The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1076: The Israeli Air Force

The Black Hawk fighter pilots of the two squadrons all simply checked the aircraft's systems, and the results came out very quickly.

The remaining 24 Black Hawk fighters have not been greatly affected by the electromagnetic interference of the Israeli Air Force, and they can still fight.

In terms of communication, although there is occasional interference, it will not hinder the fight.

At the same time, behind the two squadrons of Black Hawk fighters, there is also a heavy early warning aircraft carrying out anti-electromagnetic interference, as far as possible to create a better battlefield environment for the fighters ahead.

However, Israel's specially modified electronic warfare aircraft has a lot of power. If it weren't for the Black Hawk fighter's excellent anti-electromagnetic interference, I am afraid it would have to be forced to return.

The missiles carried on the Black Hawk fighter jets have not been too powerfully affected. If the electromagnetic interference system on the Israeli electronic warfare aircraft is the latest, the situation may be completely different.

In the two Black Hawk fighter squadrons, there are also two electronic warfare aircraft, similar to the Growler on the US aircraft carrier, using the fighter platform as the platform for the electronic warfare system.

Moreover, such a Black Hawk electronic warfare aircraft has the same combat capability. The external hanging point under the wing also carries a v-2kk missile capable of conducting air combat beyond the visual range.

However, the current two Black Hawk electronic warfare aircraft have not conducted electromagnetic interference, and the fleet is still close to the Israeli fleet.

In the Israeli fleet, the electromagnetic interference released on the Boeing 707 did not have the slightest impact on Israeli fighters. The radar on the Boeing 707 also found twelve intruder fighters far away from the battlefield.

However, the remaining twenty-four fighters still maintain a stable course and altitude and continue to approach, and then they can only rely on strength to fight.

But when I learned of this, all Israeli fighter pilots. There was a thump in my heart.

They are all very clear about the electromagnetic interference intensity on the Boeing 707. In air combat, if it is unable to carry out all-round electromagnetic suppression on the enemy. That situation is definitely not much better.

Electromagnetic suppression is a critical combat effectiveness indicator for modern air combat. If a third-generation electronic warfare fighter can suppress the fourth-generation fighter, the fourth-generation fighter will not have much chance of winning.

The U.S. Air Force has conducted many simulations. In the battle sequence of the U.S. Air Force, in actual combat exercises, the most downed Raptor fighters are roaring electronic warfare aircraft, as long as the F-22 Raptor fighter is in the electromagnetic suppression of the Growler. It is very easy to be shot down.

A fighter that was fully electromagnetically suppressed. No matter how advanced they are, they cannot see the incoming missiles, and their own radars and missiles cannot aim at each other. This is nothing.

The gap between fighters of the same generation is even more obvious, so in newly developed or newly produced fighters, anti-electromagnetic interference is one of the most important performance indicators.

If it is unable to maintain combat effectiveness in a complex electromagnetic environment, the fighter jet will not have complete combat effectiveness.

These Israeli fighter jets are all relatively old, and their service age is not too short, even if the Israeli weapon system is indeed advanced. But there are many supporting things for fighter jets, not to say that the more advanced the better.

However, no Israeli fighter pilot wanted to back down at this time. Even if the other party can resist their own electromagnetic interference, they still believe that they still have a great advantage.

The most important thing is that all Israeli pilots do not believe that the other side really has no influence at all.

As long as it can cause a certain amount of chaos to the opponent's radar, there will be no suspense in this air battle. After all, one has forty fighters, and the other has twenty-four.

Eighty kilometers, almost all Israeli fighter jets turned on their radars. At the same time, they took the lead in seizing the high-altitude position, 8,000 meters facing the two Black Hawk fighter squadrons flying at the altitude of 6,000 meters.

Almost all Israeli fighters locked the fighters ahead for the first time. It's just that there is no combat intelligence system to assign attacks, and there is a certain duplication of lock and attack.

But in order to kill the enemy in one breath. At the moment when the Black Hawk fighter was locked, almost all Israeli fighters fired two Amram air-to-air missiles at the same time. The trajectory of the air-to-air missiles dragged a long way toward the Black Hawk fighter.

The Amram air-to-air missile is worthy of being the advanced third-generation air-to-air missile among US fighter jets. After launch, it does not require fighter jets to control it. It immediately locks on the target and quickly increases its speed to the Mach 4 limit.

An over-the-horizon attack of 80 kilometers, for an air-to-air missile with Mach 4, can reach it in just one minute.

The two Black Hawk fighter squadrons 80 kilometers away did not seem to have seen the Amram air-to-air missile with stealth effect.

But this is of course impossible. The invisibility of the missile is only initially invisible, and the strong infrared characteristic cannot be concealed anyway.

It was just two Black Hawk fighter squadrons. Facing the missiles that could hit their eyes in just one minute, they still did not make any evasion after being reminded by the rear AWACS. They still flew towards the Israeli fighter group at high speed.

However, the expressions of each of the Red Police fighter divisions in the two fighter squadrons, covered in holographic combat helmets, were all extremely cautious.

Over-the-horizon air combat is originally compared to whose radar can see far, whose radar can see accurately, and everyone can hit missiles far.

If these are all occupied by the enemy, it will be very deadly for oneself.

And now, it happens to be Israeli fighters that occupy these advantages, but none of the two Black Hawk fighter squadrons has made evasion or made the act of turning on the radar.

Instead, it continued to approach the opponent at high speed, facing the incoming missile, and still approaching straight. At a distance of 80 kilometers, the speed of the Amram air-to-air missile does not even need a minute, only forty. You can meet all Black Hawk fighters in seconds.

On the opposite side, all Israeli fighter jets followed the prescribed tactical actions when they finished launching their missiles. This was to prevent their radar waves from being received and locked by the other party to launch missiles and try to avoid the missile launching position as much as possible.

All the Israeli fighter pilots who made evasive actions laughed after receiving the information from the AWACS.

Judging from the performance of the other party, it seems that no incoming missiles have been found, which is obviously due to electromagnetic suppression.

At this moment, almost every Israeli pilot seemed to see the opponent being beaten up and down by their own missiles. (To be continued.)

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