The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1081: Send Fercon to see God

Twenty Black Hawk fighters, like the arrows of Li Xuan, burst out with bursts of sonic booms, approaching the Fircon early warning aircraft 200 kilometers away.

The distance only needs to be narrowed to within eighty kilometers apart, which is also the goal of all Black Hawk fighters at this moment.

As long as it was within this distance, Falcon could not escape.

However, at this time, all the Black Hawk fighters also turned off their active radars and kept the radio silent.

Only the radars on the first two Black Hawk electronic warfare aircraft are still operating, while on the main displays of other Black Hawk fighters, through the battlefield data link between the fighters, the radar systems on the two Black Hawk electronic warfare aircrafts are being shared. To the screen.

This is also a feature of the Black Hawk fighter. Under this data link system, only one fighter's radar is needed to turn on, and the other fighters do not need to turn on the radar, and can use the shared radar information to launch an attack operation.

Such a data link system is a mature technology in advanced third-generation fighter jets, and a large number of countries currently master such technology.

Especially for stealth fighters, such a function is a real guarantee for improving survivability and combat effectiveness.

At present, all major military powers in the world are generally equipped with passive search phased array radars. Such radars do not emit radar signals to detect aircraft, but detect active radar signals to determine the position of enemy aircraft.

Even if it is a stealth fighter, in front of such a radar, as long as the active radar is turned on, it can be said to be almost invisible.

This detection method is also more accurate than the detection effect of active radar.

Therefore, under such detection methods, stealth fighters often turn on the active radar to lock the target at the moment of launching an attack, and then immediately turn off the radar while staying away from the attacking position.

And in the third-generation fighter. The function of this type of data link is not to improve survival and stealth capabilities, but to better coordinate combat between fighters.

Because in front of the radar. A fighter that is not stealthy does not need to hide its own radar signals in many cases.

now. The reason why the Raptor Wing turned off all the radars was that the radars of the two electronic warfare aircraft were turned on because unexpected guests began to arrive nearby.

Greek and Turkish fighter jets are approaching this airspace far away, and there is also an Italian electronic reconnaissance ship on the sea.

Of course, this may also be a coincidence. After all, this place is very close to the three countries, and the news of this war has begun to be heated up. It's not surprising that someone is curious to observe.

It is believed that aircraft from other countries are coming here. In order to protect the active radar signals of the Black Hawk fighter as much as possible, Chen Qian ordered other fighters not to turn on the radar casually.

Fortunately, the three countries that came to watch the battle were all very acquainted and didn't dare to approach this battlefield casually.

On the Faircon early warning aircraft, everyone was nervous at this moment. Behind the early warning aircraft flying in the direction of Israel, there were twenty obvious radar signals.

The speed of these signals is extremely fast, 2.5 Mach speed. Also appeared on the analysis data.

What worries everyone most is that when the opponent enters such a high-speed state, it is not a short flight, but always maintains such a speed.

There is no doubt about supersonic cruise. There are not many third-generation fighters in the world that can enter supersonic cruise flight.

And there is no third-generation fighter that can keep flying at more than twice the speed of sound for a certain period of time, even the American Raptor fighter. It is impossible to exceed the speed of Mach 2 in the maintained supersonic cruise state.

Fircon's flight speed. It has been raised to the highest level of 900 kilometers per hour, but compared to the opponent's speed of more than 3,000 kilometers per hour. It is not much different from a snail.

The four f-16 Fighting Falcon fighters next to Fircon can only be enemy planes that turn their noses towards high speed. Only a few minutes will be required for Fircon to enter the relatively safe airspace, because the front It is the fringe area of ​​Israel.

The Faircon AWACS has never encountered such a dangerous moment since it was in service to the present, in order to monitor the actions of future security companies as much as possible.

Felcome advanced to a place more than 400 kilometers away from Tartus. There were forty fighter jets in front and four fighter jets escorting him. It was originally an absolutely safe position, but it turned out that everything was too much. The Israelis expected it.

In such a chase, it only takes three minutes to be caught up, and Fircon has no means of self-help at all, and can escape the close attack of the fighter jet.

All hope was placed on the four F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters, but the four Fighting Falcons that should be directed at the enemy did not even have the opportunity to launch missiles. When the Black Hawk electronic warfare aircraft approached, the four Fighting Falcons also Encountered the situation encountered by the previous f-15 Eagle fighter.

It turned out that there were four more fireworks in the air. In the face of the menacing Black Hawk fighter jets, the Israeli fighter jets were unable to fight without the suppression of electronic warfare.

Seeing that the radar signals of the four **** fighters on the radar disappeared at the same time, almost all of the people on Fircon gave up the idea of ​​fluke.

The local rescue fighters are too far away from the battlefield to arrive in a minute or two.

In Fairconne, everyone's eyes turned to the air combat commander, and they were all waiting for their commander to see if they could issue an order to save everyone.

Facing the eyes of everyone's expectations, the air combat commander knew very well in his heart that he didn't even have the chance to go to the military court.

But he still did not give up, but decisively commanded: "Perform strong electromagnetic interference and adopt an evasive flight attitude."

The only two alternatives are to be a dead horse doctor.

But no one blames his own chief. Facing the aggressive combat aircraft, Felcon, who has no active defense capabilities, can really do only one thing, and that is to die.

One or two minutes is like two centuries for everyone in the Faircon early warning aircraft.

On the radar screen, the speed of the chasing enemy aircraft has dropped to 1.4 Mach. This is not surprising. It is just a normal version of the Black Hawk fighter that can fly at a high speed of Mach 2.5 for one minute. It may be the highest speed all the way.

But as long as it can still maintain a supersonic flight, it is not a problem to catch up with Faircon.

Chen Qian looked at Felcon, who had entered the v-2kk air-to-air missile where it could not escape, and issued an order without any pity: "Send Felcon to see God."

ps: On the gorgeous WeChat public account, the instructions and data for the heavy armor of the infantry were released today. There are still I prefer students with a sense of picture, I believe there is no reason to miss that one. HD pictures. (To be continued.)

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