The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1073: The ambition of the Israeli Air Force

In the command center of the Supreme Command of the Red Police Corps, the Israeli fleet was dispatched on a large scale, and Ling Liang also immediately issued an order for all the fighters of the Raptor Wing to start as soon as possible.

This air battle will be the largest air battle that the Red Police Corps Air Force has faced since the establishment of the Air Force. The strength of Israeli fighter jets with nearly four squadrons is not trivial.

The total number of fighters of the Raptor United is three squadrons, and one of the squadrons is an invader fighter, which is not very suitable for aerial combat.

Chen Qian, the captain of the Raptor Alliance, rushed back to the industrial zone for the first time, and immediately boarded his real car, a black Hawk fighter with a gray paint.

The Black Hawk fighter is not painted black. After all, the black is too eye-catching in the sky. The enemy can easily find and lock the black target.

All Black Hawk fighters are mainly painted silver-gray, and there are light white coatings on the sides and corners of the aircraft. Such a coating can help the aircraft not be easily detected and distinguished by the naked eye.

Moreover, the coating on the Black Hawk fighter also has the characteristic of being able to absorb certain radar waves, especially for fighters equipped with phased array radar, which can absorb as much as possible the millimeter wave radar scanned onto the aircraft.

However, this kind of absorption is not absolute. It cannot be absorbed 100%, and there will still be some echoes, but it can reduce the radar signal.

Just comparing the real stealth fighter, the stealth of the Black Hawk fighter itself is not considered a stealth aircraft, after all, the radar can still detect and see.

However, in highly tense air combat, being able to have certain anti-radar means in itself means an advantage.

At the airport in the industrial zone, all twenty-four Black Hawk fighters took off quickly, flying over the port and into the Mediterranean Sea in broad daylight.

Port of Tartus. Almost everyone stopped their work, and the roar of a fighter plane taking off was really not small.

The debut of the Black Hawk fighter has not yet begun to encounter Israeli fighters. It was witnessed by everyone in the entire port.

It's just that the plane is fast and the distance is relatively long. People in the port cannot see exactly what the plane looks like.

And after all the fighters of the Raptor Alliance lifted off, the Israeli side also received the news, but they did not get it from the people in the port, but from the news announced by the Future Technology Group.

At the time when Israeli fighter jets were dispatched on a large scale, the News Department of the Future Technology Group directly announced the news of Israeli fighter planes invading the airspace of Jordan and Syria.

At the same time, it also directly announced to the outside world that two Israeli fighter jets were shot down, and even the Israeli parachuting pilot was taken away by Jordanian forces.

Two Israeli fighter jets were shot down. The news has not spread. Future security company will announce the latest news.

The Israeli side dispatched a large number of fighter jets. It is coming along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, towards Syria. For this reason, the Air Force Department of the future security company will also rush to intercept fighter jets to stop Israeli fighter jets from invading Syria's sovereign airspace.

Both news were announced by the Future Technology Group. At the same time, the press center of the Supreme Defense Council of Jordan also announced to the public that it would express a stern protest against the Israeli fighter invading the sovereign airspace of Jordan. At the same time, it announced that for the captured Israeli pilot, Will be based on Jordanian law. Impose sanctions.

After a few news, all the spearheads were directed at Israel, and also to this world. Countries in the world also know that the situation in the Middle East has changed so quickly.

At the same time, all countries are well aware that Israel still can't sit still. How to evolve next depends on the outcome of the next air battle.

But for the Syrian people, the invasion of Israeli fighter jets, although they are all used to it, still makes people feel very angry.

Bashar regime. He also immediately expressed his strongest condemnation to Israel and sent more fighters to Israel. Expressed great anger, claimed. Although Syria’s sovereign airspace is now in charge of Syria’s hiring of future security companies, the Bashar regime will fully assist the future security companies, the government’s air defense forces, and attack any Israeli fighter jets that invade Syria’s airspace.

The Syrian government forces really started to take action. All the S-300 anti-aircraft missile units aided by Russia have also received clear orders. Once Israeli fighter jets invade Syria’s airspace, they can be shot down without asking for instructions.

But no matter what the outside world is, Israel is still doing its own way. From Israel's point of view, does it mean that it won't grow crops when it hears mole crickets calling?

Israel completely ignores outside voices, but it is still very concerned about some of the information.

Especially for the information that all the Raptors of the future security company will be dispatched, it is highly concerned.

The air power in Syria will be zero after Russia withdraws, and now only the fighter jets of the future security company are taking the lead.

As long as the Raptor Alliance can be eliminated, then in this war, it will have been half won.

But what reminds Israel is that not all of the Raptor Wing, the future security company's only formed air force wing, are invader fighters.

There is also a third-generation heavy-duty air-control fighter that the outside world does not know much about. This makes the originally confident Israeli Air Force also feel a little heartbeat.

After all, in the air force equipment, the late-comer advantage is too obvious. Both belong to the third-generation fighter, and the late-comer advantage often has the advantage of close to a generation gap.

What's more, the military strength of Future Technology Group should not be underestimated. The many models that have been launched are not only very advanced, but also have practical and stable performance.

A newly-developed third-generation fighter jet must gather all the practical and cutting-edge technologies of the Future Technology Group in the field of aircraft manufacturing.

However, for this mysterious third-generation fighter, there are still many people in the Israeli Air Force who hold an attitude of contempt.

The reason is simple. This is an aircraft that has never had a clear test flight information. If a new aircraft test flight is actually carried out, it is impossible for the outside world to have not received clear information.

Sending a fighter jet that is not yet known to be eligible or unqualified to the battlefield, in the eyes of some Israeli air force generals, is completely an act of death.

After all, all Israeli fighter jets have passed the test of life and death on the battlefield. (To be continued.)

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