The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1072: Israeli air force strikes

After finishing the communication with King Abdullah of Jordan, Cai Ruichen immediately instructed Xu Jie next to him: “We will arrange to mobilize the v-2f area air defense missile system of the three air defense battalions to Jordan, and mobilize some technical training personnel. Follow up. Let the Jordanian air defense forces learn to use this system as soon as possible."

Xu Jie led the way, Cai Ruichen smiled at Ling Liang and said, "It's done."

"Then the King of Jordan didn't place an order?" Ling Liang asked.

"The order for twelve Black Hawk fighters, and the equipment of an air defense brigade, these three air defense battalions are just a meeting ceremony." Cai Ruichen said.

"Jordan has been hesitating before. It seems that Israel helped us this time. As long as Jordan is willing to use our equipment, it will be easy to talk about in the future." Ling Liang said.

Cai Ruichen nodded and turned to say, “However, Jordan’s finances are not very good. The ability to purchase twelve fighter jets and one air defense brigade at once has exceeded Jordan’s budget for this year. I want to get more orders. I am afraid there is no way."

"I'm afraid the commander is half sold and half free!" Ling Liang said.

"There is no way, of which 98% of Jordan’s military expenditures are more than one billion yuan a year are rigid expenditures. The annual military expenditures that can be freely spent are tens of millions of dollars. Anyway, the cost of our weapons and equipment is converted into U.S. dollars. The cost is low, even if it is a full delivery, as long as it can meet the strategic needs, we will not lose money, not to mention that even if it is sold at a discount, we still have huge profits, and I only gave him a 10% discount." Cai Ruichen said. .

"But even if these weapons can be delivered to the Jordanian army as soon as possible, it will probably be difficult to participate in the current war." Ling Liang said.

"Anyway, we have never really expected the Jordanian Air Force to help us. The place where Jordan is really needed is when it is time to kill Israel." Cai Ruichen shrugged and said indifferently.

As soon as Cai Ruichen's voice fell, the intelligence department and the satellite monitoring center sent the latest intelligence. Israeli fighter jets are fully deployed.

Obviously, the Israeli Air Force was unwilling to fail like this.

In fact, a few minutes ago. There was also an urgent discussion among Israeli senior officials.

Completely different from the plan, the sudden participation of the Jordanian military. It was a bit beyond what Israel had expected.

In the past ten years, Israeli fighter jets have often passed through Jordan’s airspace. Over the past ten years, the Israelis have almost forgotten the country of Jordan.

Unexpectedly, it has become the biggest accident of this plan. When the two f-15 Eagle fighters were shot down, the Israeli senior officials also understood that the moral commanding heights were not on their side.

And we must do well to face Jordan's protests. But at this time, the Israeli side had no idea what to do with Jordan.

The most important thing is that Israel does not have the energy to deal with Jordan. After all, facing the future technology group, Israel is no longer easy.

What's more, there is another Iraq that is likely to help the future technology group at any time. Although the military strength of Jordan is not in the eyes of Israel, it is also a country in size, and Jordan is also well-known in the Middle East.

It is still necessary to avoid a direct conflict with Jordan.

As for the fighter jets shot down by Jordanian anti-aircraft missiles. Even in the head of the Future Technology Group.

The only thing that dissatisfied the Israeli high-level is that the fact that this matter was made like this is entirely due to the lack of rigorous planning by the Air Force.

Actually. The Israeli Air Force Command was also quite depressed. It dispatched two f-15 Eagle fighters, originally to take advantage of air combat when encountering future technology group invader fighters.

After all, heavy-duty air-control fighters are still very advantageous when dealing with light fighters, but the result is naturally extremely disappointing.

After entangled with each other for more than ten minutes, they did not find a chance to start, which caused the Jordanian ground air defense forces to react.

Under normal circumstances. This kind of thing will never happen, and there is no plan to deal with it.

Fortunately, Netanyahu didn't think about holding accountable. In other words, now is simply not the time to be held accountable.

At this time, domestic fighter jets were also ordered to attack. However, the fighters that were originally going to set off together could only be divided into two batches.

Because in the original plan, a group of fighter jets needed to pass from Jordan, uniting with the fleet from the Mediterranean on the other side, and attacking the air force of the Future Security Company in Syria on both sides.

But now, in order not to further stimulate Jordan, and to avoid putting himself under greater pressure, Netanyahu asked the second aircraft group to modify its combat plan and enter Syria from over Lebanon.

To adjust the flight route, a new route needs to be re-designed, and all pilots must be notified to modify the flight route. Time will inevitably be delayed.

In order to rush and prevent the United States from having more time to stop, Netanyahu immediately ordered the first fleet to leave.

The flight route chosen by the first aircraft group is from the Mediterranean Sea, then into Syria, and fly directly to Homs. If it is not intercepted by the future air force, it is to strike as much as possible against the National Salvation Army troops in Homs.

If it is intercepted by the Air Force of the Future Security Company, there is nothing to say.

The two fighter wings belonging to the first group dispatched a total of forty third-generation fighters. Except for ten f-16 Fighting Falcon fighters, the rest were all f-15 Eagle fighters. , And there is a Faircon early warning aircraft behind the fleet to provide early warning command for the fleet.

Forty fighters are not many compared to the 300 third-generation fighters owned by Israel.

But in the modern warfare environment, forty fighter jets were dispatched in one go, which was only one of the attack groups, which was quite a lot.

If these forty fighters were not blocked or intercepted, the National Salvation Army would inevitably suffer a devastating blow, especially those ground-based main battle armors of the National Salvation Army, as long as they were exposed, it would be difficult to escape.

After all, air strikes against ground tanks and armored vehicles are really advantageous, and forty third-generation fighters, carrying at least two to three hundred tons of ammunition, no armored division can resist such an attack.

At present, the Raptor Wing in the Syrian industrial zone consists of 36 combat aircraft, one invader fighter group, twelve invader fighters, and two Black Hawk fighter groups, which add up to 24 Black Hawk fighters. .

(To be continued.)

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