The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1066: Red Police Supreme Command Center

When Cai Ruichen returned to the base, Ling Liang and Tan Ya also arrived in the command center early.

This command center is located on the second floor of the base. It has a huge area. It has tens of thousands of command and communication posts. It surrounds a huge augmented reality display platform in the middle. On the side of the platform, there is a core command post. .

In the core positions, Ling Liang and Tan Ya are looking at the current intelligence of all parties. All the staff are already in place, plus hundreds of staff, they only occupy a very small part of the command center. .

When the size of the Red Police Corps expands to several million in the future, I am afraid it will be possible to fill it all up.

Moreover, outside this command center, there is an auxiliary command organization, which is also part of the command center and constitutes the highest command of the Red Police Corps.

In order to fully operate the entire command center, a minimum of 30,000 people are needed, and it can command more than six million troops.

And this kind of command can directly command any warship or company platoon-level combat organization. At the same time, the individual soldier system on all soldiers will also transmit the captured data back in real time.

Here is the biggest secret of the powerful strength of the Red Police Corps. Even if it has advantages, the powerful military equipment and soldiers are extremely limited.

The combat effectiveness of an army is directly linked to the command mechanism. Especially on the modern battlefield, the ability of the Red Police Corps to accurately command to the company’s platoon combat formation in millions of troops can definitely burst out super Terrorist combat effectiveness.

As a superhero, Ling Liang, this is her battlefield, and only she can bring out all the abilities in the entire base command center.

Except for Ling Liang, Boris, the martial artist needless to say, Natasha can't do it. Tan Ya couldn't do it, even Cai Ruichen didn't have such commanding ability.

But Ling Liang can. Because from the beginning, this position was prepared for her. And such a huge and complicated command mechanism exists because of her.

Of course, the reason why the entire command center can achieve such a scale is also related to the information transmission capability of the base itself.

Otherwise, the transmission process of real-time battlefield images captured by the individual systems of millions of soldiers can make the world's networks unbearable.

Because of the individual soldier system carried by the Red Police Corps, the captured battlefield images are all directly used to transform augmented reality images. Each frame of the picture is as high as hundreds of megabytes, and one second is at least fifty frames. The transmission volume of more than 5g per second is multiplied by a multiple of more than one million. The instantaneous huge data flow can paralyze the network of any country. Up.

Only the base’s super receiving capability and neutrino receiving capability can achieve this.

And the powerful computing of the base itself, coupled with the assistance of the two artificial intelligence systems of Panda and Red Queen, can also handle the transmitted data. Perform the initial analysis, and then transmit the analyzed images to the command center.

But the main auxiliary base is the panda, because the Red Queen has become an artificial intelligence auxiliary system belonging to the Air Force Department of the Red Police Corps.

The intelligent assistance systems of other arms are also all being improved. After the red appeared earlier, it was given priority by the Air Force.

On the side of the command center, there are also command centers of various subsidiary units, but they are all under the control of Lingliang.

Of course, the current Red Police Corps is far from reaching six million in number, so this command center has not even exerted one-tenth of its capabilities.

However, the training should naturally start from the beginning. Since Ling Liang has been drafted out, then such a superhero cannot be wasted.

The arrival of Cai Ruichen. It didn't disturb everyone's work here.

The soldiers saw him as he had gone to the training center and the heavy infantry station. Did not stop the work at hand.

That's because Cai Ruichen specially formulated new regulations on the Code of Conduct for Red Police Corps soldiers, as long as they are soldiers on duty or executing orders on missions. It is strictly forbidden to distract and greet senior officers, and do not need to salute.

Therefore, no matter where Cai Ruichen goes, as long as he is a soldier at work, he can only say hello with his eyes.

This also makes Cai Ruichen feel very relaxed. He doesn't like formalism very much. The most important thing is that if the soldiers salute, out of respect for every soldier, he also needs to pay back the military salute.

This is much more convenient, not to mention the job tasks are the first, formalism is all imaginary.

At this moment, in the hundreds of square meters of augmented reality projection area of ​​the command center, two intruder fighter jets in flight are displayed.

The picture is taken from the cameras on the two intruder fighters and then merged and presented. The picture delay is about three seconds, but for pictures that are thousands of miles away, the three-second delay is already a magical thing. .

After all, the images obtained by the two fighters need to be merged and projected through augmented reality.

This effect is almost the same as the clairvoyance in the myths and legends, it just adds a delay.

The tails of the two invader fighters projected on the screen all have their own individual paintings. They are all a bird with wings spread out. This is the logo of the Raptor Alliance. All fighters in the entire wing are painted in this way. Installed.

Moreover, the end of the serial numbers on the fuselage was 001 and 002, indicating that the fighters of the two invaders were the vehicles of the wing captain and the wingman belonging to the Raptor Wing.

It’s not surprising that the wing captain of the Raptor United went on the battlefield in person, but Cai Ruichen was a little surprised that the two of them actually flew invader fighters.

Because he has strengthened the Raptor United, secretly assigned a group of Black Hawk fighters to the Raptor United.

At the same time, nearly fifty elite red police pilots were mobilized to the Raptor Wing. I didn't expect to intercept Israeli fighters, or the invader fighters would go on or the Wing Captain would take the lead.

Cai Ruichen quickly understood this. Although the soldiers of the Red Police Corps were not slaughter madmen and war machines, as soldiers, they were also machines eager to prove their worth through battle.

Within the permissible range of orders and circumstances, they are all skilled people. Of course, they will not allow themselves to give more opportunities.

Fortunately, every soldier in the Red Police Corps is also very self-disciplined and understands that they can't mess around.

And things like this are within the scope of Cai Ruichen's permission, not to mention handling such interceptions. The Raptor United Captain Chen Qian's own air combat skills are excellent, and he is also very good at handling problems. He can also handle such interceptions in person. event.

ps: On the gorgeous WeChat official account, the picture of the transport plane has been released, and the picture of the Black Hawk fighter will be released I prefer students with a sense of picture, please pay attention to the gorgeous WeChat official account in time!

Follow method: Open the WeChat official account search page, search for the gorgeous pseudonym "gorgeous hypocrisy", and then add attention. There are many wasteland materials and pictures of weapons and equipment, and historical news can be seen. (To be continued.)

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