The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1080: Kill Boeing 707 Electronic Warfare Aircraft

Just as the Israeli pilots thought, all the Black Hawk fighters, after clearing all the Israeli fighters in this airspace, naturally all fly towards the Boeing 707 that is being suppressed by the Black Hawk electronic warfare aircraft.

The Boeing 707, which has lost the protection of forty fighters in front of it, is the lamb to be slaughtered in front of the fighters, and the AWACS behind the Black Hawk fighters also firmly locked the Boeing 707.

At this moment, on the Boeing 707, all the staff do not know what is happening ahead.

Being interfered by strong electromagnetic interference, neither the radar equipment on the plane nor the communication can contact the aircraft group in front, which is equivalent to the blind and deaf, unable to see or hear.

Now, everyone on the plane didn't know that all the forty fighter jets ahead were killed in just one minute.

Even if you tell them this, no one will believe it.

Forty fighters, not forty pigs, how could it not be all killed in such a short time?

No one would believe such nonsense facts.

At this moment, everyone on the plane is still trying hard to get rid of electromagnetic suppression, looking for the gap of electromagnetic pulse, and want to break through.

However, the Black Hawk fighter fleet in the distance had already fired missiles when it was only 80 kilometers away from the Boeing 707.

The only thing that can see all of this is the Falcon AWACS that is farther away. On the Falcon AWACS at this moment, all the staff of the Israeli Air Command have already seen the missile signal on the radar signal. The fate of an electronic warfare aircraft.

At this moment, everyone was still immersed in the fact that forty fighter jets were instantly destroyed, and no matter how they contacted the troops in front of them, they were all in the sea.

Saw several missiles rushing towards Boeing 707. The air commander on the Faircon AWACS has announced the outcome of the destruction of this electronic warfare.

There is no luck at all. In the face of air-to-air missiles with speeds exceeding Mach six, let alone large and heavy electronic warfare aircraft. Even a highly maneuverable fighter jet can hardly escape.

Not to mention the current electronic warfare aircraft. There is no need for missiles to strike, and the result is 100% doomed at this moment.

In this world, there is no such bad luck. When the two pilots in the cockpit of an electronic warfare plane saw the incoming missile, they did not even have time to notify everyone in the cabin. Four missiles hit at the same time. This huge Boeing 707.

The entire Israeli Air Force has only four electronic warfare aircraft modified with Boeing 707, and now one of them. In an instant it became a big fireball burning and exploding in the air.

On the Falcon early warning aircraft 150 kilometers away, the Israeli air commander looked at the Boeing 707 disappearing from the radar signal, and reluctantly issued an order: "Retreat to a safe airspace and report the complete battle report."

This is the most helpless order, because if you don't leave now, even you are in danger.

Although there are still four Fighting Falcon fighters on the side of Fircon to support and protect them, in the face of the 20 menacing enemy planes, just forty of their own fighters were killed. Back options. Is the wisest choice.

Otherwise, no opponent is willing to let go of the opportunity to kill the enemy early warning aircraft.

This battle. The Israeli air force’s losses have been large enough, and if one more Falcon was lost, it would be worse.

As for his own destiny, the air combat commander on the Faircon AWACS is ready to go to the military court, and the responsibility always needs to be borne by someone.

Killing an electronic warfare aircraft was nothing to Chen Qian. His real target was the Faircon early warning aircraft, which was two hundred kilometers away.

It only needs to be close to the distance of 80 kilometers to the Falcon AWACS, and a few missiles can shoot down the Falcon AWACS.

For professional soldiers. There is no kindness on the battlefield that can cause more damage to the enemy. That can't be missed.

The recorded radar of the Black Hawk fighter can not see that far, and can only rely on the guidance of the rear AWACS.

Just when they shot down the Boeing 707. Also immediately received news that the Faircon AWACS was leaving.

"Captain, don't you just give up like this?"

The other pilots of the Raptor Wing that received the news were all unwilling to do so. Although the opponent’s forty fighters and one electronic warfare aircraft were killed in this battle.

But for every Red Police fighter division, the victory of this air battle is not much to be proud of.

Our fighter jets are all up-to-date, and both avionics and combat systems have great advantages.

In such an environment, four other fighters were damaged, which has made this air combat imperfect.

This is a pity for the Red Police Corps, which always regards excellence as its military motto.

To make up for this regret, more records are needed to fill it.

The Boeing 707 just now is the fat that is already on the lips, and it can be eaten easily, so it can't be called a new record.

If we can shoot down an Israeli Falcon early warning aircraft, it can completely make up for the regret just now.

The most important thing is that now is the best opportunity. There are only four f-16 Fighting Falcon fighters on the side of Fircon, and there are no Israeli fighters nearby.

And now the Black Hawk fighters they fly still have sufficient fuel and weapons, and they have a chance to catch up with each other, catching up with the Falcon early warning aircraft flying at only six to seven hundred kilometers per hour.

Chen Qian was naturally unwilling to let Fircon slip away. After all, such a good opportunity was really rare and precious.

"Wanglou No. 3, keep communication and report the situation in the nearby airspace at all times. I will continue to lead my team to chase Fircon until the opponent is shot down."

"Wanglou Three understands."

Chen Qian switched the communication to the wing channel and said decisively: "The speed of the target is 720 kilometers. The first squadron is responsible for dealing with the four **** fighters next to it. All the remaining fighters will directly attack at the fastest speed. Strive for the shortest time to return to Felcon."

After Chen Qian gave the order, he opened the throttle valve again. The Black Hawk fighter that had been flying at subsonic speeds spewed a hotter blue flame from the tail nozzle, and the fighter once again entered supersonic speed, and its speed was increased again and again. High speed of Mach 2.5.

The other Black Hawk fighter divisions also controlled the fighters to enter supersonic speed at the same time and accelerate to the highest speed. (To be continued.)

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