The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1071: Cooperation with the Kingdom of Jordan

In the command center, Cai Ruichen saw that the two Israeli fighters had been killed, and he sighed with emotion: "If you don't die, you won't die."

Ling Liang said to the side: "Jordan is involved in this matter. Do you want to say hello to Jordan's Supreme Military Command."

"It is very necessary. Israel is absolutely impossible to be willing to kill two fighter jets just like this, not to mention that they are also ready for World War I and have to take it seriously."

Cai Ruichen nodded, took out his simple-looking mobile phone while speaking, and said, "I will call Abdullah myself."

Ling Liang nodded and said, "Does the commander think about what to say?"

"Do you have any suggestions?" Cai Ruichen asked when he was about to dial out the satellite phone.

"I think we can take the opportunity to continue to draw closer our friendship with Jordan. When necessary, we can fully strengthen the air defense capabilities of the Jordanian army. Their air defense missiles are all products of the Soviet era, and they have fallen behind now..." Ling Liang suggested Tao.

"We are willing, and the other party is willing, otherwise, I don't want to sell air defense weapons to Jordan." Cai Ruichen shook his head and said.

"It used to be before, but now it’s different. An Israeli fighter jet was shot down by a Jordanian anti-aircraft missile, and it was originally a matter between us and Israel. Jordan was forced to participate. We can completely sell it and give it away. Strengthen Jordan's air defense capabilities, so that Israeli fighter jets dare not boldly pass through Jordan, so that Israel can only pass through the Mediterranean or Lebanese airspace." Ling Liang continued to suggest.

Cai Ruichen nodded and dialed Abdullah's number directly.

This number is Abdullah's personal phone number. It was sent to Cai Ruichen when the Jordanian royal family and Future Technology Group cooperated in business.

Of course, in Abdullah's hands. There is also Cai Ruichen's private phone number. The communication is directly using Future Technology Group's own communication satellite, and the communication is encrypted.

Currently in Cai Ruichen's hands. There are private telephone numbers of all the royal families in the Middle East, and these numbers were sent to him by the royal families of various countries.

After all, Future Technology Group has many business opportunities and high-tech products. They are all favorites of these royal families.

At this moment, on the way to the headquarters of the Supreme Defense Council of the Kingdom of Jordan, Abdullah was sitting in the future car purchased from the Future Motor Company. After the phone rang, he saw the caller ID, and Abdullah understood it. The phone said: "Mr. Cai, are you here for the Israeli Air Force fighter?"

Shot down an Israeli fighter jet. Another one was shot down by an invader fighter jet of the Future Security Company in Syria.

As soon as Abdullah received this information, Cai Ruichen's call came, and naturally it could only be because of this matter.

"Mr. Abdullah, I believe you also know that the incident itself was brought against me by Israel, but I didn't expect Jordan to be involved." Cai Ruichen said with some anger on the other end of the phone. .

When Abdullah in the special car heard this, his heart was burning with anger. Firmly said: "Israel is another invasion of my kingdom, it is a contempt for my kingdom, whoever it is. It is impossible to ignore such aggression, let alone shooting down an Israeli fighter jet, if it is capable. No matter how many Israeli fighters come, the guards of my kingdom will not let the opponent leave."

"I can understand your thoughts, but let me be honest. Jordan’s military strength is no chance of winning compared with Israel. So next, in order to avoid the involvement of the Kingdom of Jordan and cause losses. Please also be patient, Mr. King, Israel will be handed over to me to deal with." Cai Ruichen persuaded very seriously.

"Mr. Cai. I am very clear about what you said, but as the king of Jordan, I cannot ignore any kind of invasion of the sovereignty of the kingdom. Although our weapons and equipment are not good, the kingdom will fight against any invaders. In the end." Abdullah said very seriously.

Although Cai Ruichen is right, Israel’s military strength is indeed not something that Jordan can confront. This is true whether it is the current military power structure of both sides and historically.

But as the supreme leader of Jordan, as long as Jordan is a sovereign country, he cannot allow anyone to trample on Jordan's national sovereignty at will.

At this point, if faced with the act of invasion, even if he does not have the courage to resist, then Abdullah feels that his king is really shameless to face the six million Jordanian people.

As for Cai Ruichen's kindness, Abdullah can only accept it. In this matter, his will is unprecedentedly firm.

"Mr. Abdullah, worthy of being a descendant of Hussein, I am very touched by the spirit of defying power. If Mr. King needs any help, please feel welcome. I will do my best to help the people of Jordan and help you. Defend your national sovereignty." Cai Ruichen said loudly.

Abdullah didn't have much thoughts. After all, the Israeli side was at a disadvantage for such a thing. There is no reason to stand up. He can use the United Nations or the United States to exert pressure on and Abdullah also believes that Israel will not violate Jordanian airspace after this incident, but Cai Ruichen's words made him very excited, but he didn't know how to speak for a while.

At this time, Cai Ruichen’s words came again on the phone: “I’m afraid Mr. Abdullah still doesn’t know. This time Israel has a premeditated attack on my future security company. The large number of fighter jets in Israel are all ready to attack at any time. The preparations for this, maybe when we talk on the phone, the Israeli fighter jets have already set off in full."

Speaking of this, Cai Ruichen paused and continued: "It is unclear whether Israeli fighter jets will continue to choose to pass through Jordan’s airspace or go to the Mediterranean. But if Mr. Abdullah firmly believes in his own ideas, I am willing to provide some necessary free Weapon aid."

Cai Ruichen said so simply that Abdullah didn't even have the idea of ​​rejecting it. There is no reason to reject the weapons and equipment provided for free.

Thinking of this, Mr. Abdullah said decisively: "Thank you, Mr. Tsai, for his help to Jordan. I have always been very interested in the advanced weapons and equipment of the Future Technology Group. I hope to strengthen this aspect with the Future Technology Group. Cooperation." (To be continued.)

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