The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1091: Remember the past and cherish the present

Cai Ruichen did not know his arrival, and on the Internet in his hometown, he attracted the interest and attention of all netizens.

But even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.

What only surprised him was that when he returned to his hometown this time, the big boss was so polite. After informing the Ministry of Commerce of his hometown, he was transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The big boss directly used the etiquette of receiving foreign heads of state to receive him.

Cai Ruichen, who originally wanted to keep a low profile, had no way to keep a low profile under the welcoming motorcycle of the state guest.

Cai Ruichen, who is familiar with the characteristics of the Chinese, also decisively brought out the most luxurious team, and in order to avoid another attack, he also brought a very strong protective force.

After knowing how much of his opponent in the future, Cai Ruichen was unwilling to put himself in danger again.

And the reason for this idea is also based on the other party's overtime transmission.

According to the original plan, the plan to return to China was completed two months ago, because of the attack on Jituyi Island, which has dragged on to this day.

Tomb-sweeping Festival, more than four years later, when I stepped off the special plane from Gaoqi International Airport, I felt all kinds of feelings.

Cai Ruichen is not immune to the cowardice of the hometown.

Especially when he came to the city and land where he grew up.

Regrettably, when I came back this time, it was all right and wrong.

The identity that the base arranged for him was indeed a blast, but the base did not tamper with his life too much.

Before the age of twelve, he was almost the same as his original experience. He also grew up in the orphanage on Ludao, and was also the loving dean.

It's just that the dean did not have the opportunity to see his growth. When the Future Technology Group was established in Iraq, the dean had already passed away.

Cai Ruichen didn't know at that time. When he knew, there was no way to come.

The only thing Cai Ruichen can do now is to come to the dean's grave. Remember it.

A huge convoy came to the cemetery, and the bumper leading to the cemetery was lowered. Pedestrians on the road, under the welcome motorcycle, all dodge to the other side.

The luxurious convoy walked along the mountain road to the gate of the cemetery, and then the luxury cars stopped.

All the cars stopped, and the doors on both sides of every future super sports car were opened at the same time, every second.

Then a more overall picture appeared. From each supercar, two tall women in black suits, black sunglasses and a ponytail walked off the supercar at the same time.

The uniform movement caused every pedestrian on the side of the road to exclaim.

After getting off the car, all the women in black suits all held up their black umbrellas at the same time, and walked neatly towards the special car in the middle of the convoy.

Each of these women is as if carved out of a mold, the same costume. The same hair, the same sunglasses, the same height. The same figure, with the same black leather gloves on his right hand, looks quite a bit of the Matrix.

Moreover, behind every woman in a black suit and dark sunglasses, they all carry a square rucksack with the straps on their shoulders, which looks quite weighty.

However, the difference in face shape can still be seen, and they still have obvious differences.

Of course, the whole team. Not all are women, in the team of supercars at the beginning of the special car. All those who came down were all men, half-inch heads. All of Wu's face also wears sunglasses, and everyone's height is uniformly 1.9 meters.

And each of them is sturdy, with broad shoulders. Behind the tie under the black suit, the clapping muscles propped up the white shirt, which seemed to be full of power.

Like the female bodyguards on and off the sports car behind, these male bodyguards all walked towards the special car in the middle of the convoy.

I didn't care about the pedestrians stopping nearby, taking out their mobile phones or even personal terminals to take pictures and videos.

Ninety-six women, Ninety-six men, these people are all members of the Guards of the Red Police Corps, and all of them are carefully selected.

And the ninety-six supercars they ride in are all specially modified. Cai Ruichen is not forced to come to his hometown. These supercars are constantly at top speed, and they have weapons and protection capabilities.

When the 192 guards protected all the four special cars in the middle and formed a passage leading to the citizen's gate, the drivers in the four special cars got out of the car and opened the door.

Ralph and Lianna got down from the last special car, held up the black umbrella, and opened the door. Cai Ruichen, who was also in a black suit, got out of the car first, followed by Hua Meixue in a simple black dress. There is a small white flower pinned on all of his chest.

After Hua Meixue came down, the general also jumped from the special car. The appearance of the general, who was as tall as a tiger, caused a lot of exclamations from the crowd.

Obviously, such a huge dog is really rare in reality.

Looking at the city surrounded by tall buildings, and then at the cemetery in front of him, Cai Ruichen took a look at it and walked toward the cemetery.

No one got off the other three special cars.

On this trip, Cai Ruichen came to worship the dean who raised him up. Tan Ya, Natasha and others in the car did not need to get down.

Arriving at the gate of the cemetery, there were two wreaths prepared by the guards, following Cai Ruichen, and walking into the cemetery.

As for the people taking pictures around, Cai Ruichen didn't care at all.

In the cemetery, everything was very quiet. Everyone who saw this scene in front of them all watched quietly.

Soon someone recognized Cai If it weren't for the resting place of the ancestors, the scene would have been out of control.

When he came to the tomb, Cai Ruichen looked at the photos on the tombstone and his thoughts emerged.

The life in the orphanage when he was a child is as vivid as yesterday, with two tears falling from the corner of his eyes.

After a long time, Cai Ruichen took a deep breath and turned to leave.

Remembering the past is just reminding yourself, don’t forget the past, and cherish all that is now.

Returning to the special car, Cai Ruichen looked back at the cemetery for the last time, then entered the car and left.

When the convoy left the cemetery, Ludao Orphanage suddenly received an anonymous donation, the amount of which was as high as nine figures.

At the same time, the image of Cai Ruichen's worship also appeared on the Internet in his hometown, and the previous team had all guessed differently.

The simple worship and two clear tears also became the first impression of the people of Cai Ruichen when he returned to China. (To be continued.)

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