The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1087: Aircraft assembly robot

What the United States wants to see, of course, may not actually appear, but it is not very important to the United States.

The opposition between Russia and the Future Technology Group is indeed a wonderful drama.

If it does not appear, there is no way, after all, the Future Technology Group has already demonstrated a strong air combat capability.

If Russia is really willing to come from afar to fight the future technology group in Syria for Bashar, that is definitely not good news for Russia.

Even the current United States is not willing to go to war with the future technology group in the Middle East in this place.

After all, Russian fighter jets need to come from homeland, and only a small number of fighter jets can be guaranteed in Syria.

Russia’s airport protection and support capabilities in Syria simply cannot satisfy Russian fighter jets coming here to fight against the fighter jets of the Future Technology Group.

After all, the current future security company is an air superiority with nearly a hundred advanced fighters.

As long as the Russian side considers the failure of the Israeli Air Force, it is best to think twice.

The United States also sees this very clearly, which is also a great regret for the United States.

All of this is Israel's fault. If Israel does not draw out the air power of the Future Technology Group, then Russia may really fully support the Syrian regime, and the target of the fiasco under the Future Technology Group will be Russia, not Israel.

But even if there is a little regret, as long as the final result remains unchanged, the United States is still willing to accept it.

The Bashar regime is destined to fall, and even the United States feels that if there is no support from Russia, perhaps Bashar will really choose to give up under strong internal and external pressure.

Since Ahmed stood up. The direction of support in Syria has all turned to Ahmed, and Bashar, who has no supporters inside or outside. It is impossible to resist the National Salvation Army.

Therefore, the United States thinks it is a little naive about the plan of the National Salvation Army. But I also think it can be tried.

These two things Anders have completed, the next topic is the Black Hawk fighter.

The United States has always been very concerned about the existence of the Black Hawk fighter. As early as the early stage of the cooperation between the United States and the Future Technology Group, it was known that a fourth-generation fighter jet being developed by the Future Technology Group was also known for a long time. Fighter code name.

But as for the advanced nature and other performance of this fighter, all was smeared. This time Anders came over. Just want to pay close attention to this fighter.

In this regard, Cai Ruichen is also very generous, and directly brought Anders to the Black Hawk fighter to inspect the assembly plant.

Of course, it is impossible for Cai Ruichen to tell the Americans all the detailed data of the Black Hawk fighter, just let the other party take a look at the assembly factory, which does not matter much.

What Cai Ruichen really wants to keep secret from the United States is the performance and data of the v-2kk air-to-air missile, because most of the combat capabilities of the Black Hawk fighter require the v-2kk air-to-air missile to cooperate.

So even if most of the data of the Black Hawk fighter is obtained by the outside world, it doesn't matter at all.

The data is dead, but the real is flexible. Fighters alone have no combat effectiveness. The combination of ammunition and pilots is the basis of war.

And even if Israel announced the flight speed of Mach V-2kk air-to-air missile. Cai Ruichen didn't care either.

The power of the v-2kk air-to-air missile is not only its speed, but also its super-maneuverable continuous final and lock-in capability outside triple guidance.

And these Israelis have no way of understanding. Even if the future Israeli fighter pilots will all be trained based on the characteristics of Mach Six, it is still another matter on the battlefield.

Taking Anders to visit the assembly plant of the Black Hawk fighter, this is also based on the current state of military alliance between the two sides.

Just like Cai Ruichen arrived in the United States. He has even boarded American aircraft carriers and visited a large number of American military enterprises.

So let the United States come to visit its own military factory. It is also a normal thing.

After all, there are too many things, not just to see and analyze by eyes. Can understand.

At this moment, in the industrial zone of the Future Aircraft Manufacturing Company, the No. 1 assembly plant of the Black Hawk fighter, four Black Hawk fighters are being assembled on the assembly platform.

Unlike the world where there is still a large number of manual assembly operations, in this assembly factory, most of the assembly work is done by industrial robots.

The fuselages of the four Black Hawk fighters that are actually being assembled are almost complete. You can see the green protective coating of fuselage materials on the aircraft.

These coatings seem to cover up the lines that assemble the fighter fuselage together, but in fact, the entire Black Hawk fighter fuselage is a complete whole, not assembled by modules at all.

The various circuits wrapped in the fuselage are assembled using some opening and closing devices, and just connect to the circuit interface inside. Even a person who does not understand aircraft can assemble the complete circuit only according to the instructions.

The cockpit equipment, from the numerical control system to the driver’s seat, is also a detachable whole. It is installed into the aircraft through the excuse reserved under the fuselage, and the line is connected to the back of the flight seat. The color of the line, connect to the socket, and then install the entire cockpit module, it's fine.

The entire process and steps are all very simple.

But in Anders' view everything is not like this. Although Cai Ruichen is generous, he is also well prepared.

A lot of things will not be seen by Anders, otherwise, if Anders know that the assembly of the Black Hawk fighter is so simple, it will inevitably attract more attention from the United States, which is enough to mean that the aviation industry is manufactured. A revolutionary breakthrough.

At present, Anders came over and saw four Black Hawk fighters that were about to be assembled, and the cockpits were all installed. At this time, radars were also being installed to debug the structural strength of the fuselage and the detection of lines.

Although Anders didn't know the twists and turns inside, he was fascinated by the four Black Hawk fighters that had been almost organized.

By his side, Cai Ruichen also talked about the specific performance of the Black Hawk fighter from time to time, which can be regarded as a little explanation for the United States.

Only when the visit was about to end, Anders suddenly made a request to visit the global strategic transport aircraft of the Future Technology Group.

Cai Ruichen thought for a while, and agreed. (To be continued.)

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