The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1063: Israel's temptation

The number of fighter jets in Israel has always been more than 500, among which the number of advanced fourth-generation fighters has been maintained at more than 370.

After the last battle with the Future Technology Group broke out, although the Israeli Air Force suffered a little loss, it quickly replenished it.

Moreover, in Israel’s weapons warehouse, there are many fighters that are completely sealed. Although these fighters are generally second-generation fighters, as long as advanced fighters can obtain air supremacy, these second-generation fighters can also perform well. Combat effects.

As long as it can throw a bomb on the enemy's head, it is a good aircraft.

It is not difficult for Israel to deal with the third-generation fighter jets of a wing of Future Technology Group in Syria.

And the Israeli side also understands that the air force of the future security company is not large, and there is still a brigade in Iraq. The total number of fighter jets owned by the entire future security company is fifty.

What really worries Israel is the powerful ground air defense system of the Future Technology Group.

Israel, which has the iron dome system, also has to admit that the technology of the Future Technology Group in the field of air defense has absolutely reached the world's most advanced level.

This is a fact in exchange for Israeli fighter jets. Israel never intends to deny it. The fact is the fact.

Therefore, Israel needs a stealthy fighter to deal with the powerful air defense network of the Future Technology Group.

Using advanced stealth fighters to break through the enemy's complete air defense system is the method currently chosen by all countries.

Israel is no exception. No matter how perfect the defense system is, as long as the enemy cannot be seen, it is all for nothing.

The stealth fighter can come and go freely. Go deep into the enemy’s head and drop bombs to destroy those air defense systems.

As long as the opponent's air defense system is destroyed, the war is half won.

But in this world. In fact, not many countries have perfect air defense systems. There are only a few countries in the world that have perfect air defense systems without relying on the outside world.

The five gangsters plus Israel, although other countries have air defense capabilities to some extent, all defense weapons and equipment are imported, not completely perfected, and there are still gaps in defense.

And after the emergence of the Future Technology Group. Iraq has become the sixth country that can rely on its own to have a complete air defense network, and it is a very complete one, with all-weather, full-spectrum, far, middle, and near, and mid-high and low-altitude regional air defense capabilities.

Because the Future Technology Group is a company in Iraq, it is equivalent to these technologies owned by Iraq.

So this is also the reason why Israel has always invested in the future technology group. If there is no good breakthrough method, it is really difficult to deal with.

Otherwise, no matter how influential the United States is, it will be useless for Israel, a wild horse that cannot be tamed.

Israel ignores the attitude of the United States. It is not once or twice. If it is really necessary for national strategic interests, 100% will ignore the existence of the United States.

The United States is also very clear. So simply controlling the time for the Lightning fighter to arrive in Israel can also give an explanation to the Future Technology Group.

However, if the Air Force of the Future Technology Group enters Syria to fight, the Israelis will have nothing to worry about.

Because there are no anti-aircraft weapons in Syria except for the industrial zone and Bashar.

Naturally, the industrial zone does not need to say much. The Israeli Air Force has already suffered. The air defense weapons hidden in the ground make Israel always feel fresh in memory.

In Damascus, where Bashar is located, there are several sets of S-300 air defense missiles provided by Russia to the Syrian government.

If the National Salvation Army has always stayed on the edge of the future industrial zone. The Israeli Air Force also took care of the hidden air defense weapons around the industrial zone.

Now the National Salvation Army has left the training station and has begun a military operation to unify Syria. Then the Israeli Air Force can let go.

It is better to draw the Air Force of the Future Technology Group into a decisive battle. Isn't it that hundreds of fighters can't compete with dozens of fighters of the same generation?

This is the purpose of the Israelis. Give Cai Ruichen a long memory.

Of course, Israel also considers the existence of the Iraqi Defense Force. After all, the Iraqi Defense Force now has more than one hundred third-generation fighter jets. If the Iraqi Defense Force’s air force also participates in the war to help the future technology group attack the Israeli Air Force, then the Israeli Air Force In other words, there is a little pressure.

However, Israel has long been prepared. Future Technology Group has been using the United States to check and balance itself, so it can also use the United States to check and balance Future Technology Group and Iraq.

Moreover, in the past two years or so, after Israel has recuperated, the scale of combat aircraft available to the Air Force has also returned to the previous level, which has also brought a lot of arms orders to the United States.

With more than 500 fighter jets, even if the Iraqi Air Force participated in the war, that's what happened.

After all, the Israeli military absolutely does not believe how much combat effectiveness the Iraqi Air Force can form in this more than a year.

In the use of modern weapons, the relationship between man and machine is increasingly emphasized. Whether a weapon is advanced or not is one thing, and an excellent user is absolutely essential.

If in Saddam’s time, if Iraq had more than one hundred third-generation fighter jets, Israel would definitely weigh in.

After all, the Iraqi Air Force under Saddam ~ ~ also had a large number of excellent pilots during the eight years of the Iran-Iraq War.

But now Iraq has long broken the inheritance. Even if there are some outstanding pilots from Saddam's period continue, the age is one thing, and there is definitely not much.

Therefore, Israel is not very worried about whether the Iraqi Air Force will join in. If it does join in, the Israeli Air Force is very confident that its own ace pilots built with a lot of money can definitely give Iraq a taste of what is called a crushing technical advantage. .

It may also cause heavy damage to the Iraqi Air Force and directly reduce the pressure from Iraq.

However, the Israelis are not blind, after all, they have also seen the excellence of the third-generation fighter of the Future Technology Group.

There is also news that a third-generation heavy-duty air-control fighter developed by the Future Technology Group is ready for service, but there is no news from the outside world, and I have not heard or seen any new fighter test flights conducted by the Future Technology Group. .

(To be continued.)

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