The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1079: Annihilate Israel

For all the current advanced third-generation air-to-air missiles in the world, the V-2kk air-to-air missile has a Mach six speed, which is absolutely leading, and it can almost be said to belong to a new generation of air combat missiles beyond the visual range.

Under normal circumstances, for all advanced third-generation air-to-air missiles in the world, the general inevitable zone is between 20 kilometers and 80 kilometers, and can resist strong electromagnetic interference.

The inevitable hiding area of ​​the v-2kk air-to-air missile is similar to that of all advanced third-generation air-to-air missiles in the world. It is relatively more than the range of 80 kilometers, but more kilometers.

However, the v-2kk air-to-air missile is in the inevitable hiding area, and there is a lore killing distance, which is between 20 kilometers and 60 kilometers. The v-2kk air-to-air missile calls this attack area a lore. range.

As long as the enemy plane enters this attack range, and the v-2kk air-to-air missile successfully launches and locks the enemy plane, the target's attack to avoid the missile is almost zero, so it is called the lore range.

Last time, when the invader fighters faced Israeli fighters, Cai Ruichen had been deeply regretted because the base did not have v-2kk air-to-air missiles, only v-1gd combat missiles.

The v-2kk air-to-air missile is the most powerful weapon of the Red Police Corps in air combat at present, and it can be called the sharpest air combat missile before the directed energy weapon is installed on the aircraft.

This is also the proud killer of the Red Police Corps Air Force. Before this, this missile has never appeared to the outside world. The future security company dispatched by the US military has never mounted air-to-air missiles. Even the United States does not know that the Future Technology Group has such an advanced air attack missile.

This time, it was the Israeli Air Force who died, and it happened to be a stepping stone for the Black Hawk fighter and the v-2kk air-to-air missile.

now. In the Israeli fleet, facing the incoming missiles, every Israeli pilot. It's all hard to calm down.

Air-to-air missiles exceeding six times the speed of sound have never appeared in any country before. Because of the size limitation of the missile engine and the fuel limitation, and the Mach 4 is completely sufficient to pursue the air target, countries in the world have not developed such a fast missile at all.

In other words, under the premise that the size of the missile is restricted, it is almost impossible for a normal air-to-air missile to break through to five times the speed of sound.

But now, what makes every Israeli fighter pilot extremely horrified is the evasive actions and reactions they have made in the face of missiles traveling at speeds exceeding 7,500 kilometers per hour. It's too late.

The missile is coming violently. When the eyes can clearly see the missile, the only response that can be made is to parachute and escape.

Only the first wave of attacks had obvious effects. Of the forty Israeli fighter jets that formed multiple flight echelons, there were immediately less than 30 left.

The v-2kk air-to-air missile has an intelligent explosive fuze at close range and can also directly hit the enemy aircraft for damage.

At this moment, only seven parachutes and three pilots were seen near the Israeli fleet. It was too late to parachute. Directly with the fighter jet disappeared in the battlefield airspace.

Almost all of the remaining fighters also had certain wounds, and several fighters even emitted black smoke.

The heart of every Israeli fighter pilot has not let go. The second wave of attacks ensued, which caused every Israeli pilot to lose heart.

At this moment, no one can think about it too much. They all instinctively want to evade again. However, there is only a time difference of at most two seconds, and the missiles are all close at hand.

While aiming at the ten downed missiles, they were also under semi-active guidance, looking for the nearest Israeli fighter.

At this moment, almost all Israeli fighter jets have entered the evasive maneuver of maximum overload at supersonic speed. But the speed of missiles is much faster than them.

A series of explosions resounded like fireworks everywhere in this airspace, in the blue sky. A series of forty black fireworks appeared.

Multiple fighter jets destroyed by direct airspace continued to bring bright flames to the sky. Several Israeli F-15 Eagle fighters broke their wings and fell vertically toward the sea.

The attack had just ended, and the third wave of missiles came again. This time, fewer than ten Israeli fighter jets survived, and each fighter jet had a lot of wounds.

Faced with a large number of incoming missiles, this time all Israeli fighter pilots resolutely gave up their cars and pulled the levers of escape one after another. When they left the fighters, they saw the fighter they had just taken. , The large number of missiles that were struck directly exploded into debris.

Three waves of attacks, each with forty missiles, and an advanced missile that has never been known before. The Israeli pilot under the parachute was full of bitterness.

Forty f-15 Eagle fighters, how powerful the air power is, and can even sweep the air power of the entire Middle East.

Except for the supercarriers of the United States, aircraft carriers of other countries have the largest capacity of forty aircraft, not to mention the size of forty fighter jets in one go.

But such a powerful air force disappeared in just ten seconds.

A total of forty F-15 Eagle fighters, not even one survived, how could this be acceptable to all Israeli pilots.

But whether you are willing to accept it or not, the facts have evolved to where they are today, and there is no regret medicine in this world.

In fact, all Israeli fighter pilots realized that they might be tragedy when they discovered that their fighter jets were all affected by strong electromagnetic interference.

However, their self-confidence all the time made them all feel that the electronic warfare aircraft that followed them could soon suppress the electromagnetic interference of the other side.

The cruel reality is that they have not seen the electromagnetic interference suppressing each other before the missile has come.

When the Israeli pilots slowly landed with a parachute from an altitude of several thousand meters, they immediately heard a loud whistling sound from the sky.

This is the movement of multiple fighters flying at supersonic speeds at the same time. Looking up and following the direction of the sound, there are multiple flying formations in the sky. It is a heavy fighter that they have never seen before. The speed of Mach flew over their heads.

This is the enemy you just fought against?

When thinking of this, all the Israeli pilots also immediately thought that the Boeing 707 electronic warfare aircraft, which is only 70 or 80 kilometers away from here, is dead, and even the Falcon, which is more than two hundred kilometers behind, will be very dangerous. . (To be continued.)

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