The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1078: Black Hawk fighter's sharp counterattack

The Raptor Wing encountered Israeli fighter jets, and before launching any missiles, a complete squadron of invader fighter jets exited the combat airspace.

In the face of the first wave of Israeli fighter jets, four more fighter jets withdrew from the battle due to missile attacks.

At this moment, almost all of the twenty Red Police fighters in the combat airspace took a sigh of relief.

Wing Captain Chen Qian, after watching the four fighters leaving, decisively ordered in the Wing Command Channel: "Brothers, it's time to let the other party look at us."

All the fighter divisions that had been prepared for a long time cheered, and their hands and feet were not slow at all.

The pre-heated v-2kk air-to-air missile, at the moment when all the Black Hawk's airborne radars were turned on, it quickly locked the Israeli fighters that were already within 50 kilometers away.

However, the attack did not start in a hurry, and all the Black Hawk fighters began to climb up, and in turn seized the top position of the Israeli fighters.

On the opposite side of the Israeli fighter jets, a piece of snow on the radar has not yet reacted from the suppression of the Black Hawk electronic warfare aircraft. Under such a situation, the Israeli fighter jets cannot see the actions of the Black Hawk fighter jets.

The Falcon AWACS following the Israeli fighter jets, although they saw the actions of the other side, the communications connected to their own fleet were all disturbed, and communications could not be established at all.

All the Black Hawk fighters at this time showed their unhurried side, all climbed gracefully, and then simply launched missiles.

At this moment, the positions of the aircraft clusters of the two sides have been narrowed to 40 kilometers, and they continue to advance 20 kilometers. In this clear sky, you can see each other without radar.

The technical performance of the v-2kk air-to-air missile. There is no doubt that one side of the Amram air-to-air missile was completely suppressed.

No matter how the Amram air-to-air missile is upgraded, it is still a missile that was developed in the last century. Even if the current position has produced more than 10,000 pieces, it has also equipped all NATO countries.

The upgrading has never stopped. Raytheon has always valued this missile, but compared to the new v-2kk air-to-air missile, both in technology and hardware, it still looks a bit outdated.

There is one of the most important data, that is the maximum flight speed. The speed of the missile is one of the factors that determines the hit rate.

Compared to the Mach 4 speed of the Amram air-to-air missile, the v-2kk air-to-air missile completely exceeds the threshold of normal sound speed and high sound speed, reaching a high sound speed of five times the Mach number.

Under normal circumstances, the speed of sound below five times the speed of sound is called supersonic. Above five times the speed of sound is called high speed of sound, and there is a super high speed of sound above.

The general supersonic missiles are all of the first level, while the v-2kk air-to-air missile has reached the level of a high-speed missile and can reach a super speed of six times the speed of sound.

Forty kilometers, for the V-2kk air-to-air missile that reaches six times the speed of sound, it is a distance of about twenty seconds.

And the v-2kk air-to-air missile still uses triple guidance, infrared guidance, active radar guidance, and a layer of semi-active radar guidance backup guidance.

The control chip of the warhead is also the most advanced chip at present. There is even beyond.

For the fighter division of the Red Police Corps, there is no problem with using v-2kk air-to-air missiles to hit mosquito-sized targets.

Twenty vs forty. All Black Hawk fighters also launched two v-2kk air-to-air missiles at the same time. On the plug-in points of all Black Hawk fighters, there are twelve missiles, of which six are used for close combat. -1gd combat missile.

However, Chen Qian didn't want to engage in close-range combat with the opponent at all. Since he can completely suppress the opponent's electronic system, there is no need to engage in close-range air combat.

All the v-2kk air-to-air missiles carried by twenty fighter jets are enough to send each other into the sea.

When the first wave of v-2kk air-to-air missiles were launched in just three seconds, all twenty Black Hawk fighters launched the second wave of attacks at the same time. Three seconds later, the third wave of missiles was launched.

If such an attack rhythm is placed in an ordinary country. That is simply the act of a prodigal.

But Cai Ruichen never cared about these things, the cost of a v-2kk air-to-air missile. It is almost negligible in his eyes.

Even if he traded 20 missiles for the record of an Israeli fighter, he was completely acceptable and would never feel distressed.

At this moment, each of the twenty Black Hawk fighters locks two Israeli fighters at the same time. The targets of the attacks are all intelligently allocated by the data link system to ensure that the attacks will not overlap.

Within ten seconds, each fighter launched six v-2kk air-to-air missiles at the same time. It was not until all the missiles were successfully launched that the Israeli fighter pilots of the other side saw the incoming missiles.

At this moment, it is impossible not to see it, because the v-2kk air-to-air missile that suddenly flew over can already be seen with the naked eye.

When the radar lost its function and all the Israeli fighter jets were waiting for the electronic warfare aircraft to solve this problem, their gazes were always watching the surrounding airspace vigilantly.

In the cloudless sky, the blue atmosphere above, and the blue sea below, under the arc-shaped sky, the incoming missile was discovered 20 kilometers away.

The fleet of Israeli fighter jets suddenly seemed like birds and beasts scattered. All Israeli pilots controlled the fighter jets for the first time and made evasion.

It's just that the speed of the incoming missile is too fast. Pilots of Israeli fighter jets have never encountered a missile that reaches six times the speed of sound.

By the time they made the first evasive maneuver to hit the original route, the missile was almost in front of them.

The high-speed incoming missile completely exceeded the expectations of all Israeli pilots. Although the tactical evasion action was done in a timely manner, the speed of the missile was too fast.

Under normal circumstances, when the first evasive action is made, the jamming bomb will be released, and the time is completely sufficient.

But the evasive action has just been completed, and the missiles have already caught up with them.

At this time, it was impossible to release jamming bombs in time. Several f-15 Eagle fighters did not even complete their evasive actions. The incoming missile exploded within one meter of the fighter.

The v-2kk air-to-air missile with a fragmentation radius of eight meters, and countless shrapnel directly sifted the fighters on the side. They were all old f-15 Eagle fighters. They couldn’t hold them at all, not directly. Falling is the disintegration of the air directly under the power of the explosion.

ps: On the gorgeous WeChat public account, the Red Police Corps soldier's individual combat system was released today, and high-definition pictures are also attached. Tomorrow, the instructions and data of the heavy infantry individual armor will be released. There are still pictures~www. I prefer students who have a sense of picture, I believe it makes no sense to miss the high-definition pictures. (To be continued.)

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