The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1065: America turned away

The rumors of a new air-control fighter from the Future Technology Group have been around for a long time and have been reported intermittently.

But the outside world has only a vague image of this mysterious fighter, and it just relies on this vague image to make guesses.

The main reason is that the Future Technology Group has adopted extremely high security measures for this new air-control fighter.

The outside world has never known whether there are any planes in the test flight, and the reason why the outside world has been rumored is that the senior US military has revealed that the Future Technology Group does have a third-generation air-control fighter under development, code-named Black Hawk.

The news that Israel received was also from the United States. There was no way that Mossad was completely driven out of Iraq. In the face of the future technology group where oil and salt do not enter, no one can snoop on the secrets of this group.

Of course, not only Mossad has always been smashed, but also every intelligence agency in the world.

No spies can get close to the industries and headquarters of the Future Technology Group. As for the research rooms and laboratories, I don't even know where they are.

And many things, in fact, all rely on rumors, some things may be catching the wind, but some things are indeed true.

It's like this so-called Black Hawk fighter. Someone accidentally photographed a mysterious fighter plane flying at low altitude on a highway in the southern desert of Iraq. It was also painted in yellow, and the dual-engine layout could be vaguely seen.

But this is also the only time the outside world has developed Black Hawk fighter jets, and the outside world is not very clear about what combat capabilities this battle has. The photos are blurry, and there are many details that cannot be seen clearly, even if it is recovered by technology. . That's also choking.

The Israeli side also conducted an extremely detailed analysis of the photos, and in the end it was only a conclusion. This is indeed a new type of fighter, which has no similarities with all fighters in the world.

Through the size ratio of the fighter in the photo. It can also be concluded that this is indeed a heavy fighter.

Combined with the intelligence obtained from the United States, Israel has also determined that this is definitely the third-generation heavy-duty air-control fighter developed by the Future Technology Group.

However, the speculated intelligence is here, but the Israeli side also has reason to believe that once an air battle with the Future Technology Group breaks out, this fighter will definitely show up.

Because the long test flight of fighter jets only took place in peacetime. During World War II, a fighter jet lasted for at most one month's test flight time, and then mass production began. As for whether there were any problems, the data was obtained directly from the battlefield.

Of course, fighter jets during World War II cannot be compared with modern fighter jets, but the truth is the same.

Air combat is about to break out. Even if this fighter is still flying in a test flight, it can still be used on the battlefield.

What's the problem at that time. You can use real battlefield data as a reference for modification, which is much more useful than a simple test flight.

After all, the development and development of fighter jets is to meet the needs of war. If a developed fighter does not even have the courage to go to the battlefield, it might as well not try.

For this reason, the Israeli Air Force is also ready to face the future technology group heavy air control fighters on the battlefield.

What's more, the Israeli Air Force also has a heavy-duty air-control fighter, the F-15 Eagle, and has upgraded its combat systems. The missiles used are all the most advanced third-generation air-to-air missiles.

The quality of fighter jets and pilots combined with advanced missiles is the guarantee of combat effectiveness.

If a third-generation fighter uses second-generation air-to-air missiles, it is considered a low-level priority lock, and there is no way to attack beyond the visual range. Even if it can launch missiles, it is extremely easy to be jammed. It is impossible to hit an opponent who is also a third-generation fighter.

And if a second-generation fighter uses a third-generation air-to-air missile, it still has a chance to kill the third-generation fighter.


now. In the highest command of the Israeli Air Force, all the leaders of the Israeli Air Force are all concentrated here, watching the news from the two departing fighters.

In all airports in Israel, a large number of fighter jets and pilots are waiting on the take-off line for the departure order.

Regardless of the result, these fighters will be dispatched.

There are only two possibilities for the outcome of this incident, one is intercepted, and the other is not intercepted.

If it is intercepted, it will have an aerial contest with the Future Technology Group. If there is no interception, it will carry out a large-scale aerial attack on the National Salvation Army.

Destroy the National Salvation Army supported by the Future Technology Group, and return the situation in Syria to the original point of turbulence.

In the presidential palace, Netanyahu and a kind of staff are also waiting for news.

At this time, the secretary opened the door and said to Netanyahu: "Mr. President, the American ambassador once again asked for a meeting."

"I don't have time to see you, and I won't answer all American calls." Netanyahu said very decisively.

Israel’s actions are not a secret to the United States. The United States is naturally unable to sit still. Unless it is the Israeli Air Force to deal with the Syrian government forces, the other purposes of the Israeli Air Force in Syria are not intended by the United States.

Naturally, Netanyahu knew the intention of the United States, but because of this, he could not see any representatives of the US government, nor could he answer any calls from the United States.

As for the future, we will wait until this matter has passed.

By then the facts have already happened, even if the United States says anything is too late.

If the Americans we meet now, the situation will be different. The United States will inevitably demand that the Israeli Air Force immediately stop entering the Syrian airspace and avoid conflicts with the future technology group.

The secretary walked out, and the outside US ambassador to Israel has been kept out of the door. What can the US do for a country like Israel?

The ambassador who can't help it can only leave, at least in this situation, he can't change anything.

At the same time, the United States also contacted the Future Technology Group for the first time. Cai Ruichen, who was returning to the base, also received a proposal from the US ambassador to Marin, hoping to meet him.

In this regard, Cai Ruichen's attitude is consistent with Netanyahu, not that Cai Ruichen wants to solve Israel now.

But he has no choice. In fact, this matter wants to avoid the outbreak of conflict, then the United States still has to do the work of Israel, not to persuade him not to break out of conflict with Israel.

So seeing and not seeing are the same in Cai Ruichen's view, so why waste time? (To be continued.)

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