The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1092: Cai Ruichen's Prank

The news of Cai Ruichen's return to China soon spread throughout the country.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen took off his suit, dressed in cool casual clothes, and walked around Ludao with Hua Meixue.

In this city, Cai Ruichen has lived here for more than ten years and has also witnessed many changes in the development of this city.

But in four years, the development speed of this city still made him feel what speed is called.

Of course, compared with Marin City, which has become a municipal administration, Ludao seems to have not changed anything.

Walking on the street lined with tall buildings, Cai Ruichen put on black sunglasses, because there are many pedestrians on the road because of vacation.

However, even without glasses, it is estimated that not many people can recognize him on the street.

On the contrary, it was Hua Meixue who was next to him, whose turnaround rate was almost bursting along the way, and all of his light had been covered by Hua Meixue.

The two of them wandered about on the bustling street like a young couple.

What the outsiders did not see was that there was sufficient protection to hide in the dark near the two, either tourists or slowly moving vehicles on the road.

In fact, Cai Ruichen just wants to take a good walk in the city where he once lived, and has no purpose.

Hua Meixue has never been to Lu Island, but he has also heard of the beauty of Lu Island, and with the rare presence of Cai Ruichen by her side, she is naturally very interested.

What delighted Hua Meixue the most was that Qianhe had never appeared since returning from Jituyi Island last time.

She also asked Cai Ruichen, and the answer was that Qianhe had a mission and was not by his side.

Hua Meixue didn't ask anything, it didn't really matter whether Qianhe existed or not, without Hua Meixue by Cai Ruichen's side. There are still many women.

For this, Hua Meixue also looked away, at least the people who often accompany Cai Ruichen now. It's me.

Returning to her hometown made Hua Meixue very excited. Because there is Cai Ruichen by her side, she is no longer unaccompanied in her hometown.

Although the two people have different fates, they are in exactly the same situation at the moment, and they have a feeling of sympathy.

Cai Ruichen, who is walking on the street, feels familiar and a little unfamiliar. Every time he sees a familiar place, it can arouse his memories.

It's just the increasing sense of strangeness that made him feel a taste called homesickness.

Walk across the human-shaped flyover. The familiar picture appeared again, on the flyover, some small stalls, and all the disabled begging.

Such pictures are almost the common memory of those who have lived on Ludao for a long time, because such pictures can be seen in almost every place on Ludao.

Pedestrian bridges, underground human-shaped passages, as long as there is a lot of people, you can see this picture.

And at the moment. In Cai Ruichen's mind, a memory of the past also emerged.

When he worked in Ludao, he received a few wages every time. Will help all these disabled people.

This is the orphanage, the old dean brought them through their education since childhood. The orphanage has always been maintained by external donations. Therefore, the old dean hopes that every child who comes out of the orphanage will be able to benefit the society. Love.

At that time, Cai Ruichen was the same. When he received his salary, he provided some help to the beggars on the way home.

But there was one night out. I accidentally saw a disabled person who was often helped by him, while there was no one around. Actually walked away from the overpass that had been begging, and under the overpass. There is also a large commercial vehicle dedicated to pick up and drop off.

This picture has always been remembered by Cai Ruichen. Later, Cai Ruichen also discovered that some people begging, every time they lunch, there will be a woman who brings fast food on time.

And the fast food they ate was better than the three meals a day he ate at work.

Now, walking to the overpass that used to pass every day, Cai Ruichen still saw the so-called disabled person who was still in the wind and rain, kneeling sickly on some torn clothes, on the small basin in front of him. There are already a lot of change, and there is even a slightly yellowed fifty yuan.

Familiar memories came to mind, Cai Ruichen did not expect that he would still be able to meet this person.

For more than four years, nothing seems to have changed.

Hua Meixue, who was beside him, saw Cai Ruichen stop and looked at the disabled person who was begging not far away. She took out a red grandpa Mao from her bag. He was about to step forward, but was immediately caught by Cai Ruichen. Stopped.

"What's the matter?" Hua Meixue asked strangely.

She is very obvious, and Cai Ruichen has always been a very caring person in her impression, but she does not understand why Cai Ruichen is stopping her.

Cai Ruichen smiled slightly and did not say anything. Instead, he bent down and picked up a very realistic centipede pendant at the stall next to him. Then the aunt who set up the stall asked, "Sister, how much is this? money?"

"One yuan," said the auntie with calluses on her hands warmly.

Cai Ruichen nodded, took out his wallet, tore off the lines and hanging loops of the centipede toy, stuffed it into the wallet, then took out a one-hundred-yuan piece and put it in the hands of the boss, saying, "No need to find it."

The boss was a little surprised, and even thought that he had misheard it. It was the first time he encountered such a thing in his life when he bought something for one yuan.

Just when he instinctively wanted to find change, he saw Cai Ruichen put down the red hair grandfather and left.

It is not easy to set up a stall every day. Seeing the calluses on the hand of the aunt stalling, he knew that it was a difficult person. If it weren't for inappropriateness, he planned to give a few more to Grandpa Mao.

Anyway, the money was exchanged, and he didn't want to change it into U.S. dollars or new dinars to take it back. His current mentality is to do whatever he wants.

After buying the centipede, Cai Ruichen walked directly towards the disabled person and glanced at the disabled person in front of him. Cai Ruichen's mouth curled up and took out his wallet decisively.

The handicapped person in front of him saw the stack of red banknotes in Cai Ruichen's wallet, his eyes were hot, but he immediately lowered his head.

However, just when Cai Ruichen made the move to pay for the money, the centipede that had just been bought in the wallet fell out and accidentally fell onto the money bowl.

The guy who was expecting to fall off Grandpa Red suddenly saw the falling centipede. Because it was too lifelike, he didn't see the true and false for a while. He was instinctively startled. The whole person jumped directly from the kneeling position pretending to be amputated. A pair of intact thighs appeared in the eyes of everyone on the flyover. (To be continued.)

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