The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1067: Intercept Israeli fighters

In the command center of the Supreme Command, Cai Ruichen's arrival did not affect the orderly rhythm inside.

When he went straight to the central command post where Ling Liang was, Cai Ruichen slowed down his footsteps so as not to disturb Ling Liang who was focusing.

In front of Lingliang, there is a circular virtual display area, which is full of various intelligence and information from the summary of all personnel, and every information is carefully selected.

Cai Ruichen glanced briefly, and they were all related to Israel. All the movements and information of the Israeli government and army are displayed here, and there is a map on the side showing all these signs.

Cai Ruichen and appreciation of Ling Liang's meticulous working spirit can certainly be seen from the information before him.

Not all Israel’s military forces are in the country. Although Israel’s naval surface ships are not very good, submarines are still very threatening.

Israel does not have a place to produce its own submarines, but the submarines purchased by Israel from Europe are advanced enough to even launch cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.

It is important to note that Israel has hundreds of nuclear warheads, of which all nuclear warheads on Israeli submarines are in a standing state.

Israel is a country shrouded in crisis at all times, at least in the eyes of the Israelis, so from a very early time, Israel has always been prepared to fight the enemy.

Others’ conventional submarines are only engaged in conventional operations and will not carry nuclear warheads at all. However, because of the existence of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, although Israel has nuclear warheads, it is impossible to have nuclear-powered submarines, so it can only be cruise missiles in conventional submarines. Load nuclear warheads.

Cai Ruichen was not shocked by the missile strike on the bright side. But those submarines in the sea must be extremely careful.

However, Cai Ruichen also believes. Unless it's a critical moment of life and death, it is impossible for the Israelis to use nuclear weapons.

But to ensure absolute safety. For Israeli submarines, it is also necessary to grasp the whereabouts as much as possible.

It's just that even if it is a conventional submarine, it is extremely difficult to find a small submarine in the sea.

Even if it is intentional to search, the probability of finding a floating submarine is extremely small.

From Ling Liang's focused appearance, her gaze has always been on Israel's naval intelligence. It is clear that she is considering such a problem.

In Cai Ruichen's view. He doesn't think Israel is ready to go to war with him. He believes that as long as the Lightning fighters are not delivered to Israel, the Israeli army will not dare to go to war.

The situation in Syria is just a special case. The strength that I have demonstrated cannot be borne by Israel's military strength alone.

Unless Israel is willing to pay huge casualties in exchange for the victory it has now won after launching a war against itself.

Cai Ruichen dared to be 100% sure that the Israelis did not have such courage, because Israel’s opponent in the Middle East was not the only one of Future Technology Group. If the military force is consumed too much, the oriole must be the last laughing.

Cai Ruichen is also certain that Israel has no intention of launching an all-out war against itself. But I want to weaken my own development as much as possible.

There is no doubt about this. For this reason, he also thinks that Israel should be less mindful. There is still a year and two months before the planned use of force against Israel. During this period of time, let’s compete first. Nothing.

Otherwise, why should he declare to safeguard Syria's airspace sovereignty, in addition to allowing Syria to rescue and launch military operations. That is to say, I want to miss those countries that are trying to destroy the National Salvation Army to unify Syria. And if Israel wants to move, let's compete.

If not for the last purpose. Cai Ruichen also did not compare the increase in the formation of the Raptor Group to an alliance.

Of course, whether to fight or not depends on the Israelis.

May be aware of Cai Ruichen's approach, Ling Liang, who was thinking, turned his head, saluted and said: "Commander, you are here."

"Just watching you meditate, what are you thinking about?" Cai Ruichen stepped forward and asked.

"I'm considering whether all Air Force fighters belonging to the security company will take off and wait for orders." Ling Liang said.

"Then do you have any ideas?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"From the intelligence obtained by the intelligence agencies, all Israeli air force fighters are ready to take off at any time. Starting three days ago, all Israeli air force bases have also been under martial law. It is not difficult to see from this point that the Israelis are early There are premeditated, those two fighters are here to test, no matter what the result, the Israeli Air Force will not easily retreat." Ling Liang said decisively.

"Then let the third aviation division also prepare for the attack. It's time for the wild boys to feel the actual combat environment." Cai Ruichen nodded and said.

"This is relatively safe. After all, the Israeli air force is not small. If we use the tactics of the large-scale fleet, we will suffer." Ling Liang said.

"Are there any reactions from other countries?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"The time is too short. I'm afraid that apart from the United States, other countries still don't know about this." Ling Liang said.

"Tell the soldiers of the Air Force to let go of their hands and feet, and don't be afraid of hurting the Jews."

After Cai Ruichen finished speaking, in the picture in the central augmented reality area, the Raptor seemed to have encountered two Israeli f-15 Eagle fighters on the Syrian border party actively launched missiles. In addition, radio silence was adopted. The radars on the aircraft were all turned off. Only the passive search radar was operating.

It's just because neither party has turned on the active radar, so they can't use the equipment on their own aircraft to find each other.

However, behind the Raptors, there was an early warning aircraft guiding their flight, so they were able to directly find two Israeli F-15 Eagle fighters that were about to enter Syria.

And the distance between the two sides is less than ten kilometers. Two invader fighters flying at an altitude of 4,000 meters, two f-15 Eagle fighters are flying on the sand dunes in the desert with a height of only 20 meters ahead.

Seeing that it was about to cross the border on the desert, in accordance with international practice, the Raptor opened the radio communication, tuned to the international public channel, and issued a verbal warning to the two Israeli warplanes.

"Listen to the numbered Israeli Air Force f-15 Eagle fighter. You are about to enter the sovereign airspace of Syria. Please turn around immediately, otherwise we will shoot down if it invades our airspace..." (To be continued.)

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