The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1074: Big boss support

The attitude of high-level Israeli air force generals is also the attitude of many countries towards this upcoming air battle.

A large number of fighter jets flew by the international port of Tartus, so that many countries all had new materials to study this mysterious fighter jet during the period before the air combat officially broke out.

In fact, a previously exposed picture of a new fighter plane being tested by the Future Technology Group has already been studied by experts in the field of equipment from various countries.

This time, because many people took photos, all countries have more complete research objects.

It is now certain that the Future Technology Group does own a heavy-duty air superiority fighter, and this need not be questioned.

But for such a fighter, what kind of combat effectiveness it possesses is the most concerned place of all countries.

The countries in the world that can develop and produce third-generation fighters are those, and those countries that rely on their own technologies for the development and production of third-generation fighters are the only countries in the world that are the United States and Russia, and the rest are not counted.

Independent technology does not need to rely on any external help, and the industries and materials for producing aircraft are all state-owned. In this regard, even France cannot do it.

The Future Technology Group already had this condition when it had the invader fighter, and now it has launched a brand new third-generation fighter, which makes it even more difficult for countries to underestimate it.

Except for the United States and Russia, all other countries envy the industry and technology owned by the Future Technology Group.

However, this kind of envy naturally has a certain degree of jealousy. After all, the power of a country is not as strong as a company, and it is very embarrassing to say it.

Therefore, people with certain subjective emotions from the beginning. In my heart, I hope that the Future Technology Group will make a big fuss. It is best to be shaved by an Israeli fighter jet for a perfect spike.

There are many people who have this emotion. It's just that not many people showed it.

In my hometown, at an emergency meeting called by the big boss. A lot of military leaders are expressing their opinions:

"Future Technology Group is really too reckless this time. Cai Ruichen is still a little young, and he is a little anxious about interfering in Syria. If he can step by step, he can avoid such troubles."

"If this new fighter can last for another year or two, determine its performance, improve its data, and allow pilots to train this aircraft well. It would be a very good third-generation fighter."

"It's really reckless, and it's not a pilot of the Future Technology Group. Do you have enough driving experience for this fighter? Have you tested the various extreme data of this fighter? If not, it would be too dangerous this time. "

"I am very worried now. The fighter jets of the Future Technology Group are too risky to intercept Israeli fighters. The Israeli air force is originally world-class and all have rich practical experience. We are far from as good as, even I also often get actual combat experience from Israel. This air battle is really too hanging..."

"If the Raptor Alliance of the Future Technology Group is defeated. Then the Israeli fighter jets will inevitably fully enter the airspace of Syria, and the National Salvation Army will be in danger. As long as Israel has a chance, it is impossible to give a chance to save it."

"But no matter what, the Future Technology Group and Cai Ruichen can't have any trouble. Don't forget that there is another Iraq beside Cai Ruichen. The Iraqi Air Force has developed rapidly over the past year. It also has more than 100 advanced thirds. Generation fighter jets are second only to Israel and Egypt in scale. If the Iraqi Defense Forces participate in the war in order to maintain the future technology group, then Israel may not be very satisfied."

"But don't forget. The establishment of the Iraqi Air Force is still very short, and we all know that many of the Iraqi Air Force pilots are recruits, and only those fighter pilots who survived Saddam’s time. Even if the most advanced fighter jets are piloted by a group of rookies, their combat effectiveness is also worrying."

"All of you are not optimistic about Cai Ruichen. I am quite the opposite. In just over four years, Cai Ruichen's ability to develop the future technology group to today's scale is definitely not accidental. Don't forget that Cai Ruichen is not. A pure scholar, he is still a professional soldier who came out of Afghanistan, can he not understand what you are talking about?"

"I agree with this point. Cai Ruichen himself is not like a businessman. It feels more like a scheming politician. He has two years of military experience. At the same time, he is a person who pursues perfection and the ultimate as much as possible. Such a person is It’s impossible to make common sense mistakes, and don’t forget that the conflict between Israel and the Future Technology Group last time turned out to be bad luck for Israel, which has various advantages, and now the Future Technology Group has become even more powerful. , And Israel is not like the overwhelming advantage it had before, so I think Israel will still be out of luck in this air battle."

"No matter what, the answer will appear immediately. In any case, the existence of Future Technology Group and Cai Ruichen in the Middle East is the core of the country’s future strategic interests ~ Anyway, if the Future Technology Group fails, then We must also think of ways to protect Cai Ruichen and Future Technology Group."

"I agree with this point. The Future Technology Group has too many high-tech technologies. At present, all countries are just throwing a mouse on the Future Technology Group. Once the Future Technology Group has a problem, I believe that all countries will definitely participate immediately. To change, we must also obtain the technology of the Future Technology Group as much as possible..."

The big boss, who had always been very quiet listening to the opinions of this group of military generals, coughed when he heard this, and focused all his eyes on him, then said:

"Cai Ruichen is a person who values ​​love and justice. Over the years, he has secretly supported a lot of our technology. Even if there is such a crisis, we should also lend a hand. Don’t forget, the core figure of the future technology group is Cai Ruichen. I believe Most of the technology is also in the hands of Cai Ruichen, so..."

The big boss didn't go on, but who was not the old fox at the scene? Hearing what the big boss said, they all understood the key.

However, they also understand that the big boss's supportive attitude towards Cai Ruichen is still very firm. (To be continued.)

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