrown on the head of the National Salvation Army.

At the same time, the plane also carried several air-to-air missiles. If it was intercepted by the fighter jets of the Future Security Company, it could only be air combat.

And in order to ensure the smooth operation of this operation, the Israeli side dispatched two latest f-15 Eagle fighters, and they have just upgraded their radar and electronic systems.

The original Doppler radar on the F-15 Eagle fighter has been replaced with a phased array radar. The accuracy of the detection range has reached the world's advanced level.

Even if it is against the third-generation fighter of the Future Technology Group, at least it will not suffer from radar and electronic warfare.

Currently fighter jets of the Israeli Air Force. All of them are fully retrofitting phased array radars and electronic warfare systems, especially those third-generation fighters that have been in service for more than 20 years. All need to be updated.

After all, the third-generation fighter jet owned by Future Technology Group has a strong late-comer advantage. With advanced electronic systems and phased array radars, Israel has already suffered a lot in the original contest.

Of course, if it were not for the fact that the United States did not plan to give Lightning fighter jets for the time being, the Israeli Air Force would have been unable to sit still.

And now, part of the upgrade of the third-generation fighter has not been completed, and Israel also needs time to upgrade its equipment.

It’s just that time waits for no one. Even if there is no Lightning fighter, some fighters have not been upgraded. However, it is impossible to give up preventing Syria from falling into the control of the future technology group.

This is also a temptation for the Future Technology Group. If the Future Technology Group shrinks, Israel will definitely not be polite.

But if the future technology group is tough, it can only use its strength to speak. Syria is a bit far away from Israel.

There are Lebanon and Jordan in the middle, and the Israeli army has no way to enter Syria directly from the ground.

However, as long as the air can defeat the fighters of the Future Technology Group, then everything is not a problem. At that time, there will be no need to use ground forces. The air force alone can bring a heavy blow to the Syrian National Salvation Army.

As for the Air Force of the Future Technology Group, this is also the choice that Israel can make at present. After all, the Israeli Air Force, in terms of scale and the quality of the pilots, in the eyes of the Syrians, is better than the small one under the Future Technology Group. Security company.

How many excellent pilots can a company train?

It is not that Israel looks down on the Future Technology Group but the training of an excellent pilot. Not only does it require a lot of money, but it is not accomplished overnight. Without three or four years, it is impossible to train an excellent pilot.

If there are no pilots, even if the fighter jets of the Future Technology Group are more and more advanced, what use is it?

This has always been the source of Israel’s own confidence. Of course, if Israel had no such confidence, then I’m afraid it would not even have the courage to fight against the Future Technology Group.

In terms of the number of fighter jets, the number of fighter jets on the Israeli side is not comparable to future security companies.

The Israelis have obtained accurate intelligence, and the fighter jets of the Future Security Company in Syria are the size of a wing.

ps: On the gorgeous WeChat public account, pictures of heavy infantry have been released, and pictures of transport aircraft will be released I prefer students with a sense of picture, I believe there is no reason to miss the high-definition pictures. (To be continued.)

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