The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1075: Intruder being pushed back

Cai Ruichen didn't know that the big boss was determining the tone of his attitude towards him in the interior of his hometown, but even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.

Because he is now preparing in the base, he has been put on a professional flight suit at this moment.

Beside him, there was Natasha in the same costume. The two came to the basement third floor together. Here, there is a huge space, but now there are only three lonely triangular fighters with super science fiction appearance.

The three Super MiG fighters were quietly docked on the third underground floor of the base, and besides the docking point, there were no other personnel, and no ground crew could be seen.

Because all the ground handling work of the Super MiG is done automatically, the mechanical performance and stability of the aircraft are all done by fully automatic ground handling devices.

The installation of ammunition and the selection of weapons are all left to the base to complete.

At this moment, the three Super MiG fighters are all quietly staying on two rail-like tracks. Don’t underestimate the guide rails under the three Super MiG fighters. This is an electromagnetic detector, and it is not on the US super carrier Ford. Electromagnetic detector, but a special detector designed to detect Super MiG.

The use of these three catapults in the base and the use of two long rails that extend directly to the ground can accelerate the speed of the Super MiG to the first cosmic speed at the moment the ejection is completed.

This speed allows the Super MiG to quickly get rid of the earth's gravity and enter low-Earth orbit or even space when it launches its own power.

And this kind of idea is no longer unfamiliar to human beings in the exploration of space, and the super-Mig capable of ejecting a total combat weight of 80 tons to the first cosmic speed is only the accelerated energy. It can be called a super scary level.

This is why, in the entire base, only Boris, Cai Ruichen and Natasha can fly this super MiG fighter.

Because of the rest. He couldn't bear the heavy load brought by such an instant acceleration, so he could be an ordinary soldier. At this moment, it will be directly squeezed to death by accelerated speed.

This time Cai Ruichen and Natasha are ready to attack, just like those who believe in Cai Ruichen, he will never allow failure.

With the upcoming air battle with Israel, he gave all command authority to Ling Liang, and even he was waiting for Ling Liang's order to attack.

Just an order from Lingliang, he and Natasha will get on the Super MiG fighter and fly to the battlefield at the fastest speed.

Super MiG with the performance of the sixth-generation fighter. It can kill all third-generation fighter jets in Israel.

However, such weapons must also be highly confidential. If it weren't for a last resort, he would never use it.

The reason why he came here was just to make sure nothing went wrong.

If it weren't for Boris not in the base now, just Boris and Natasha were ready to attack.

The most important thing is that the Super MiG fighter does not have the capability of automatic air combat. Even in an unmanned state, it can only follow ground-guided attacks, and cannot accurately identify the air environment by itself. There is no function to actively engage enemy aircraft in the atmosphere.

Of course, if it encounters an attack, the super MiG in an unmanned state. It will also let the other party understand what the gap is.

Therefore, if active air combat is to be carried out, someone still needs to be driven, which is probably also the less perfect point of the Super MiG.

However, the performance of the Super MiG can make up for this small flaw. The Super MiG is still a perfect super fighter.

At this moment, the Mediterranean is located over the Syrian sea, and an air battle that seems to be an agreement is brewing here.

The fleets of both sides are directly approaching each other under the command of the early warning aircraft on both sides.

Facing the intercepted Raptor Alliance. Israel is also well prepared.

In the formation of Israeli fighter jets, there is an electronic warfare aircraft modified from a Boeing 707 transport aircraft.

now. On this Boeing 707 electronic warfare aircraft, the radar system has detected the f-22 Raptor fighter wing close in the distance. And the aircraft groups of the two sides have already entered the range of 120 kilometers apart.

Among the Israeli fighters, all fighters carry the latest and improved Amram air-to-air missile introduced by Raytheon of the United States. This type of air-to-air missile for over-the-horizon combat can reach a maximum range of over 80 kilometers and a speed. It can reach Mach four.

The role of this electronic warfare aircraft is to suppress the Raptor Wing so that all Israeli fighters can enter the range of the Amram air-to-air missile, and then calmly lock the target and launch the missile.

With the technical performance of the Amram air-to-air missile, it is completely capable of causing damage to the Raptor Wing. If the electromagnetic development of large electronic warfare aircraft is added, the Israeli Air Force will have an absolute advantage in such a battle. Maybe It only takes the first round of attacks to destroy more than 70% of the opponent's fighters.

At this point, the Israeli Air Force is very confident.

At this moment, on the Boeing 707 electronic warfare plane, the Israeli air force soldiers inside are waiting for the air commander's order with bated breath.

When the fighters on both sides entered a distance of one hundred kilometers, the electronic warfare commander on the Boeing 707 decisively issued an order: "Start electromagnetic suppression."

Invisible electromagnetic radiation spread from Boeing 707 to the surroundings ~ ~ All Israeli fighter jets in front of Boeing 707 had no effect at all.

However, on the F-22 Raptor Fighter Wing, a hundred kilometers away, flickering and snowflakes appeared on the displays of the twelve invader fighters.

There was also a problem with the flight control system, and the radar could not operate at all.

As the leader of the team, Chen Qian decisively ordered: "The opponent has a large electronic jamming aircraft, and all the invader fighters of the first squadron are out of combat."

This kind of electromagnetic interference is not absolute, and the equipment on the intruder fighter is only intermittently malfunctioning, and it can barely receive Chen Qian's orders.

The twelve invader fighters, after hearing the intermittent commands, did not entangle, decisively switched the aircraft operation to mechanical control, and then turned the nose and left and returned.

Chen Qian looked at the twelve intruder fighters that turned and left, and once again ordered: "Everyone checks the system. If there is any problem, withdraw from the battle as soon as possible."

ps: There are still updates in the early morning! (To be continued.)

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