The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1088: Not to be favored transport aircraft

In the future, the assembly plant where the global transport aircraft is located will be behind the Black Hawk assembly plant. Because of the size of the global transport aircraft, the area of ​​the assembly plant is almost ten times the size of the Black Hawk assembly plant.

The global transport aircraft assembly plant is 500 meters long, 150 meters wide, and nearly ten stories high.

In the entire assembly plant, there are four huge gates, each of which is an assembly point.

There are six such assembly plants in this industrial zone. Two of them are dedicated to assembling global transport aircraft, and the rest are used to assemble other large aircraft.

When Cai Ruichen walked in with Anders, even the well-informed Anders appeared quite surprised.

Anders has also been to several assembly plants of Boeing, and has also seen the assembly plants of the Galaxy transport aircraft and the Globemaster, but no plant can reach this level.

The factory in front of me is like a huge industrial empire, with four global transport planes being assembled, receiving equipment assembly at the assembly point.

The four transport aircrafts that are being assembled have all been assembled on the outside of the fuselage and have also been painted with silver-gray exterior paint. The installation of the internal equipment is currently in progress.

The multiple automatic assembly robots on both sides of the assembly point are all at rest. The four super-high thrust engines at the junction of the wing and the fuselage are all installed, and it looks like the aircraft is powered on and the signal lights on the body are on. With.

Anders, who had seen the Milky Way transport plane, stood in front of the first global transport plane, and once again fully felt his insignificance.

"It's too big, just a little bit smaller than An-225."

Hearing Anders' emotion, Cai Ruichen said: "This transport aircraft has a wingspan of 76 meters and a fuselage length of 80 meters. The height of the fuselage is equivalent to six stories high.

This is a super transport aircraft launched by the Group for military transportation and general commercial transportation. It can transport two hundred tons of goods at one time and fly directly to the United States. There is no need for any fuel in the middle.

The main purpose of studying this transport aircraft at the beginning was to speed up the transportation efficiency of the group's goods to the world. Compared with sea transportation, the efficiency is not a little bit higher, and compared with the cabin size of the world’s largest transport aircraft An-225, our global transport aircraft is not small at all. We can also transport all the goods that the An-225 can transport, and it is in the range and cost. The amount of oil is much less than that of An-225. Reduce transportation costs and improve transportation efficiency.

At present, we have received more than two hundred large-scale transportation orders from around the world. These orders include the transportation of 60-meter-long wind turbine blades, small private planes or large container cargo..."

Hearing Cai Ruichen’s words, Anders shook his head and said: “The transport aircraft is good, and the data is also very good, but for such a large transport aircraft, there are not many airports around the world that can land smoothly. The strength and length and width of the runway . Will limit the use of this transport aircraft.

Moreover, there are only a small number of such huge transportation tasks at present, even if there are commercial uses. Not too much.

What's more, if it is used for military transportation, I think this transport plane is like our Galaxy transport plane, which is too wasteful. "

The reason why the Galaxy transport aircraft is not favored by the US military is because the Galaxy transport aircraft is not a qualified military transport aircraft.

The main feature is the inability to take off and land under complicated conditions. The requirements for the airport are too high.

In addition, the Galaxy transport aircraft does not yet have the ability to fly around the clock, once it encounters complex weather conditions. Cannot be used.

In addition, the transportation power is too wasteful, and fuel consumption is also terrifying. The price/performance ratio is too low.

Therefore, after the US military ordered eighty galaxy transport planes, it directly stopped continuing to order galaxy transport planes. At the same time, the production line of the Galaxy transport aircraft was immediately stopped.

The United States really favors the Globemaster, because while the Globemaster has the capability of a strategic transport aircraft, it also has the ability to take off and land tactically.

And it can carry out all-weather transportation and flight capabilities, and can also carry out air refueling, which can truly achieve global flight.

The Globemaster is still the pride of the US military and the guarantee for the US military's global deployment.

But what Anders didn't know was that this transport aircraft that he didn't optimistic about seemed to be very huge, but it also had the ability to take off and land tactically. It could take off at a distance of one kilometer under afterburner.

Super strategic transportation, with the ability to take off and land at a tactical airport, compared to the global grasp of the US military, the performance of the Red Alert global transport aircraft far exceeds that of the Globemaster.

However, Cai Ruichen did not explain too much. The United States is not his customer, and it is naturally impossible to order his aircraft. After all, the United States owns all kinds of advanced aircraft, and it is impossible for him.

Compared with transport aircraft, those airlines in the United States are most interested in future passenger aircraft.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen will naturally not explain too much, nor will he explain too much to the outside world. After all, all the current production capacity of the Red Police Corps is self-sufficient, and there is not much room for it to be sold.

This is also the reason why the Future Technology Group has never been serious about promoting its weapons and equipment. It is really unnecessary.

The Red Police Corps already owns two professional transport aircraft, one is an ordinary tactical transport aircraft, and the other is a large strategic transport aircraft. In terms of transport capacity, it is truly a collection of distance and weight As for From the American perspective, he is not in the mood to give the United States a meeting to explain the pros and cons of his weapons and equipment.

Regarding the global take-off and landing problem mentioned by Anders, in Cai Ruichen's view, it is even more of no problem.

As long as the world is a medium-sized airport with a 40-meter-wide runway with a length of more than 1,500 meters, global transport aircraft can land smoothly, and there are more than 3,000 such airports in the world.

Therefore, in Cai Ruichen's view, such a problem does not exist at all.

The global strategic transport aircraft is not a big guy like An-225, and it doesn't have so many problems.

However, even though he is not very optimistic about this transport aircraft, Anders is still very interested in looking around the transport aircraft that is undergoing internal assembly.

His priority was the rear door of the cabin. The automatic loading and unloading guides on the top and bottom of the cabin immediately made his eyes shine. Of course, the rear cabin door that was the same size as the cabin after opening made him very interested. (To be continued.)

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