The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1090: go back home

It rains during the Qingming Festival. The Siming District Cemetery in Ludao, the southern city of the hometown, is the Tomb-sweeping Festival. The parking lot outside the cemetery is full of vehicles.

The crowd in the cemetery was surging, and there was a dense flow of worshippers. The cemetery located in the lively urban area also ushered in the largest flow of people on the day of Qingming Festival.

Many small sights and streets nearby are full of vehicles wherever parking is possible.

At the gate of the cemetery, which is the exit of the cemetery, in order to ensure the smooth flow of people, there are anti-collision piers at the foot of the mountain to intercept vehicles.

At this moment, although it is still early, the people who come to the cemetery have almost reached the upper limit of the flow of people.

In the drizzle, the atmosphere in the cemetery was also quite solemn.

In a large crowd, noise is rare.

On Xianyue Road outside the cemetery, the traffic volume is slowly increasing. Today is a statutory holiday. Although there are no vehicles to go to work, most of them are vehicles returning home to worship their ancestors.

The more in the morning at this time, the more vehicles there are on the road, and the long queues have begun to line up under the traffic lights.

They all talk about the economy of a city, and you can tell if there is traffic jam.

Ludao is the economically best city in Fujian Province, and traffic jams are also the most common.

The spacious eight-lane highway can't stop a lot of traffic.

When there was a long queue on the highway, several welcoming motorcycles were squeezing through the dense traffic, and they just cleared a smooth route on the traffic-intensive highway.

Behind the Yingbin motorcycle is a fleet of luxury cars, all of which are futuristic supercars that are sweeping the world. Among them, there are many futuristic special cars protected by supercars front and rear, as the team slowly advances.

Under the drizzle, all the drivers next to him focused on the luxurious fleet in front of them. The pedestrians on the side of the road all stopped and discussed with the people next to them.

If it wasn't for the license plate on this team. All black license plates indicate that this is a foreign-owned vehicle. Otherwise, I don't know what the Chinese people will think.

And almost all of them took out their mobile phones at the same time, instead of taking pictures, almost all chose to record.

Welcome motorcycles to clear the way, plus all super luxury cars, there is no super fleet with a price of less than three million dollars, and it is rare in the world.

In the words of Chinese people, what a pretense of 13 ah!

Soon at the Ludao City Forum, the news hit the headlines immediately. At the same time, it spread quickly on the domestic Internet.

Because this team is too large, not only the value of each supercar, but also the size of the team.

Several supercars are together, this is not big news in China, but what if there are hundreds of them?

Even today, the economy is getting better and better. It is also the only one.

In addition, there are professional welcoming motorcycles to clear the way. Ludao, a developed economic city that has long been in line with international standards, is difficult to see once in several years.

The most important thing is that there are no VIPs from foreign companies in China. Have such treatment.

Because these welcoming motorcycles are not the Ludao city government, but the professional welcoming motorcycles from the national welcome agency of the capital, which are specially used to welcome other heads of state.

And such a welcome motorcycle actually appeared on Ludao. And it is not to welcome the heads of other countries, but to welcome the personnel of foreign companies. Many people who understand the truth are a little unbelievable.

On the Internet, there are even more discussions.

"This all-in-one future sports car and special car will not be a high-level executive of the Future Technology Group coming over!"

"I think it should be Lin Zhongxian who returned to China to visit relatives. He is the CEO of the Future Technology Group and is responsible for all the business operations of the Future Technology Group. I am afraid he has such a face."

"I heard that the personnel of the Future Technology Group travel. They are usually relatively low-key. A few years ago, Lin Zhongxian did not come here. There are a lot of news reports, but there is no new battle. I think it may be the world's husband returning to China. "

"Husband of the world, I haven't heard any news before, just guessing."

"Who is Cai Ruichen? If you come here, it's impossible that you haven't heard a sound before, it shouldn't be."

"Cai Ruichen must have returned to China. You can find it on the Internet. Before Cai Ruichen studied in the United States, he grew up in the orphanage on Ludao. This incident happened on Ludao again. It must be Cai Ruichen's return to China."

"The truth upstairs..."


There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and even the largest video site in my hometown carefully selected a video that was best shot and put it on the homepage.

There are various titles, one of which is "Suspected is Cai Ruichen's super luxury team returning to China, showing up in Ludao! "The video, in just a few minutes, has played more than a million.

The Future Technology Group owned by Cai Ruichen has made achievements in China and is praised by many people as the pride of Chinese.

Although Cai Ruichen is not the nationality of his hometown, he joined the nationality of Iraq, but for this reason, many people in the country admire him.

After all, in the most turbulent Iraq, the establishment of the world's number one super business empire in just over four years is enough to make countless Chinese people feel proud.

The most important thing is that in my hometown, the products of the Future Technology Group are the best-selling The former electronic products of Apple, Samsung and other brands have almost all become future technology products.

In all aspects, it has almost become a popular symbol. Even in the automotive field and a large number of scientific and technological products, almost all of them can be seen in the future of scientific and technological products.

And in every city in your hometown, you can find the branch of Future Technology Group, especially in those lively city squares, you can easily find the sales store of Future Technology Group.

Of course, Cai Ruichen's popularity has not yet reached the point where everyone is well-known. Most of them are young people and those Internet experts, who know him relatively well.

There are not many photos of Cai Ruichen in China, and even many people who know Cai Ruichen don't know what he looks like.

However, even so, there are really a lot of people who know Cai Ruichen in my hometown. Maybe they can’t recognize them when they encounter them on the street, but if they are online, almost 90% of people can tell. Cai Ruichen has a lot of deeds.

When the team appeared, there were all kinds of luxury cars from the Future Automobile Company. Everyone naturally thought of Cai Ruichen. (To be continued.)

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